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Nerf Colour Spray!

This spell is also working in a horrible, horrible way. It is so extremely overpowered that it isn't funny. I have seen a level 9 PC werewolf get killed by one use of colour spray.

This shouldn't be happening.

The D20 descriptions reads 5 HD or more creatures: "The creature is stunned for 1 round.". Can it be implemented to work like this? The way it is now it's just a really overpowered uber-killer spell. I have no idea how that werewolf must have felt to be killed by a freaking level 1 spell. The effect in the NWN engine is simply a result of Biowhore's attempt to make the hack & slash NWN to be accessible to "casual gamers". If it can be changed without a hack to work as it should that would be neat!

The fact that an arcane casterclass will die in about 1-3 hits in melee-battle really makes up for it.

Yeah.. if said Werewolf would have attacked first, he would have killed a level 9 wizard with normal attacks?!

Nerf normal attacks.


But seriously, It's a good spell, but not overpowered- It comes down to the preparation and initiative.

And it's countered by a bunch of spells already. (blur, etc..)

It can often become a waste of an action. Which is crucial in PvP.


Once again, its a very useful spell but far from anything imbalancing or unfair.

A nice spell that's easily countered and not quite overpowered imo.

Color Spray: Illusion PhK: Illusion

'nuff said. If you want to get the PvP done without fear of losing, why bother with Color Spray when you can use PhK? I suspect you're looking at the spell from as how it would own PCs instead of NPCs. Yeah: It's a good spell. Definitely. But nerving the spells won't really do anyone any good. Every class has ways to wtfpwninyourfacenub though perhaps not as obvious as Mage Spells because they aren't noted down in a spell book with clear descriptions.

It's like nerving Improved Power attack, because it -CAN- be awesome when used in combination with Haste, True Strike and Knockdown.