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The Great FAQ


  1. What are the custom EfU changes to classes?
  2. What's the difference between the three damage modes?
  3. I have a question about tracking. Will you answer it for me?
  4. How do I use the ghostwise halfling's Speak without Sound supernatural ability?
  5. My magical container is not reducing the weight of its contents. Is that a bug?
  6. Some doors allow me to hear what's going on on the other side. Why isn't this consistent?
  7. I have a weapon with +x vs. race/racial type. Will it work against players with that race/racial type as well?
  8. What are the available chat text commands?
  9. Is there a complete listing of all the mechanics changes in EfU?
  1. Is Bard Song a form of magic?
  2. Can I cast spells under water?
  3. Does Hold Person work against lycanthropes?
  4. Can I animate a dead character's body with Animate Dead?
  5. Will Protection from Good and Protection from Evil stack?
  6. Can I sell buffs to adventurers when I'm not busy elsewhere?
  7. When I dispel somebody, how much do I know?
  8. How should we role play spells such as Dominate Person?
  9. What is the Shadow Weave, and can my character be familiar with it?
  10. Can my familiar talk?
  11. Can I talk while polymorphed?
  12. The custom familiars are rather limited. Can I pick one with an alignment different from my character's?
  13. I hear certain clerical domains permanently modify summoning themes. Is this true?
  14. I'm playing a specialist wizard. Will my school of specialisation affect my default summoning theme?
  15. Can I suggest new spells?
  1. What can I tell about a character using Turn Undead?
  2. Can I tell a cleric's patron deity by watching the cleric cast spells?
  3. Can I have Ao as my patron deity?
  4. Can I have a deity outside my racial pantheon as my patron?
  5. How much does my character know about the afterlife and the Wall of the Faithless?
  6. Are there any guidelines for how divine classes should act?
  7. I see rangers are not covered in Metro_Pack's thread about divine classes. How come?
  1. As a wizard, is it okay to specialise in one school and focus in another?
  2. I'm not proficient with a specific weapon. Can I still emote using it for menial tasks?
  3. What can I apply for?
  4. Can I apply to play a child?
  5. Can I play a halfling and pretend I'm a child?
  6. Are languages supported in EfU?
  7. Do you allow skill point banking?
  8. Is it okay to have multiple characters in the same faction?
  9. Can I identify people from their citizen stones?
  10. I rolled super high on my skill check and nobody cared. Why?
  11. I have an item on one character I'd rather have on another character. Is there any way to legalise such an item transfer?
  12. What is this server’s trap policy?
  13. What are the PvP rules?
  14. I was transition camped. Isn't that against the rules?
  15. Somebody has a familiar or animal companion out. Can I kill it?
  16. I have lost my equipment. How do I get it back?
  17. I have died to lag. Is there anything the DMs can do?
  18. I understand there are certain guidelines when it comes to UMD. What are these?
  1. How often does the server reset?
  2. I want to post a public notice. What are the rules concerning that?
  3. Do I need to visit a place regularly to pick up letters?
  4. Can the scribe tell me who left these slanderous notes about me?
  5. I would like to have one or more characters deleted. How do I do that?
  6. Why don't you just script a way to allow players to delete their own characters?
  7. How do I post screen shots?
  8. How do I enable chat logging?
  9. I have a question about a concept/application. Where should I direct it?
  10. When should I send in an application for my character?
  11. I'd like to talk to a DM for whatever reason. How do I go about that?
  12. I have a complaint about a particular event. Where do I file it?
  13. I feel I am being abused in tells. What should I do?
  14. Is there an ‘important thread’ index somewhere?
  15. How do I know which DM to contact?
  16. I have a question this FAQ doesn't answer. Where do I put it?
  17. You keep telling me not to post in the DM Q&A sub-forum. When should I post there?

What are the custom EfU changes to classes?

  • 10% movement speed increase feat disabled if in heavy amour.

  • Barbarian Damage Immunity, disabled in heavy amour.
  • Level 5: 10% damage immunity.
  • Level 7: 20% damage immunity.

  • Level 8: 20% movement speed bonus, disabled in heavy amour.

  • Charisma bonus is applied to strength/con while raging (example a fourteen Charisma barbarian would get +2 Strength and +2 Con in addition to the base +4 Str/+4 Con. Her rage would be +6 Str/+6 Con.) Negative Charisma will also reduce rage bonuses using this same formula.

