Top 100 posts matching anything by anybody:

[Three letters are left in the Crone, for Agrael, Dacus, Welfyr. The other two, to Karley and D'jiro, are left in the Last Stand. Each one is folded with care, strangely, and on the visible fold of the letters are each of the reciever's names in a different font]Need all of yor help with an urjent matter. Dont tell anywon. No Spellgard or Spellgard allys. Find me and meet up-it doesn't matter where. Drax

Fellow adventurerDo you know the location where ore can be found? Do you wish to venture out into the Underdark looking for such? Do you know of anyone who might know where to find it?If you can say yes to any of these three, please contact me by letter left with a clerk in the town hall, or find me around. If you wish to aid in the investigation, feel free to contact me as well.Payment is a possibility.Andrik Krown

Councilor Krown,If you've need of assistance in a task that would benefit Sanctuary the Spellguard would be glad to assist. We've many skilled men and women in our employ. You will find no group as reliable, competant or as discreet when it comes to protecting Sanctuary.Helm's vigilance, Agent Sennik

I, Frum Janglefielf, am buying fish in any condition for 10 gold pieces. If you are wanting to know what they are used for, ask the loons in lower...they might have a few scales sticken to them.*A foot print is seen*

I suggest a mechanism to make the metal shortage more interesting. If (and this would obviously be an IC action) a communal furnace was set up, could it be arranged that ore collected on quests, found out in the dark etc., could be dropped into it, and the results tallied every week? Even better would be if all basic metal items (weapons and armour) could be dropped in as well, for a smaller value. There are a few quests already that hand out lumps of raw materials, it would be nice if there were a coded reason to lug them back. Once upon a time in an evil jelly cult far far away, Sherry set up a similar idea for *spoilers*, and it worked well. There could be fun minimal DM supervised quests where people slowly lug chunks of metal or metal ore across the server, beset by villains on all sides. Sort of like "Wheels of Fear", but without trucks. Or nitro-glycerine. Or high drama and good cinematography.

Feel free to contact me if you've bought any of her items and want to do stuff with it.

Hi B!I found Billy Nottingham, but it didn't turn out to be much. He's one of the Lower Loons. He's never heard of you.He suggested if we went to look for him in their turf, we would've been robbed and beat up good. Maybe they'd make you a slave again.My nose has been itching since I met you, but I can't sneeze. Do you have that feeling? Also, I think some people are after my candy insides.Anyway, I guess I'll see you around.Write back! ~Tika

Vote Aledrec, for a brave new tomorrow!Citizens of Sanctuary. I offer myself to you as a candidate for Sanctuary Council. Some of you may have heard my name. I have worked tirelessly since my arrival to improve the quality of life in our fair city. I am, perhaps, best known for having tackled physical threats to the city head on and eliminating them. But I have also strived to build cooperation and harmony between the boroughs of Sanctuary, without compromising our strong tradition of security and safety. I also contributed a significant sum to the construction our new chapel to the Red Knight in the Arena. In short I have played my part in building Sanctuary into the unique entity it has become. But how much more I could offer, if you, the voter, were to give me a chance in office! Many candidates hype up the perilous position our city is in. They moan about the metal shortage and rant about the increasing factionalism. They want you to believe our proud town is on the verge of disaster. They want to fill you with fear, to allow them to introduce dangerously radical policies. Think carefully, and you will realise that Sanctuary has repelled invaders, endured plagues and calmed strife of all kinds. Remember that despite the odds – WE ARE STILL FREE! We do not need an extreme departure from the policies of the past! If elected, I will bolster the same institutions that have stood the test of time in Sanctuary. However, with support, the organisations we trust in daily could grow and expand to take on new tasks and duties. For example the Watch could expand in size and armament until it was capable of limited external incursions, as well as city defence. While we do need to set a clear framework for cooperation between the different areas within Greater Sanctuary, it is outside our walls that we need to look for a better tomorrow. Currently our fine craftsman’s wares pile up in warehouses, and our merchants are scared to leave the city. Commerce is the lifeblood of a city and we need to get ours flowing again. I cannot promise this will happen overnight, but I will bend over backwards to restore our economy to peak form. Once the settlement called Blue Mushroom acted as a focus for our trade, the svifneblin there were able to sell our goods to all the communities in the lake. Ideally we would clear the canal, and run our own ships, but at the very least we should buy, rent or occupy the Blue Mushroom to return it to its role as a trading centre. I would also work to gain allies out in the dark. Not only to rejuvenate flagging trade, but also to fortify our defences. In short, a vote for Aledrec is a vote for stability and a vote for prosperity! I will keep our city strong, while restoring it to fiscal good health!

Apologies in advance, I have found myself outside your fair city more then in. Have you made any progress in finding our missing artifacts? I believe I may have the location of one, though I do not think it will be a cheap endeavor to achieve it.Best Regards,-FinP.S. - Have you seen all the ravings against the machine? I came across one, quite funny in it's story, in lower just today. I doubt anyone takes the drivel seriously. Hope this finds you well.

I say this as an user and victim of the spell, I have been in both roles. The way Hold Person works in Efu [And the NWN engine] makes it a level 3 instant death spell when the caster has a way to deal damage to the victim. I propose you make it work like in P&P."The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech. Each round on its turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. (This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)"Can you make a script that allows the victims to make a save against the spell each round? It would help balance; far too often have I seen great warriors die with ease. It's overpowered the way it works right now. Failing the save spells death when the attackers aren't alone, a level 3 instant death spell!

This spell is also working in a horrible, horrible way. It is so extremely overpowered that it isn't funny. I have seen a level 9 PC werewolf get killed by one use of colour spray.This shouldn't be happening.The D20 descriptions reads 5 HD or more creatures: "The creature is stunned for 1 round.". Can it be implemented to work like this? The way it is now it's just a really overpowered uber-killer spell. I have no idea how that werewolf must have felt to be killed by a freaking level 1 spell. The effect in the NWN engine is simply a result of Biowhore's attempt to make the hack & slash NWN to be accessible to "casual gamers". If it can be changed without a hack to work as it should that would be neat!

VOTE FOR SIR GIMMINS GIMMININY IN MIRTUL!This Council is abysmal! As the Chief Engineer of the Office of Engineering, I have humbly done my work without any complaint. With the advent of the metal shortage, I have submitted my modest complaint to the Councilors.How has the Council responded to my inquiries? They have ignored them and have blocked future correspondence with me!Is this the type of Council we want? This is not the type of Council Sir Gimmininy will tolerate! I am a man of action. I have brought the adventuring community a furnace, so even the average citizen can make his modest donation to our cause. It's one small step in the right direction.Do you want action? Are you intolerant of stupidity?Vote Gimmininy!

