Fellow citizens,
In order to strengthen our city against traitors & fith columinsts, I propose enacting the following law if elected to council and even if not elected, will lobby the council on your behalf.
No helms, no arms law.
A law requiring that at a watchmens request helms or weapons MUST be taken off/sheathed, when outside in Upper. The punishment to be a turn in the stock. We don't want greys or drow or other such dirtbags wandering around helmed up trying to sneak in and undermine our city.
I see a lot of shady characters doing this.
Also the traders and merchants don't like it.
This would give the watch the authority it requires and a legal basis on which to act in order to serve and protect you, the citizens of this great city.
This message has been bought to you by the Campaign to elect Porki Thule