  • Level 1 rage is capped at +4/+4 (total).
  • Level 4 rage is capped at +8/+8.
  • Level 8 rage is uncapped.

  • Ranger tracking has been improved.
  • Druids now receive tracking at level 6.

  • 10% movement speed increase if the PC has 3 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area.
  • 15% movement speed increase if the PC has 6 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area.
  • 20% movement speed increase if the PC has 9 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area.

  • Rangers receive an AB bonus vs. their favoured enemies equal to ranger level/2, rounded down.

  • Rangers receive a +4 Spot/Listen/Search bonus if they have 5 ranger levels and are in a wilderness area.

  • Rangers must have a valid Forgotten Realms deity to receive spells.
  • Druids must have a valid nature deity to receive spells.

Arcane archer
  • Now receives the "Elf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration.

  • Level 1: Detect good.

Dwarven defender
  • Now receives the "Dwarf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration.

Harper scout
  • This prestige class will eventually be completely modified and re-worked as "prime Underdark guide." Stay tuned for the exact changes that will be implemented.

Pale master
  • Level 1: Arcane Defense: Necromancy (+2 saves vs. necromancy spells).
  • Level 2: +1 Str.
  • Level 3: +2 Con flat bonus, 50% negative energy damage immunity, 50% positive energy vulnerability.
  • Level 4: Str bonus changed to +2, for the Summon Undead the pale master can pick one of three undead types: an incorporeal spirit, a mummy, or a stitched horror (all three monster-types are custom for EfU).
  • Level 5: Immunity negative energy 75%, Immunity Level Drain, +4 saves vs. death, 75% positive energy vulnerability.
  • Level 6: Con bonus changed to +4.

  • Pale masters may also be able to find special undead grafts to give them additional abilities.

Purple Dragon knight
  • Alignment restrictions changed to non-chaotic only.

  • Shifters in EfU have a completely custom shift system that lets them (theoretically) shift into virtually any monster found in the game-world.

Weapon master
  • Level 1: 10% Speed Increase, Improved Initiative feat.
  • Level 2: +4 concentration, discipline bonus, bonus feat: cleave.
  • Level 3: +1 fort/will, Evasion.
  • Level 4: Feat: Blinding Speed.

What's the difference between the three damage modes?

EfU has three damage modes: Full Damage, Subdual, and Sparring.

  • Full Damage deals regular damage to characters. If reduced to 0 HP, a character will begin bleeding from 0 to -10 HP. If reduced to -10 HP, the character will die and be transported to the Fugue plane.

  • Subdual cannot reduce a character to less than 0 HP. If a character is reduced to 0 HP, she will become winded. If further damage is dealt to the winded character, she will progress through various such stages until she reaches the concussion state. All these stages keep the victim knocked down for a set period of time, and subsequently apply different, temporary penalties to the victim (reduced speed and AC, spell failure, etc.). Subdual is the default mode used, and it will kill NPCs.

  • Sparring, like Subdual, cannot reduce a character to less than 0 HP. If a character is reduced to 0 HP, she will become winded. Unlike Subdual, the victim will not progress beyond the winded state.
The following commands can be used to modify damage mode:
  • /c subdual next (Sparring, FD, Subdual)
  • /c subdual previous (FD, Sparring, Subdual)
  • /c subdual full (FD)
  • /c subdual subdual (Subdual)
  • /c subdual sparring (Sparring)
Summons, familiars, and animal companions should all default to their master’s damage mode setting.

It is not currently possible to subdue NPCs without a DM present.

Players are generally advised not to tamper with their damage mode settings before they need to. This avoids accidents, such as killing somebody during a duel.

I have a question about tracking. Will you answer it for me?

Did you read the Ranger Tracking FAQ? If you didn't, go read it. If you did, go read it again.

How do I use the ghostwise halfling's Speak without Sound supernatural ability?

You don't. This ability is not supported in EfU.

My magical container is not reducing the weight of its contents. Is that a bug?

Probably not. Odds are you have a lightweight container, not a magical container with weight reduction. Unless the container's description says, "Enhanced Container: Reduced Weight Content Weight -x%," the weight reduction applies solely to the container.

Some doors allow me to hear what's going on on the other side. Why isn't this consistent?

It is, but not in the way you think it is. When a door is shut, characters on both sides can hear conversations on the other side for about a minute before the sealed off area is muted. This is default for NWN. Anything that makes it to your chat log, you have effectively heard.