Candra,I hope that this letter finds you in good health, or has found you at all. I say this because I have not heard anything whatsoever from you since I so graciously released you, which irks me quite a deal. While I do not doubt your gratitude, I do find it rather peculiar that you have altogether disappeared on me.I would request that you contact me as soon as possible, and if you do not I shall be quite agitated at having to spend even more of myself and my time and energies on finding you to ensure you are safe. If your intentions have not been foul, or have been detained for some reason, I apologize for my bluntness and severity, but as I said, I fully intend to keep you from joining the street rabble that our fair city unfortunately spawns.Remember to eat well. I wish to see you in better shape than when we last departed.Taor el Ghasael

LorkI'm want the cloak. I'll pay what you ask, maybe throw in some extra for a quick deal. You'll find me around east side.Mad Mogae

A scrawled letter is left on one of the tables in the Crone. In barely legible writing:Dugbone,Heard you buy things, got much goldies. Got some stuff to sell you.Deebek.

I'll be going away for a few days starting tomorrow morning.<3

Chapter I- Eyes of a Killer His eyes darted about nervously, the hurried footsteps occasionally stumbling upon the trash that lined the particularly foul alley of Neverwinter. Vagrants… drunks… all sorts of low lives lined the streets. Though, perhaps not all were. Beneath each pile of stinking rags, could lay a killer, waiting to put a dagger in his back. His own clothes of fine silk concealed under the heavy woolen robe. The fabric making his body itch, ever tempting to reach out to scratch. Though he hurried along, he couldn’t be late… But the eyes of the killer were not in fact amongst the rejects of society. Rather, the gold iris’ traced the robed figure through the streets from above. Pale moonlight streamed in through the beams and rafters of the abandoned building. He watched his prey with a relentless gaze. As he disappeared behind a smoky corner, his footsteps traced silently across the rafters, quietly leaping between them above the rags and ruin below him. Carefully balancing himself as he saw his prey shuffling along another side street, sticking out like a sore thumb, despite his attempts. The gold eyes narrowed slightly as the robed figure slowly came to a stop in a lit corner, a measly flame flicking atop a wooden torch… His footsteps slowly came to a stop, his gold eyes slowly surveying about. This was the place. Very few places were beyond their eyes and ears. A place such as this wouldn’t be suspected for an important meeting between the good men of Neverwinter. They needed all the help they could get. Their resources were rather large, their forces formidable, though elusive. Perhaps this would be the beginning, to drive them out… He peered out from under the brown hood, slowly turning to regard the three directions that converged on his point, the vagrants still minding their own business… so far… He frowned lightly… it was too bright, too empty where he was, unable to get close without being noticed amongst the motionless men that sat about. He tapped his chin a moment against the light stubble, considering his options. His hand slowly snaked around to his pack. He slowly took a chunk of dried, salted meat out, some of the best of Neverwinter. Pausing a moment, he tossed it down amongst a group of vagrants. At once, several glanced up, and leapt at it. An argument broke out as three men grasped the precious food in their hands. Gold eyes traced the arguing man closest to his prey… His fingers traced along his belt, sliding a dart out, he took careful aim, and flung it at the man, not enough to kill, though enough to wound. The man yelped, and snarled at the other men, believing another made a stab for the food that was rightfully his. The vagrant leapt upon another behind him. It didn’t take long… Startled he turned, several of the vagrants he had passed arguing. Till one gave a yelp, and snarled with an attack at another, his hands seeking his neck. Soon, the others became caught up… He stepped a bit back as more jumped in, a small riot breaking out in the middle of the alley. One which he didn’t wish to get involved in… Then again, he couldn’t leave till his companion arrived. Huddling against his robe, the fight swelled around him as he was bumped around the group of vagrants engaging in likely drunken fistfights. He surveyed the situation quickly, finding it now much more to his liking. The jostling mass of men creating greater cover then any cloak of night, it was time… He crouched, jumping down and landing softly on the ground. He slowly approached his prey. Who now looked confused and scared, his eyes darting about. The killers stride was slow and purposeful. He waited a moment before they prey’s back was turned, then struck out like a cobra. The dagger emerged from his belt, the grip resting in reverse position in his right hand. With a dash through the crowd, he plunged it into the space where the spine met the skull, effectively cutting off the rest of the body from the brain. There was no scream, no fanfare. The man simply fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Such was the advantage over slitting ones throat, little blood as well. The killer bent down, the riot still raging about him. He pushed the mans robe aside, and slowly, roughly etched a hand, flat, and encircled… the symbol of Bane. His eyes slowly traced up the body, and blinked, taken aback at the gold eyes that stared back blankly at him… The slightly elongated ears… Another half elf. The sight shook him, before he shook his head free of the shock and then slid back, disappearing into the crowd as quietly as he had come… As he strode through the now empty streets, he stripped the dark clothing from his body. Dropping them in various places as he pulled the commoner shirt back over his body, ducking into a shadow to change back into normal. And like that, he was once again a normal citizen of Neverwinter, just on his way home from a hard days work. Tipping his hat to his neighbour, he strode into his house. The pale moonlight filtered in through the few windows as his even his light footsteps could not avoid making a light creaking as he made his way up the stairs. Pausing a moment, his hand pushed at rough wood to slowly crack a door open. The soft breath of his daughter was heard. Her soft brown hair visible as she slept. He smiled lightly, and shut the door again. A man, so much different then a few hours ago, crept into his own room, and silently slide into bed, brushing his wife’s hair lightly, before he slept, though not peacefully… The soft gold eyes still staring back to him in his sleep…//More to come, when I get around to writing it ;)\\

Ok, this is a big problem for me because I live some ware that all we can get is "Brodcasted Internet" Aka: big satilite on roof that breaks often. And I often lose connection for a few hours. So, mid quest, i just disappear: "*Poof* 'Holy Cave-Rocks Batman, Sywyn was just sucked into the void!" How can i rp this when i often am the party lead and am off for a few hours before it goes back up? I need help here, as people are starting to try to RP this for me. (And not too well either, "Heard you were dementionally unstable") Thanks for any help. -Hammerfist0

