My Fellow citizens,
I bring you this poster as an example of the calibre & character of the candidate Martel Smyth. It is a sad endictment and is revealing in many ways.
Porki Thule can do nothing but insult someone who speaks out against him. Imagine what he'll do to those who seriously disagree with his policies should he be elected.
Well, in reply to this statement, if you can't take what you dish out then you have no business running in politics. Don't be throwing mud and slander if you are easily bruised by plain speaking in reply. Perhaps then if Mr Smyth is unable to withstand a few choice taunts, how can we expect him to handle the pressure of being a councillor and act with a level head?
Send the dwarves back to their mines! They're good for defense, not government!
This says it all really. Out right racism and bigotry. Mr Smyth has soiled himself publically in his underpants and is proud to do so. An ignorant bigot like this has no place in a multi racial society that is our great city.
No Councilors under four and three-quarters feet!
Heightist and offensive. Obviously Mr Smyth has no respect for Councillor Nish nor of any person who is of small stature. Again, Mr Smyth has insulted all halflings, gnomes and dwarves, races who have contributed & sacrificed their lives and treasure for to keep this city strong. He spits on their memory and pisses on those of us who toil daily on behalf of you all. Is this the sort of man we want sitting on council?
Wonder what it's like to be insulted and have your legs broken by a dwarf? Don't say anything against the delusional megalomaniac PORKI THULE, the tyrannical dwarf!
This is laughable! Once more Mr Smyth proves his weakness and lack of backbone in his inability to withstand a few choice taunts and insults. We don't need soft usurpers like him, those who have lived pampered lives and will cruely crush those who they perceive as a threat to them. This is how bullies and cowards act, not heroes who stand daily and fight for the safety of the people.
Porki Thule, insane alcoholic candidate, doesn't want you to be able to protect yourselves with helms or weapons. Say NO to his absurd tyranny!
Tyranny? I think Mr Smyth is a few sandwiches short of a picnic here friends. Definately he needs to be gently lead by the hand to a place of healing and care as he is completely delusional and is more a danger to himself. I urge that the concerned citizens lead him safely to the kind people at the Beacon who will care for this sad & broken individual.
We must look with pity and sympathy on this deranged soul and pray that he some day overcomes his bedwetting problem and can once again rejoin society with dry trousers.
I stand before you my fellow citizens, a proud dwarf, a servant and priest of Moradin. We can build a better tomorrow friends, it is within our grasp.
Candidate Porki Thule