I have a weapon with +x vs. race/racial type. Will it work against players with that race/racial type as well?

Attack (and enchantment) bonuses work only against the base creature race. This means any weapon with +x vs. any of the core races (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc, human) will work as intended. Consequently, a weapon with +x vs. any non-core race will work only against NPCs of that race, since players do not have their characters’ base race changed.

For instance, PC lycans are not especially vulnerable to silver (+x vs. shape changer), but NPCs are. Similarly, +x vs. goblinoid will work against NPC goblinoids, but not PCs (whose base race is halfling).

What are the available chat text commands?

All commands are case insensitive.

Speaking through an Associate You can use the following commands to "speak" through an animal companion, dominated monster, familiar, henchman, or summon. Each must be prefixed with "/v" (standing for voice-throwing), followed by a single letter that identifies which creature to speak through, and finally a message to have that creature speak. Please keep in mind that [url=]some creatures are unable to speak; however, making these creatures emote is perfectly fine.

  • /v a <message> = Animal Companion.
  • /v d <message> = Dominated Monster.
  • /v f <message> = Familiar.
  • /v h <message> = Henchman.
  • /v s <message> = Summoned Creature.
    • Example: "/v f Hello!" will make your familiar say "Hello!"
Text Commands You can use the following commands by typing "/c <command>," where <command> is one of the highlighted phrases below.
  • Follow <name> -- Autofollow the nearest character named (name).
    • Example: "/c follow Thoop" will make you autofollow Thoop.
  • Detect Evil -- Activate the paladin Detect Evil ability.
    • Example: "/c detect evil" will make you attempt to detect evil.
  • Detect Good -- Activate the blackguard Detect Good ability.
    • Example: "/c detect good" will make you attempt to detect good.
  • Track -- Activate the ranger/druid Track ability.
    • Example: "/c track" will make you search for nearby tracks.
    • Example: "/c track -race giant" will make you search for nearby giant tracks.
    • Example: "/c track -size huge" will make you search for nearby huge creature tracks.
    • Example: "/c track -race goblinoid -size medium" will make you search for nearby medium-size
    • goblinoid tracks.
    • Example: "/c track -name Harry Halfwit" will make you search for Harry Halfwit's tracks.
  • Dispel -- Allows selective dispelling of beneficial effects.
    • Example: "/c dispel skins" will dispel Barkskin/Stoneskin/Shadow Shield.
    • Example: "/c dispel invis" will dispel Invisibility and Sanctuary.
    • Example: "/c dispel blur" will dispel Ghostly Visage.
  • Subdual <prev/next/spar/subdual/full> -- Switch subdual mode.
    • Example: "/c subdual prev" will make you cycle to the previous subdual mode.
    • Example: "/c subdual next" will make you cycle to the next subdual mode.
    • Example: "/c subdual spar" will make you switch to sparring mode.
    • Example: "/c subdual subdual" will make you switch to subdual mode.
    • Example: "/c subdual full" will make you switch to full damage mode.
  • Hostile <nearest/radius/area/all/name> -- Set yourself hostile to people. To set people unhostile, use "/c unhostile ..." with these same sorts of parameters.
    • Example: "/c hostile nearest" will set you hostile to the nearest person.
    • Example: "/c hostile radius" will set you hostile to everybody you can see within a fixed radius.
    • Example: "/c hostile area" will set you hostile to everybody you can see in the area.
    • Example: "/c hostile all" will set you hostile to everybody on the server.
    • Example: "/c hostile Thoop" will set you hostile to the character named Thoop.
  • Swivel <angle> -- Swivel chair rotation control. You must be sitting in a swivel chair for this command to work.
    • Example: "/c swivel 45" will rotate your chair by 45 degrees.
  • Catapult <aim/power_down/power_up/angle_down/angle_up/status> -- Catapult siege equipment control. Can only be used when you are close enough to operate the catapult.
    • Example: "/c catapult aim" will aim the catapult in your direction.
    • Example: "/c catapult power_up" will increase the catapult's tension/power.
    • Example: "/c catapult angle_down" will decrease the catapult's angle.
    • Example: "/c catapult status" will display a status report on the catapult.
  • Wereshift <human/hybrid/animal> -- Lycanthropy shifting control. Only usable by lycanthropes.
    • Example: "/c wereshift human" will shift you to human form.
    • Example: "/c wereshift hybrid" will shift you to hybrid form.
    • Example: "/c wereshift animal" will shift you to animal form.
  • Knock -- knock on the nearest door; can be heard on other side.
    • Example: "/c knock" will knock on the nearest door.
  • Diagnose -- attempt to diagnose the target's medical condition based on Heal skill. Does not identify any potential affliction beyond the type.
    • Example: "/c diagnose Thoop" will have you try to determine whether Thoop is poisoned / diseased / etc.
  • Recall -- recalls all associates (animal companion, summons, familiar, etc) to your location. Can only be used outside of combat.
    • Example: "/c recall" will recall your associates to your location.
  • Drop_Pack -- drop your gold/items into a pack onto the ground.
    • Example: "/c drop_pack" will drop your gold and inventory items.
    • Example: "/c drop_pack purse" will just drop your gold.
    • Example: "/c drop_pack everything" will drop your gold, equipped items, and inventory items.
  • Yank_Pack -- yank a subdued/bleeding PC's pack onto the ground. This works on the nearest subdued/bleeding PC.
    • Example: "/c yank_pack" will yank their gold and inventory items into the pack. This takes four seconds.
    • Example: "/c yank_pack purse" will just yank their gold into the pack. This takes two seconds.
    • Example: "/c yank_pack quick" will yank their gold and readily-grabbed equipped items (like weapons). This takes three seconds.
    • Example: "/c yank_pack everything" will yank their gold, equipped items, and inventory. This takes five seconds.
  • Collect_Pack -- automatically pick up all the items in a dropped pack that belongs to you.
    • Example: "/c collect_pack" will collect up your pack.
Parsed Emotes You can activate a rudimentary emote parser by typing "/e <emote>."
  • Example: "/e falls" will make you fall forward.
  • Example: "/e falls back" will make you fall backward.
  • Example: "/e stands up" will make you stand back up again.
  • Example: "/e whistles" will make you whistle a jaunty tune.
  • Example: "/e bends" will make you reach down to the ground.
  • Example: "/e casts" will make you wave your arms about as though casting a spell.
  • Example: "/e steals" will make you play the 'sneaky stealing' animation.
  • Example: "/e shakes head" will make you play a somewhat-awkward head-shaking animation.
All available emotes are listed here.