Fellow Citizens,It seems that my initial campaign statement has hit a raw nerve with a certain individual propertedly calling themselves Smythe, if that is indeed their real name and not some cowardly nom-de-plume which they are hiding behind. This means I’m doing something right and have got those forces that want to keep us down, very worried that a dwarf with integrity, vision and guts has got the right stuff. This brain dead cretin with the intelligence & wit of a fence post is under the mistaken belief that my forward thinking & rationalist policies will harm the city. Yet do please note that no-where in their hapless joke of a flyer do they actually offer any solutions to the problems we face but instead choose to attack someone who cares for the future of this city and wants to see the children thrive and prosper.I’m completely & totally surprised, even stunned, that this person has actually managed to tear themselves away from their favourite pastime of sexually interfering with the pigs at the farm to put together this laughable and pathetic flyer that feebly tries denegrate my character & campaign. I’d say it has about as much impact on you, the good & wise citizens of Sanctuary as would a soft turd in a wet paper bag that has been dropped into a flyblown cesspit, barely none at all! After all, the citizens of this city are smart folks, quick with their wits and able to spot a snake-oil charlatan that Muckracker Smythe really is.This is typical behavior of someone who regularly violates helpless animals and sniffs used underpants for their own dubious & sordid pleasures. In all honesty, this character has got the credibility of a vegetarian shark. I know that they would love to have my nuts gold plated & mounted on their mantlepiece but the farkwits’ got the killer instinct of a castrated canary. Their idea of a debate is trying to chat up diseased half-orcs for sex in a seedy public toilet. On a positive note & in response to the current shortages we face in Sanctuary, I have a new policy and that is recycling. I urge you comrades to collect up as many of Muckracker Smythes flyers as you can and put them to good use. I recommend that they be used as Arse-wiping paper because that would be probably the best use for such flyers. That and cleaning up vomit and possibilly starting small fires.Citizens, I shall have more positive policies for you to consider in the next few days. Have faith and hope my fellow citizens that together we can build a better future for us all.Candidate Porki Thule Founder & Clan Elder Of the Stouthearts Warchief & Priest of Moradin Warden of the Stairs of Barak-Tor Slayer of Chosen & Friend to the kiddies of SanctuaryThis message has been bought to you by the Campaign to elect Porki Thule

When our foreign enemies attack, who can we count on to defend us? Above all, you can count on Porki Thule to stand at the fore and keep you safe from harm! After all, what Mind Flayer has the strength of ego to withstand the wicked barbs of Porki's cruel rebuttals? Demands for slavery and tribute will be met with curses, underpants, and accusations of time spent in carnal knowledge of rothes.Vote for Porki Thule! His parents probably died and he's just working off the last of his childish child-like spirit.

Time and again, Sir Gimmins has been there for Sanctuary! Even those of us who were not aware that he was there were certainly in his presence at one point or another. If not his presence, then we may possibly have been in the same general region as him.You can trust Sir Gimmins! Who else could have done that thing, or that other thing? What about that time with the guy? Yeah, Sir Gimmins was certainly involved in that particular event!Vote Gimmieninny!If you're not a total ponce, you'll vote for K.

Sir Gimms Gimmininy,If the Council will not listen to your suggestions and insights perhaps it's time to move to a settlement where your talents and ingenuity would be appreciated. We want men of action, intelligence, and principle like yourself to aid with the Machine effort. I, on behalf of the Magocracy of the Spellguard, would certainly like to speak with you more on these and other matters. Find me about Sanctuary if you're interested.Agent Sennik

In attempting to pen this announcement of my candidacy, I was torn between the necessity of theatrics and the sincerity of my simple, honest campaign. So sorry; in essence, I either fill your mouth with rotheshit, or you won't pay attention.Gods slay the Spider Queen!Free Booze and Elf Girls!Get your bloody justice here!With that tiresome showboating aside, let us get down to the brass tacks. If you vote for me, I will make governmental reform a big issue. I will make sure that it's not just me who listens to you, but all my comrades on the Council. I will make every effort to make this whole city run more smoothly, so when emergency strikes, we will be ready to strike back. Bureaucracy as a tool, not an obstacle.I'm not going to put my issues and my personal goals out here and try to make them yours. There are more than enough troubles for everybody to have a share. What I will promise you is that if you are not satisfied with the way things are, then I will hear you out. I will do everything in my power to erase that invisible barrier, that uncrossable distance between the high and mighty Council and the honest citizen.I do not intend to make promises that I will not keep in full. That is not my idea of sincerity. The only promise I make is that I will be here to hear you, and to act on your word. Improvement of the state of things is near, and a healthier city awaits us.Vote K'talka Gautieri for Council.

Fellow citizens,We of clan Stoutheart have hit upon a stop gap meassure to help with the metal crisis that currently plagues this city.We urge all of you to gather together any old weapons and armour, pots & pans and other metal impliments and place them in a barrel that will be set up in a few days time. Every scrap will be of use no matter how small, it will all add up.I will be lobying the council to provide a repository for all items donated to the city’s need.These will be quickly melted down and reforged into new items that we all desparetely need for our continued survival & independance. We need positive and immediate action this is something we can all achieve together.Don’t delay, act now citizens.The future is in your hands!This message has been bought to you by the Campaign to elect Porki Thule

Fellow citizens,In order to strengthen our city against traitors & fith columinsts, I propose enacting the following law if elected to council and even if not elected, will lobby the council on your behalf.No helms, no arms law. A law requiring that at a watchmens request helms or weapons MUST be taken off/sheathed, when outside in Upper. The punishment to be a turn in the stock. We don't want greys or drow or other such dirtbags wandering around helmed up trying to sneak in and undermine our city. I see a lot of shady characters doing this. Also the traders and merchants don't like it. This would give the watch the authority it requires and a legal basis on which to act in order to serve and protect you, the citizens of this great city.This message has been bought to you by the Campaign to elect Porki Thule

The dwarf named LorkStop ye slandering of the Lower Loons, or your head is gonna get smashed in.If ye dwarf enough came by the Turf and say your shit if not keep ye mouth shut.- Billy the Kid

Posted prominently outside of Town Hall, the Watch House, and the Bazaar:Council Candidate Registration! Candidate registration for the Mirtul 152 Council elections are open until the Thirtieth of Tarsakh. Any citizen who wishes to register may do so with Herald Jafar; please note that there is a 1,000 gold coin registration fee.

