'ey. I've been having some fun fighting with an absolutely stunningly played wererat (gosh-darn do they have a neat model!) and I noticed that silver weapons don't damage player wererats. I suppose this is because the rat is still technically human by the NWN engine. Is there really no way to script this at all? If not, how are you supposed to deal with it ICly? I mean, it's hard to explain ICly why silver hurts all lycanthropes except that one guy...
Silver weapons don't work on PC 'thropes
It's an OOC issue, and one we are working on. Granted, it has taken a long time.
Don't try to IC explain it away. It's a scripting issue, not a IG one.
Fair enough, but how do I deal with it ICly? Or should I just keep Kith away from hungry wererats for now?