You can also use "/c toggle parse_emotes" to turn dynamic emote parsing on: this will search through everything that you say in the Talk channel and play emotes that it finds. To avoid having this be annoying, it only responds to specific emotes: *reads* will trigger an animation of you reading a note or scroll, but not *reads the sign*. Once activated, this can be deactivated using the same command.

Rolling Dice You can roll skill checks, ability checks, saves, or just arbitrary dice using either "/c roll <dice phrase>" or just speaking "*roll <dice phrase>*," where <dice phrase> is one of the possibilities below:

  • Skill/ability check -- Roll a skill/ability check.
    • Example: "/c roll int check" will make you roll an Intelligence ability check.
    • Example: "/c roll lore check" will make you roll a Lore skill check.
    • Example: "*roll lore check*" will also make you roll a Lore skill check.
  • Will/Fort/Reflex save -- Roll a Will/Fortitude/Reflex save.
    • Example: "/c roll will save" will make you roll a Will save.
  • Melee/ranged attack -- Roll a melee/ranged attack roll.
    • Example: "/c roll melee attack" will make you roll a melee attack roll (Strength modifier + BAB + d20).
    • Example: "*roll ranged attack*" will make you roll a ranged attack roll (Dexterity modifier + BAB + d20).
  • #d# -- Roll an arbitrary number of arbitrary dice.
      Example: "/c roll 3d10" will roll three ten-sided dice and report their sum.
    • Example: "*roll 1d20*" will roll one twenty-sided die and report the result.
    • Example: "/c roll d20" will roll one twenty-sided die and report the result.
    • Example: "*roll 21d7*" will roll twenty-one seven-sided dice and report their sum.
Tell Filtering There is an optional tell filtering system, to allow you to temporarily ignore all tells (except those from DMs). This can be used in circumstances where a flood of OOC tells would break immersion. To use this system, first activate it with the command below, and then turn "silence" mode on and off at will. When in "silence" mode, all tells except those from players on your permit-list, and DMs, will be ignored. You will get a message when a tell is ignored, and the player sending the tell will get a similar message.
  • Activate/deactivate -- Turn the system on and off.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter activate" will turn on the system.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter deactivate" will turn off the system.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter toggle active" will toggle whether or not the system is activated.
  • Silence/unsilence -- Turn "silence mode" on and off.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter silence" will turn on silence mode.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter unsilence" will turn off silence mode.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter toggle silence" will toggle silence mode on and off.
  • Permit/unpermit <playername> -- Configure your permit list.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter permit Arkov Bartelisk" will add Arkov Bartelisk to your permit list.
    • Example: "/c tell_filter unpermit Arkov Bartelisk" will remove Arkov Bartelisk from your permit list.