My fellow citizens,Once again my character has been called into disrepute but that does not bother me for I am made of stronger mettle.In fact I am heartened that this person feels so threatened and fearful of me and my honest, plain & blunt speaking. This gives me a warm glow deep down inside friends, a healthy sense of satisfaction that I am doing the right thing for you all.We have a choice before us friends and that is to ignore the feeble rantings of a deranged imbecile who has nothing to offer the people of this city snd also that we band together to fight for a better tomorrow for all. I want a prosperous future, a safe future for us & the children of this city. I believe that we must act in unison, strive to cross the obsticles of adveristy that the doomsayers and knockers of genuine talent would place in our path.We have to reject the dogmas of fear and division that the people who would try to buy your support with cheap trinkets like free beer. A single free beer can be drunk in an instant but consider if we harness the potential and create a lake of beer for all to swig from? We can rebuild the brewry from which the ale can flow like sweet rain to allAnd do we not feel cheapened & degraded by the tackey and slutty promises of Elven girls to be used for our base pleasures? Does that not denegrate the Elven people? Does that mean that this K creature encourages sexual slavery and forced prostitution? Did we not, as a people, flee such evil practises to live in freedom and safety and without fear? Yet here is a candidate extolling these virtues of vice and brutal sexual slavery to meet her own ends and that is power over you all. She is making it a central plank of their campaign. Do we want this a community?NO I SAY!We should reject with vehemence this foul & disgusting proposition of sexual servitude of poor helpless elven girlies and send it packing back to the foul regions whence it slithered in from.Stand with me citizens and reject this rubbish.Be not dazzelled by the smoke and mirrors and shiney trinkets of the charlatans who would enslave you with gilded chains.This message has been bought to you by the Campaign to elect Porki Thule

The package drips wetly, when opened it reveals several maggot infested fish stuffed with rotten fruit, with a slimy note saying, "This is what ya deserve." Whoever this person is, it likely means you are not worthy of the council, and you are worthy of watching maggots eat fish and rotten fruit.

--is noted)) The package is a large bouquet of rocks the size of a fist, and a note saying, "This is how large, and the material of your brain is made from." Obviously someone was very amused with this one particular antic

Stouthearts,I'm aware Kasin ain't around for a while, but that doesn't stop me needing to speak with one of you folks. Make sure someone is there to answer the door when I come knocking next dark.Cheers,Private Hammersmith, Sanctuary Watch

Greetings and salutations good gnome kin, I have interest in your establishment being a gnome myself. I would ask that i may purchase this building with the intent to offer trade more freely with the city and a place to sell my wares. I would also like to speak with you about a possible buisness venture allowing your associates to continue running the inn and all current help stay. I offer the sum of 20,000 coins for the building and sorrounding area that is described on the deed. I hope that something can be arranged. I have full intent to keep the place a symbol of our great heritage and offering shelter to all those of our kin. Please leave a letter here when feasible and i will stop by to pick it up. Sincerely, Pepto Fizzwiggle

These small, brightly coloured fliers are placed up prominently around the interior of the Town Hall, above the mess of other campaign fliers which are beginning to litter the floor in a sea of paper that the careless citizen could drown in. They each contain but a single line;Candidate Elaueth Supports the Seekers, and actively works to Free SlavesCandidate Elaueth Always Makes Herself Available to talk if a citizen requests, and spends a portion of Every Day outside the Town Hall to Listen To Concerns.Candidate Elaueth Wishes Lower to remain Independant from Upper, as it does not want to rejoin us. Candidate Elaueth Supports Merchantile Efforts Whenever Possible.Candidate Elaueth Does Not Support Funding of the Spellguard, as they ARE NOT CURRENTLY PART OF SANCTUARY, AND SO WILL RECIEVE NO GOVERNMENT FUNDING. Candidate Elaueth instead supports funding of City Organizations.Candidate Elaueth Does Not Slander her fellow candidates, but rather is in favour of more citizens running for election.Candidate Elaueth has never refrained from putting her views across in any topic that surfaces in Council Discussion, and has promoted proactivity as much as she can.Candidate Elaueth Supports the implementation of an Education System.CANDIDATE ELAUETH DOES NOT TRY TO SCARE YOU IN ORDER TO GAIN VOTES.

... are very much not readily available at all to Lower residents. There's not even a Literate Beggar in the Beacon you can mug for blank scrolls (by the way, a Literate Beggar to scribe notes would be awesome). At the very least, give Thomas a few spare blank scrolls to sell out of.

I need a link with an informative, and accurate discreption of the halflings gods and clergy, I just wanna make sure Frum's antics are up to with his duties.

Mr. Smithe,I would hereby like to invite you to take seat at the judges' table at the large pre-electoral debate I am organizing to take place in the next few days.As a judge, your function will be to sit with me and a third judge to provide commentary on the quality of arguments and general image of the debaters to the public.Please let me know as soon as possible whether you wish to attend.Thank you,Grado Verkman Last Stand

Councillor Krown, I would hereby like to invite you to take seat at the judges' table at the large pre-electoral debate I am organizing to take place in the next few days. As a judge, your function will be to sit with me and a third judge to provide commentary on the quality of arguments and general image of the debaters to the public. Please let me know as soon as possible whether you wish to attend. Thank you, Grado Verkman Last Stand

Would it in any way be plausible to set up a process that intercepts any mail sent to a certain character? This regarding to mail being sent via the 'letters and notes' forum.

Today someone used the word 'adieu' IG, which is a French word (the person actually typed 'adu' and came with some story about it being used all throughout the Baldur's Gate game, confirming several times that the spelling is 'adu', which I have never heard and is not an actual word in the English language - at any rate, if this turns out to be true, I am wrong and this topic can be disregarded). Basically, I find this to be immersion-breaking. The French language does not appear in FR, and on top of that 'adieu' literally means 'see you at god' which is a figure of speech that is entirely inappropriate in regards to the FR religion system.I'd like to know what the official DM stance is on using words from other languages than English in your speech when the character is speaking Common, this of course only in reference to words that are -actually- foreign and are not in common use (like, for instance, madame or its abbreviated form ma'am, which is also originally French).

