2006-02-24 18:21:57 UTC
The really neat looking bridges made by placeables you have to click to use: you can't use with a familiar.
Not a major problem if you take a different route: but I foresee
1. My spy can't spy if someone takes a bridge.
2. You currently can't reach any part of Sanctuary from the Pyrimo Inn since both ways back go over such bridges.
Can there be another route around from the Pyrimo or a work around for familiars?
2006-02-24 18:24:20 UTC
I'm pretty sure this is also an issue with area transitions to the same area.
2006-02-24 20:24:28 UTC
Can't you possess the familiar and use the transitions?
2006-02-24 21:24:07 UTC
We'll take a look at the code used. I guess I figured since possessed monsters worked, I'm surprised that familiars don't.
2006-02-25 02:38:44 UTC
I possessed the familiar, but couldn't use the transition.