Is there a complete listing of all the mechanics changes in EfU?

This is the most up-to-date list. Note that you will need to download an override to benefit from the custom domains.

Major Changes:

  • Characters start at level 2.

  • Rolling a 1 is not an auto-failure on spells.

  • Hours are five real-life minutes long, instead of two. Turns remain unmodified at one minute.

  • Your character may rest only in an inn room (after having paid the innkeeper) or out in the wild with a campfire and bedroll. You may rest once every 5 in-game hours.

  • Being a paladin requires having an appropriate deity in your deity field.
  • Casting spells as a cleric requires having an appropriate deity and matching domains.
  • Casting spells as a druid requires having an appropriate (nature) deity.
  • Casting spells as a ranger requires having an appropriate deity.

  • Various spell visual effects have been removed/shortened.

  • Ability stat bonuses from spells and items will not stack.

  • Rangers get a special tracking ability by level 2 (accessible through crafting menu or chat text command).
  • Druids get a special tracking ability by level 6 (accessible through crafting menu or chat text command).
  • Paladins get a special Detect Evil ability (accessible through crafting menu or chat text command).
  • Blackguards get a special Detect Good ability (accessible through crafting menu or chat text command).

  • Stealth is more effective in some areas (such as dark caves) than it is in brightly lit rooms. A PC that is translucent has been heard only, not spotted (this is default, but bears repeating: although difficult to enforce, we ask that people do not definitively identify characters that have only been "heard").

  • There are various damage modes (subdual, sparring, and full damage), all accessible through the crafting menu or chat text commands. Familiars/Companions/Summons should be on the damage mode of their master.
Ability Changes:
  • An animal companion or familiar's master will lose experience and d6 HP when their associate dies, as a result of mental anguish from the close mental bond between the two. The loss of a familiar incurs a 100 XP loss; the loss of an animal companion incurs a 200 XP loss.

  • "Feeding" your animal companion or familiar can only be done once every fifteen minutes, and will heal 1d4 hit points.

  • Death Domain shadow avatar will not appear before level four. The avatars have also been modified to be appropriate for each particular deity.

  • Trickery domain power will give a Bluff bonus rather than a Persuade bonus.

  • Turn Undead has been modified to allow for commanding as well as destroying. Specifically:
    • Clerics with an evil alignment will command undead.
    • Clerics with the Good domain will command good-aligned outsiders.
    • Clerics with the Evil domain will command evil-aligned outsiders.
    • Clerics with the Fire domain will command Fire Elementals (likewise for the Earth, Air, and Water domains).
Skill Changes:
  • Craft Armor - BioWare crafting is not supported; skill not definitively reassigned.
  • Craft Weapons - BioWare crafting is not supported; skill not definitively reassigned.
  • Craft Traps - BioWare crafting is not supported; reassigned as Engineering/Tech Knowledge. Consider this skill to be like lore for technology. It is used with siege weapons and svirfneblin tech for example. This is used rather consistently in the game.

  • Pickpocket has been disabled for use against NPCs and PCs. You can still use it for scripted pickpocket rolls (such as in a scripted quest) or in a DM situation (such as stealing a key from an NPC). Pickpocket also affects how well a PC performs in thief mode (accessible through crafting menu only).

  • Set Trap has had its DCs lowered. See table here.

  • Tumble has been modified to grant AC according to whichever is lower of the base ranks and effective ranks.

  • Use Magic Device:
    • Requires a DC Check of 15 + spell level to successfully use a wand. If you do not succeed in your check, a charge is not expended. Some DM-only loot may not work this way.
    • Requires a DC check of 25 + spell level to successfully use a scroll. If you do not succeed in your check, a charge is not expended.
    • Has been modified to make for a smoother progression when bypassing item restrictions.
Spell Changes:
  • All cantrips deal 1d4 + 1 damage.