//a letter written in a neat, legible hand. The parchment is sealed with the wax insignia of a rising sun//Dear Watchmen,I hope that this letter finds you well. My name is Cort Jorino. I am a Watch reservist and Keeper of the Beacon charity house in the Lower district. The shortage of metal in the city has reached my ears and I would like to offer the Watch 100.5 pounds of steel that the Beacon recovered some months ago. In exchange, I would ask the price of 5000 gold. I believe this is a fair market price and would go a long way toward supporting our house of peace.Thank you for your time and consideration,Cort Jorino Beacon Keeper

*a small book she carries always on her side, filled with little reminders for herself*1. Met a hin-girl, named Tika. She seems to be afraid of wizards. She said they would open her head and eat her candy inside. I really would like to know what has frightened her so much.2. Zander, Thomas shop.3. There was a massacre of beggars in lower this dark. A man told me they attacked theirself. If I could find out who that caused...4. Saw a speaking head today. I had no chance to ask the man, who got it, about it, because there were too much people around. But I will try to ask him in a good moment. I just need to remember how he looked. *a discription of Snakebite Smith follows*5. Some of the councilors seem to be weak. I watched them for a while this dark and all they seem to do is talking and trying to find people who do their work.6. I heared this bane priest, who cursed Welfyr, payed some goblins to kill one of the loons. If his patron would like that one of his priests is so weak that he needs help from goblins?

Sir Otto,I write to you to report a rise in chosen activity on the platform outside Barak-Tor.Over the last 2 days, I've personaly dispatched 14 of the buggers however their numbers seem to replenish almost immediately.We must plan ahead and prepare carefully for the assault on their nest.Clan Elder Porki Thule Warden of the Stairs

Fellow citizens,as you are no doubt aware that our city has fractured into various factions. The followers of the Triad and the Spellguard have made it clear that they no longer wish to be a part of our city.I have a proposal to put forward to them in ALL our best interests: A Federal agreement of Sanctuary An agreement is to be sought & negotiated with the Magocracy and New Dunwarren, that whilst we acknowledge their independence, we and they will call on one another if any are attacked by outside forces then the others will come to their aid. It is pointless to drag these factions back kicking and screaming, instead we must recognise their wishes to remain independant and ask that they stand with us as allies and equals in times of crisis.As a wise person once said, we must all stand together in order to survive for surely we will be slaughtered like lambs if we act seperately. And that is our most deepest wish, to continue to live in freedom and to prosper for our children.I ask that you support me in this endevour and that together we can build a better tomorrow for our great city.Candidate Porki Thule Standing for a better tomorrow for Sanctuary

Fellow Citizens,as Warden of the Stairs of Barak-Tor it is my duty to warn you all of the rise in Chosen activity on the platform.Be very careful if you have to venture below to visit Barak-Tor as the chosen have become even more dangerous and aggressive.We are culling their numbers as fast as we can and hope to mount a final strike to destroy this threat to the peace and safety of our great city.Thank youCandidate Porki Thule Warden of the Stairs

My Fellow citizens,I bring you this poster as an example of the calibre & character of the candidate Martel Smyth. It is a sad endictment and is revealing in many ways. Porki Thule can do nothing but insult someone who speaks out against him. Imagine what he'll do to those who seriously disagree with his policies should he be elected.Well, in reply to this statement, if you can't take what you dish out then you have no business running in politics. Don't be throwing mud and slander if you are easily bruised by plain speaking in reply. Perhaps then if Mr Smyth is unable to withstand a few choice taunts, how can we expect him to handle the pressure of being a councillor and act with a level head?Send the dwarves back to their mines! They're good for defense, not government!This says it all really. Out right racism and bigotry. Mr Smyth has soiled himself publically in his underpants and is proud to do so. An ignorant bigot like this has no place in a multi racial society that is our great city.No Councilors under four and three-quarters feet!Heightist and offensive. Obviously Mr Smyth has no respect for Councillor Nish nor of any person who is of small stature. Again, Mr Smyth has insulted all halflings, gnomes and dwarves, races who have contributed & sacrificed their lives and treasure for to keep this city strong. He spits on their memory and pisses on those of us who toil daily on behalf of you all. Is this the sort of man we want sitting on council?THULE THE FOOLWonder what it's like to be insulted and have your legs broken by a dwarf? Don't say anything against the delusional megalomaniac PORKI THULE, the tyrannical dwarf!This is laughable! Once more Mr Smyth proves his weakness and lack of backbone in his inability to withstand a few choice taunts and insults. We don't need soft usurpers like him, those who have lived pampered lives and will cruely crush those who they perceive as a threat to them. This is how bullies and cowards act, not heroes who stand daily and fight for the safety of the people.Porki Thule, insane alcoholic candidate, doesn't want you to be able to protect yourselves with helms or weapons. Say NO to his absurd tyranny!Tyranny? I think Mr Smyth is a few sandwiches short of a picnic here friends. Definately he needs to be gently lead by the hand to a place of healing and care as he is completely delusional and is more a danger to himself. I urge that the concerned citizens lead him safely to the kind people at the Beacon who will care for this sad & broken individual. We must look with pity and sympathy on this deranged soul and pray that he some day overcomes his bedwetting problem and can once again rejoin society with dry trousers.I stand before you my fellow citizens, a proud dwarf, a servant and priest of Moradin. We can build a better tomorrow friends, it is within our grasp.Candidate Porki Thule

A small card is sent back-Who in this town do you most respect and why.-What is your most noteworthy achievement.-If you could accomplish one thing in your term, what would it be. (realistically... realistically.. realistically..)It will happen in a few days, I will make it more public. - Agrael Lothor

Sent to each respective member individuallyDead respective member,I noticed your candidature to the Upper council and I'd like to inform myself upon your ways - As a measure, I'm establishing a small debate with a few questions.If you would attend, I'd send you a list of the questions for you to prepare.Should happen in three - five days. - Agrael Lothor

Hey Sir Gimms,I'm holding a debate a few darks from now, thinking you might want to take time to attend! If ye too busy, I wont bother ya. I can send you a list of questions. Shouldnt be too long.Thanks mate, - Agrael Lothor P.S. Send reply to the Crone

I cannot face what I have become, I survived that night, where several were slain by beshaban might, I wept at the misfortune that fell upon me, brandobaris has left me, now, Beshaba fills the void. PLease, Allow me to come with your adventure, to prevent beshaba's misfortune, Snake has spared your life, I begged for it, on my hands and knees, now, Beshaba fills me and him, he can bring back the dead if need be....Please...Tika....Forgive me, Allow me to come on your adventure!

