If you are receiving unwanted advertisements in you PMs from spammers, other forums/servers, or community members, let me know. It seems managing this on a wide scale is pretty fickle, but you do have the option to block people in your profiles (I think). If this is indeed a widescale problem, I will try to do something about it.
Advertising PMs
That said, has anyone had problems sending PMs recently? I just tried to send a few and they are sticking in my outbox, not going to the sent box.
Gosh why do all these things happen now?
They stay in outbox until being read by receiver.
Edit: (Had to wait a day for this:) there are also few typos in that first post.
I_dont_eat_children They stay in outbox until being read by receiver.
Watch it, I don't want to feel that stupid today. >_>
Oh, I think I shoud clear something up here.
I did send someone a PM linking my personal forum, but I'm familair with that player and I was sending it in reference to a character she played in a different server and a project I had going to link it with. That player never got back to me of course. I tried to dramatize my PM for fun so it could've been easily mistaken for advertisment.
The only reason I'm posting this is because I noticed you spotted that little forum of mine, ExileStrife, so I want to clarify it wasn't advertisement.