  • Animate Dead: if used on a corpse item, animates that creature. Otherwise, summons a 5 HD shambling corpse. Does not work on player corpses.

  • Battletide: bonuses applied to allies.

  • Blackstaff: duration increased to turn/level.

  • Blindness/Deafness: will not affect constructs, undead, or oozes; duration increased to 2 rounds/level.

  • Call Lightning: changed to call down boulders, damage type changed to bludgeoning. This will damage neutral NPCs and party members.

  • Charm Person or Animal: duration increased to round/level.

  • Charm person: duration increased to round/level.

  • Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: grants +15 Spot/Listen; duration increased to 2 rounds/level.

  • Continual flame: marks items as plot to prevent exploits.

  • Darkfire: 1d2 fire damage, +1/4caster levels; works on gloves; visual effect has been removed; duration decreased to turn/level.

  • Darkness: only grants 20% concealment bonus and does not affect perception/visibility range or count as cover for stealth.

  • Dominate Monster: duration reduced to turn/level.

  • Drown: damage type changed to magical.

  • Earthquake: On failed Reflex save, the victim is knocked down for 1d4 rounds.

  • Energy Buffer: duration increased to hour/level.

  • Find Traps: no longer disarms traps, merely identifies them.

  • Flame Weapon: 1d2 fire damage +1 / 4 caster levels; works on gloves; visual effect has been removed.

  • Freedom of Movement: grants immunity petrification.

  • Greater Magic Weapon: +2 at level 5, +1 / 5 caster levels after (so +3 at 10, +4 at 15, etc); works on gloves; duration decreased to turn/level.

  • Greater Stoneskin: damage reduction reduced to 15/+5; duration decreased to turn/level.

  • Harm: 10 negative damage/caster level, capped at 150; successful Will save for half (potentially fatal).

  • Hold Animal: updated to use mind spell saves.

  • Hold Monster: updated to use mind spell saves.

  • Hold Person: updated to use mind spell saves.

  • Incendiary Cloud: damage changed to 10d6 fire damage.

  • Invisibility Sphere: grants Invisibility to everybody within two meters; duration reduced to round/level.

  • Isaac's Greater Missile Storm: 1d6 damage/missile cast.

  • Keen Edge: works on all weapon types; duration decreased to turn/level.

  • Mage Armor: +4 total Armor AC; spell is applied to worn armour; Armor type AC cannot exceed +4 (so a leather armour with 2 Armor AC will only receive +2 Armor AC from Mage Armor, for a total of +4).

  • Magic Circle vs. Alignment: confers Protection from Alignment on all allies within three meters.

  • Magic Vestment: +1 at levels 1-6, +2 at levels 7-12, +3 for levels 13+; only works on armour (not shields).

  • Magic Weapon: works on gloves.

  • Mind Blank: duration increased to hour/level.

  • Mind Fog: duration increased to round/level.

  • Negative Energy Burst: Will save negates Str drain in addition to halving the damage.

  • Polymorph Self: additional forms can be accessed through crafting menu; standard BioWare forms have been adjusted (reduced regeneration on troll form, umber hulk form has +10 Spot instead of True Seeing).

  • Premonition: damage reduction reduced to 20/+5.

  • Raise Dead: requires a small diamond as a component, and has a high % chance of spell failure based on a number of factors including alignments, and how faithful a priest the caster is.

  • Ray of Enfeeblement: duration increased to turn/level.

  • Resist Elements: duration increased to 24 hours.

  • Shelgarn's Persistent blade: duration decreased to round/level.

  • Shield: Blocks Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm and Isaac's Greater Missile Storm.

  • Stone Bones: AC bonus increased to 2 + 1 / 2 caster levels.

  • Stoneskin: duration decreased to turn/level.

  • Sunbeam: blindness duration increased to round/level.

  • True Seeing: grants See Invisibility and immunity to illusions (which includes Color Spray, Phantasmal Killer, and so on); does not reveal stealthed opponents.

  • Ultravision: high-powered version of Darkvision, no other effects (does not pierce Darkness).

  • War Cry: bonuses applied to allies.

  • Word of Faith: successful Will save negates; blindness duration increased to turn/level.

  • Summons last for 3 rounds/level, minimum six rounds. Default summons reflect an Underdark type of theme. A number of additional themes are available through reagents, items, and other means in game, both temporarily and permanently.

      Feats and domains
    • Arcane Defense
      • Abjuration:
        • Reduces the number of effects dispelled by Lesser Spell Breach and Greater Spell Breach by one.