sheriff eugene i am writing to you to enquire about joining the ranks of the watch,i have stood still watching the disorder being allowed to happen in sanctuarys walls! drunken brawls, attempted murder and people are getting away with these crimes, what worrys me more is that the most punishment a repeat offender recieved was a fine! this i believe is totally unacceptable and am beginning to believe the rumors of currupt members in your organisation, i wish to revitalise the watchs already tarnished reputation and make sure law breakers are brought to justice. many a time i have thought of taking the law into my own hands but my will to obey the law has prevented me,however i soon believe my willpower will be broken and the thugs and murderers will recieve their just reward for their crimes.wester dald

Our mutual benefactor has given me guidance about your matter. As Gaolor, you should use the tools provided to you. Since your city on a hill is bias, I would not invite myself in to speak with you. Into it I can only ask you for permission when I come, lest your ideals and thrones stare down unwelcoming on one who cares not for the way of humans. Send me word if I am allowed to come, or send nothing if you care not.Warden Rithralde

OOC: Ok, im not too good at this, but the confusion really needs to be cleared. This is combo IC OOC, just to get the story across Druid:Sywyn Hammerfist was a druid. He was born in the forests below the spine of the world and was quickly marked as a favored of the forest. He went off to live alone in the forest but was captured by a slaver. He was sold to the illithid at 17 and escaped at 20. He, as most, found sanctuary, and made it his life goal to find the way. He got to the 6th level and then:Ranger:He joined a normal DM quest. A man lead him into a cave and, to make a long story short, he was killed. After a while he relised that he was killed by a npc, and could respawn. whoops. his body and stuff were destroyed, and his very soul was weak. Balance had failed him. He wondered out into the town and moped about.Raving mad, with seething anger toword the man who had done this. He then got a nearby half-orc (wont mention name unless he tells me its ok) to witness the forsaking of his drudic vows. He did, then swore, upon his true name, that he would have vengeance. He then was bound, by his true name, to exact vengence.He now is completely insane with hatrid to all humans. Yup. So stop being confused (except IC, you should probably be confused there if you knew sywyn before the transformation)Edit: Made more readable-Edited out spoilers.

Just wanted to clear up that he is, indeed, no longer a druid. more info here:

Ok, before im murdered by the mob, I put this forward as a "1 person in a million" perposal. It would be given much more sparely then any other. I reccomend we add Fey'ri, or demonfey, to the list of application subraces. They would have the standard Fey'ri charicteristics:Appearance: skin with barely visible scales, red eyes, demonic pointed tails, and a pair of bat-like wings, in addition to their standard sun elven beauty.Bonuses (some standard, some i removed or modified to make less overpowered): +3 int -4 str + 2 concentration + 2 spellcraft -5 hide Wildshape 1 = 1use per dayThey would be fun, and when used correctly, would be a terrific RP source.

Miss Elaueth,My name is Padriac, and I am a Seeker. My friends are having a real hard time these days at the Seeker Hall. All sorts of things are really upsetting them recently. I saw on one of your papers that you support Seekers! Well, I supposed that you could come to the Seeker Hall and support my friends. I am sure that they would like some support. All of this is really getting in the way of Seeking! The way back home will not find itself.Awaiting your support, Padriac & Friends

I am Porky Fool. I make up words to attack my competition. Did you notice my beer analogy in that one poster? That was fun, eh? I wrote that for the kiddies. I'm popular with children and old ladies.Also, before I begin, I would like to add that Candidate Elaueth's latest campaign poster frightened me with the large blue letters at the bottom. Therefore, she is obviously frightened more by me. That's what my mom taught me.I'm the right person for the job because I know what the issues are. Much in the same way as you can become a powerful wizard by knowing that magic exists, I fully expect to be put in charge of your safety. My ability to bewilder my political opponents with confusing nonsense words is to be commended.Also, I'd just like to add that I am the only one who is allowed to refer to the faults of my opponents. If they try to do it, please let them know that when they do it they are being weak but when I do it I am being tough. I'm very tough.Want to feel my beard? Go on, touch it. It won't bite...hard.In summation: children; old ladies; basic comprehension of my surroundings and primary colours; my very own vocabulary. All these reasons make me the perfect candidate for your Sanctuary Council. Who wants to live forever after all?-Porky Fool

Vote for K: Absolutely everything that I write is meant to be taken literally. I really do encourage sexual slavery and apparently my last poster was covered in gilded chains. I don't know how I missed that one.I'd like to give a special thanks to Porki Thule for his campaign contributions, but I'm not sure what I can do with an envelope full of short, curly hairs. Thank you anyways.

Porki Thule is a candidate for the upcoming elections. Porki Thule has never openly worn gold and black armor. Porki Thule has never lived in a large fortress. Porki Thule has never led an army of mercenaries who terrorized Lower. Porki Thule most -definitely- has never powdered his dark grey skin when he went out in public.Yes he has.Vote for K

Agenda this and motive that. I will have none of it. The simple fact is that if you vote for me, you are voting for a sincere, dedicated, hard-working person who will be proud to serve the community no matter what the personal cost.A stronger, safer Sanctuary is a nice dream, one that we all share. If you have an idea on what to improve, on what laws to enact or remove, on what should be done with your home and your livelihoods, then they need to be heard.I do not come with grand plans and drastic measures. As a servant of the community, I intend to help put the power back in your hands. I intend to lift all of us up out of this disenfranchisement with the way things are so that you can be not just safe, but satisfied too.Vote for K'talka. Look for the K. At least, don't vote for Porki. Have you read that guy's posters? If I wanted that much smoke up my ass, I'd squat over a dragon's nose.

[Several copies of this form are placed up together]Application for the title of Chief EngineerName: __________________________________ Signature: __________________________________Please fill in all fields entirely and turn in to the Office of the Herald. Wait 4 - 6 weeks for complimentary seat on the Sanctuary Council.

Dear Editor,I write as a concerned citizen because I am deeply troubled by the obviously sordid and depraved personalities of two of the candidates who are running for council.The first individual named Martel Smyth, a notorius player of the pink oboe, has engaged in a malevolent campaign of outright slander and misrepresentation. The spiteful level of vitriol and hatred that Smyth flings at other candidates, who have done nothing at all to provoke Smyth shows an unmistakably demonstrative base and spineless man who has the moral fibre of a wet fish nor does he have any common decency. My family & I are decent and hard working people, law abiding citizens that want a safe place to raise our children. So far all we have seen from Martel Smyth are a thin tissue of falsehoods and malicious accusations. We hear nothing about fixing the metal shortage or trying to bridge the chasms that has so divided our home. He proports to represent Sancturians for peace & justice however his words ring hollow.Then we hear of promises of sexual perversion, decadence and sickening drunken orgies to be imposed upon us by this K harpy. I don’t want to live in the sort of world where poor young elven women are condemned to a beastial form of slavery just to grease the way for K’s rise to power. This is exactly the opporsite of the type of society we wish to be. She has nothing in the way of policies and expects us to provide her with ideas. What an airhead!Both of them are nothing more than cynical, underhanded, nasty twurps!It’s about time that the concerns of ordinary gods fearing folk be heard. We’re sick & tired of hearing vague promises of action. We want to live in a safe & harmonious community that encourages decency, respect and a reverence for the gods.-signed- Mrs Gargantua Wobblebottom

The effects, whether positive or negative last for the duration of 1 round. Not sure if it's a bug, but reading Jasede's post, it seems awfully related. Bull's Strength lasts 1 round.

