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Turn Undead

When you use Turn Undead, a symbol of your God(dess) bursts forth in the air - Right?

If so - Does Turning reveal your deity to someone with Lore skill or when it's a symbol common to a child?

When a cleric uses the turn undead power he/she holds their holy symbol they should always have on person out prominently infront of the undead in question and commands them in the name of the diety served to be destroyed, be gone, be under his power, etc.

So evil cleric would be (examples):

In the name of X I command you, Obey me and do my will! *evil laugh*

Good cleric might be:

In the name of X, be thou destroyed! *goodly laugh*

Neutral cleric, with a heart full of neutrality from birth might be:

In the name of X, you will stop! *monotone neutral chuckle with a slight smile*

Edited to add:

To actually answer your question, no. A holy symbol does not burst forth in the air hovering above you as you use the power. What it boils down to is you acting as an emissary to control something outside the bounds of normal life and death in the name of your diety. If someone sees you turning udead, then your are 1)holding up your holy symbol for all to see -and- 2) commanding undead in the name of your God. Everyone around you will know what God you serve. Of course, as a cleric (with very, very, very few notable exceptions) everyone should already know who you serve. If they don't, you aren't being a very good cleric in spreading the teachings of your God about.

I added an extra very, and put those words in bold.