    • Spell Focus, (Greater)
      • Abjuration:
        • Increases the maximum caster level for Lesser Dispel/Dispel Magic/Greater Dispelling by one and two, respectively.

        • Increases the number of effects dispelled by Lesser Spell Breach and Greater Spell Breach by one and two, respectively.

      • Divination:
        • Increases scrying duration by 150 % and 200 %, respectively.

    • Domain
      • Cavern:
        • Spells: Darkness (1), One with the Land (2), Call Lightning (4).

        • Abilities: 1x/day, +3 Search, Spot, Listen for turn/level.

        • Notes: Ability works only in caverns.

      • Chaos:
        • Spells: Cloud of Bewilderment (3), Confusion (5).

        • Abilities: Turn Outsiders.

      • Darkness:
        • Spells: Darkness (1), Blindness/Deafness (2), Shadow Conjuration (4).

        • Abilities: 1x/day, Ultravision.

      • Drow:
        • Spells: Charm Person (2), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (3), Improved Invisibility (5).

        • Abilities: Racial power.

      • Dwarf:
        • Spells: Glyph of Warding (2), Greater Magic Weapon (3).

        • Abilities: Racial power.

      • Elf:
        • Spells: True Strike (1), Cat’s Grace (2).

        • Abilities: Racial power.

      • Fungus:
        • Spells: Barkskin (2), Cloud of Bewilderment (3), Mind Fog (5).

        • Abilities: N/A.

      • Gnome:
        • Spells: Color Spray (1), Displacement (3).

        • Abilities: Racial power.

      • Halfling:
        • Spells: Cat’s Grace (2), Freedom of Movement (3).

        • Abilities: Racial power.

      • Hatred:
        • Spells: Bestow Curse (2), Inflict Critical Wounds (3), Harm (5).

        • Abilities: 1x/day, gain +1 AB and +1 Negative Energy damage bonus versus racial type of targeted creature for round/level.

      • Illusion:
        • Spells: Invisibility (2), Displacement (3), Phantasmal Killer (4).

        • Abilities: N/A.

      • Law:
        • Spells: Clarity (2), Hold Monster (5).

        • Abilities: Turn Outsiders.

      • Luck:
        • Spells: True Strike (1), Bestow Curse (2), Protection from Spells (6).

        • Abilities: Defensive Roll.

      • Metal:
        • Spells: Shelgarn’s Persistent Blade (1), Darkfire (2), Keen Edge (5).

        • Abilities: 1x/day, add +1 fire damage to non-hammer weapons or +1d4 fire damage to hammers for round/level.

        • Notes: Ability stacks with Darkfire.

      • Ooze:
        • Spells: Grease (1), Stinking Cloud (3), Evard’s Black Tentacles (4).

        • Abilities: Command Slimes.

      • Orc:
        • Spells: Prayer (2), Blood Frenzy (3), War Cry (5).

        • Abilities: Racial power.

        • Notes: Ability works only in caverns.

      • Portal:
        • Spells: Summon Creature III (2), Dismissal (3), Displacement (4).

        • Abilities: Portal Sense – supernatural ability uses Wisdom to detect portals.

        • Notes: Ability is automatic.

      • Reptilian:
        • Spells: Magic Fang (1), Greater Magic Fang (2), Poison (3).

        • Abilities: Command Lizards.

        • Notes: Magic Fang and Greater Magic Fang affect summons (only for Reptilian domain); Ability works only on insentient lizards.

      • Sea Caves:
        • Spells: Ironguts (1), Drown (5).

        • Abilities: Underwater Breathing – boosts the length of time that you can stay underwater before drowning.

      • Spells:
        • Spells: Lesser Dispel (1), Shield (2), Lesser Spell Breach (4), Feeblemind (6).

        • Abilities: N/A.

      • Spider:
        • Spells: Web (1), Poison (3).

        • Abilities: Command Spiders.

      • Undeath:
        • Spells: Stone Bones (1), Negative Energy Burst (3).

        • Abilities: Exceptional Turning – add 1d6 to all turning checks to determine maximum HD of undead turned. Also add 1d4 to the number of undead turned.


Death has serious consequences:

  • Respawning removes 1/3 total experience.
  • Raise Dead removes 1/6 total experience.
  • Resurrection removes 1/9 total experience.


  • AC from Bracers will not work if your character is wearing any form of armour beyond clothing.