I will make Sanctuary a bastion [added in later] for goodness. I don't like Drow. Other candidates are inferior for these reasons. Hufflepug.I don't like Drow. Good. Safe.-Candidate

(100300get)Dear Gargantua Wobblebottom,You're Porki Thule. Stop it. You're a grown man.I'm serious. That's enough. Just stop.Sincerely, Everyone that cares about you

What I see and hear a lot, is that people get FD'd because: 'Best kill him, or he'll get back at us,' and while I made it a general rule to myself not to FD unless it's a life threatening situation or when the character doesn't bend or shape to your will in any way and doesn't grab the opportunities I give them to get away safely. That's however not what this topic is going to be about, even though it will be brought up as a related issue.The real problem seems to be when you decide to subdue someone. I think I speak for a lot of people when it's entirely reasonable for you to FD' someone, but do not because the IC reason is somewhat lame OOC. "He has offended my God. My sister. My mother. Called me ugly. A no good. He broke my heart."It's something I don't FD over until a certain point. Instead, I subdue. I have my ways with them; in my most recent cases, try to have them convert to a God, or at least away from their own if opposing mine. Humiliation, fear, shame. It's these aspects I find to be missing with a lot of my victims. When I subdue someone in a rather short amount of time, I know if I'd be in the person shoes I'd be impressed. Scared. But I'm not. What bothers me; not a lot, but still enough to open up a topic to draw some attention to the subject, is the following:You subdue a person. You let him live, don't take any of their possessions; (attempt) to drill some fear into their minds which shouldn't likely be too hard when they are down at the floor, you make them do something. Apologize, convert, acknowledge you as superior. Whatever. Only to find out later that, whaddayaknow, the character has set his mind on killing you. "You let me live. Now you'll die." It's something which in most cases I find entirely lame. It's showing no courtesy towards your engager; and it happens far too often. It's slowly forcing me to consider the player behind the screen. What kind of a player is he- Someone who's the type of person I suspect to know he will know some fear and back off from his offender, or the type who; after promising to back out of your business IC only gets up to kill you and drive everyone up against you. When someone offers you a way out of death which in 99% of the cases is entirely reasonable, it's only fair to offer him the same. It would lead to a much higher potential of RP and would certainly increase the enjoyment and excitement of PvP you get. [PS: I'm not dead.]

'Beast',If you're still alive, get in touch. The Underdark claims too many lives as it is and I'd prefer it if you weren't one of them.Sachrissa Elaueth

He's got the wrong conversation, unless he's lying about his name and he's really a gnome.

When you use Turn Undead, a symbol of your God(dess) bursts forth in the air - Right? If so - Does Turning reveal your deity to someone with Lore skill or when it's a symbol common to a child?

Elections are once again close by, and I would like to have a word with the house representative, or a member of Archibald family. I hope we may meet soon, there are few things to discuss.Respectfully Councillor Wyric Crowshire

To make it official, university + work + studying for certifications left me little time to play.I’m not going be around for efu for a decent while (not sure how long yet), I’ll still check the forums and IRC, once in a while.

MISSINGJessica Blythe, a young apprentice mage of House Archibald has been missing for a week. She disappeared somewhere between Sanctuary and Trollwarden Slurto Levenstone's encampment. She is 20 years old, of frail build with blond hair. She was wearing a fine blue feathered cloak, as well as an engagement ring with the letter 'A' engraved on the band.Anyone with information that leads to her discovery will be well rewarded.House Archibald

Goblin lads, boss wants you all out. I warned ya you were makin too much trouble.Grovel, this goes for you too.

Dear Tika/Vrok/Sywyn,I'm investigating an incident that allegedly happened last dark, involving a man named Snakebite Smith and yourself. I've been told he attempted to sacrafice you to some dark God. If you could provide information to assist with this investigation, including the names of any others involved, it will help greatly and possibly lead to the capture and trial of 'Snakebite'.Regards,Private Hammersmith, Sanctuary Watch

If you are receiving unwanted advertisements in you PMs from spammers, other forums/servers, or community members, let me know. It seems managing this on a wide scale is pretty fickle, but you do have the option to block people in your profiles (I think). If this is indeed a widescale problem, I will try to do something about it.

As the screenie shows, the placeables in the Watch House training room have been slightly fudged! Possibly during the last update. I can't get to the bin. :(

Those poor Ledskirs can't rest in their bunk beds. I'm not sure whether this is intended behaviour, but it would make perfect sense to me if the beds served their traditional function!

To Whom It May Concern:Free your mind from the constraints of humdrum humdrummery! Clerics and other dogmatics, some of which are blinded by their own futile beliefs to deal with the realities of the underdark have qualms about whom they sell to and what they sell!Not so for me!I offer mind protecting potions and wands, protecting one from evil or good as the case may be! My prices are reasonable, my goods are impetuous, my defenses impregnable and with them you can be just ferocious! Simply leave word for Hobbes at the Last Stand Inn, and I will be happy to fill any order. Sincerely,"Hobbes"

[Scribbled in a hardly legible hand, dropped off at Ledskir's] B,Got off rough footBlame SlaversBuy you drinkStart over-BB

Mycopolis))The Elf known as Sywyn has hereby Exiled, stripped of his title of Oath taker, and has been left to the mercy's of the underdark.Mond Siger, Oath taker

'ey mate, it's that elitist guy everyone warned you about. I wanted to tell you that I am very impressed with how you've turned from someone who couldn't type worth jack to a great roleplayer and a valuable addition to the playerbase.That's all.[And no, a PM doesn't suffice. Else it wouldn't be much of a kudos, right? Give me a break. He really became absolutely awesome (compared to a lot of stuff I have seen, heh). Let me have my little "You did a great job" thread, okay? Please?]

'ey. I've been having some fun fighting with an absolutely stunningly played wererat (gosh-darn do they have a neat model!) and I noticed that silver weapons don't damage player wererats. I suppose this is because the rat is still technically human by the NWN engine. Is there really no way to script this at all? If not, how are you supposed to deal with it ICly? I mean, it's hard to explain ICly why silver hurts all lycanthropes except that one guy...

Hi. Ive been wanting to remove all my characters other then Sywyn from the server vault, as their all permdead. The delete button doesnt work, as its server vault. How can i get them removed?

Led Head, Do you want to be known as the man who defeated a one armed cripple nemesis, or do you want to be the man who defeated the Ubel with both working arms. If you want the latter, gimme a hand getting a hand. You know where to find me. -Leslie

This has been happening off and on of late, with players bringing back old faction PCs that have not been being played for whatever reason.If you do this, you need to let the DMs know in advance as over time factions change dynamically and the PC in question may no longer have a place. I don't think reapplying as a blanket rule is necessary, but getting DM clearance to return (and still be in the faction) is necessary. If you want to return without being in the faction, just dump all your faction related stuff in an auto-destroy trash barrel and let us know to remove you from the forums.

Did you know, in less than a week, elections are taking place in Upper Sanctuary? Did you know that anyone with a citizen stone can vote? Did you know anyone of a non-monstrous can enter the town hall in Old Sanctuary and get a citizen stone? Yes, that means you. That means you can vote, but no doubt you are thinking, why should I? Are not all Upper Councillors the same? The answer is no! Many councils of the past have attempted aggressive military actions on lower, and many current nominees would do so again. They dream of a unified Sanctuary, and we all know when the talking is over, when you have again stated your desire for self sovereignty, they will resort to violence. Even without overt control, they will try and influence you, to tax you, to control you. The Spellguard still walk invisible among you! So vote for Aledrec of Yhaunn! Take the time to walk up the steps and have your say. Aledrec supports your independence and freedom. He believes that Lower knows what is best for Lower. If specific people or parties want to buy and sell goods to citizens of Upper, or want to enter into personalised defence deals, then let them, but there will be no mandates from above. No ultimatums of order and control. Vote for Aledrec; vote to keep Upper away from Lower!

The really neat looking bridges made by placeables you have to click to use: you can't use with a familiar. Not a major problem if you take a different route: but I foresee1. My spy can't spy if someone takes a bridge. 2. You currently can't reach any part of Sanctuary from the Pyrimo Inn since both ways back go over such bridges. Can there be another route around from the Pyrimo or a work around for familiars?

Salutations IIthraz Valdmar,I saw a flyer about a search for wands. I noticed that you were quite specific about where their power lay.I will stop by the Last Stand and look for you as would very much like to speak with you as I too spend some time there. You may leave a response with Rak the barman.I must say that have no wands at this time, but have faith that I will have some in the near future. Yes, faith is something I do have.Cadmon Cearney

I'd just like to personally thank K for taking the time and effort in dispelling the rumours that some poor deluded sod seems to cling to like a security blanket. I quote her own posters and use her own words as that is the best way to say what needs to be said: Porki Thule is a candidate for the upcoming elections. Porki Thule has never openly worn gold and black armor. Porki Thule has never lived in a large fortress. Porki Thule has never led an army of mercenaries who terrorized Lower. Porki Thule most -definitely- has never powdered his dark grey skin when he went out in public. Once again it is heartening to note that some people still appear to show common decency and respect the truth even if the fountain of truth has been peed in by incontinent gits with poor bladder control. As a candidate running for Upper Council, I have no intention of renewing the toll gate nor do I see any point in trying to re-unite Upper with Lower. You, the people of Lower, have made it pefectly clear of your desire for independance. What I would like to say though is that if I am elected, I will endevour to work with the owners of the brewery in a joint effort to get it running at full capacity. It would be good to see it being finally free of drunken louts who insist on puking in the ale vats and an industry restored to Lower. Candidate Porki Thule Bring Back the Beer!

Friends,I have composed a deeply personal message & prayer for Martel.Martel, this one is all for you.Father Moradin, Martel Smyth has not shown reverence for truth which is a sin. Eons is how long his soul will burn for his transgresions Certainly his soul is in dire peril and I pity him deeply as a lost cause. Know that demons will torture him for eternity in the pit. Yet there is a way forward here for him. Open the way for your glory to remove the scales from his eyes Ultimately his fate is in your own hands, show him the mercy he deserves.AmenPriest Porki of Moradin Candidate for Council

In relation to Johannes post, harbingers can't rest in their bunks either, but I don't know if that is intended or not.

[Posters are up all over Sanctuary.] Firstly, I wish to purchase a wand of holding.I would also like belts, cloaks, boots and jewlery of fine qualities as well as any item regarded as exceptionally magical, powerful, or rare.Please leave me a letter at the Office of the Herald if you have any item which may interest me.[Signed]Mr. Riddle

I believe that the number of NPC guards should be less or removed completely the reason is they restrict you from doing actions because they are an NPC and the only way to do "types" of actions is either away from these NPCs or getting a DM, now I like to play without hassling a DM alot myself.The reason is if you chase someone and run past an NPC they should I dunno try and stop you they cannot because they are NPCs I believe NPCs should only be placed in buildings, I am not talking about all NPCs but only those of Enforcement (Gang members, Guards etc)The reason is if you NEED to attack an NPC because there watching or whatever the whole upper/lower sets you to hostile.SO maybe instead of removing them you could just say if you attack a Watchman than all the Watchman NPCs are hostile not the WHOLE town.What you think?

Candidate Porki Thule-Strong on law & Order-Working to end the metals Shortage-Wisdom & Experience-Won't back down in the face of adversity-Willing to reach out to unite this city once more-Resolute & Implacable in the face of Sanctuaries foes

Is it possible to add the age of the council members to their common knowledge?

OMGBearIsDriving gave me a quick watch intro the other night. In his haste to get to bed (big case in the morning) he may have forgotten a thing or two.1. Could a kind DM get me hooked up to the forum, I have no watch forum(s) showing up for me.2. When I ask Pvt. Bernard Kerpsh to check the pay accounts, he says I have no account here. Is this related to problem #1 or a seperate fix?Thanks for the help XD

Is it modified to be able to cast upon a corpse yet? (PC or ones you find/buy)