  • Caltrops will not stack when dropped on top of each other.

Class Changes

  • 10% movement speed increase feat disabled if in heavy amour.

  • Barbarian Damage Immunity, disabled in heavy amour.
  • Level 5: 10% damage immunity.
  • Level 7: 20% damage immunity.

  • Level 8: 20% movement speed bonus, disabled in heavy armour.

  • Charisma bonus is applied to strength/con while raging (example a fourteen Charisma barbarian would get +2 Strength and +2 Con in addition to the base +4 Str/+4 Con. Her rage would be +6 Str/+6 Con.) Negative Charisma will also reduce rage bonuses using this same formula.

  • Level 1 rage is capped at +4/+4 (total).
  • Level 4 rage is capped at +8/+8.
  • Level 8 rage is uncapped.

  • Ranger tracking has been improved.
  • Druids now receive tracking at level 6.

  • 10% movement speed increase if the PC has 3 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area.
  • 15% movement speed increase if the PC has 6 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area.
  • 20% movement speed increase if the PC has 9 druid/ranger levels, and is in a wilderness area.

  • Rangers receive an AB bonus vs. their favoured enemies equal to ranger level/2, rounded down.

  • Rangers receive a +4 spot/listen/search bonus if they have 5 ranger levels and are in a wilderness area.

  • Rangers must have a valid Forgotten Realms deity to receive spells.
  • Druids must have a valid nature deity to receive spells.

Arcane archer
  • Now receives the "Elf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration.

  • Level 1: Detect good.

Dwarven defender
  • Now receives the "Dwarf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration.

Harper scout
  • This prestige class will eventually be completely modified and re-worked as "prime Underdark guide." Stay tuned for the exact changes that will be implemented.

Pale master
  • Level 1: Arcane Defense: Necromancy (+2 saves vs. necromancy spells).
  • Level 2: +1 Str.
  • Level 3: +2 Con flat bonus, 50% negative energy damage immunity, 50% positive energy vulnerability.
  • Level 4: Str bonus changed to +2, for the Summon Undead the pale master can pick one of three undead types: an incorporeal spirit, a mummy, or a stitched horror (all three monster-types are custom for EfU).
  • Level 5: Immunity negative energy 75%, Immunity Level Drain, +4 saves vs. death, 75% positive energy vulnerability.
  • Level 6: Con bonus changed to +4.

  • Pale masters may also be able to find special undead grafts to give them additional abilities.

  • Shifters in EfU have a totally custom shift system that lets them (theoretically) shift into virtually any monster found in the game-world.

Weapon master
  • Level 1: 10% Speed Increase, Improved Initiative feat.
  • Level 2: +4 concentration, discipline bonus, bonus feat: cleave.
  • Level 3: +1 fort/will, Evasion.
  • Level 4: Feat: Blinding Speed.

Is Bard Song a form of magic?

Yes, it is, but different from regular spellcasting. Bard spellcasting is still considered regular spellcasting, and such is subject to Spellcraft checks like wizard and cleric spellcasting, etc.

Can I cast spells under water?

Being under water prevents you from pronouncing the incantations required for a spell with a verbal component. It also severely hampers movement (somatic component). There is currently no support for casting silent spells under water.

Does Hold Person work against lycanthropes?

According to the PnP spell description, Hold Person should affect all humanoid creatures. Since the engine does not recognise NPC lycans as humanoids, these are immune to the effects of Hold Person. However, at the moment, Hold Person affects PC lycans in human, hybrid, and animal form (as per the spell description).

Can I animate a dead character's body with Animate Dead?

Not currently. At this moment, there are various corpse items in the game that can be used in conjunction with Animate Dead, but the spell works without corpses as well. It is the intention that, eventually, players should be able to animate the body of a dead character, but the complications are numerous and scripters few.

Will Protection from Good and Protection from Evil stack?

One confers protections against good, the other against evil, so yes. They do not cancel each other out. And you don't need a DM to answer this question.

Can I sell buffs to adventurers when I'm not busy elsewhere?

Selling buffs to other characters, lower level or not, is okay within reason. Low-level quests have not been designed to account for high-level spells such as Improved Invisibility and Stoneskin, so be careful with the buffs you offer.

Giving buffs to friends free of charge is not okay. Selling buffs unreasonably cheap is also not okay. Crosswind suggests a pricing rubric of 10 gold * spell level * caster level.

If a situation occurs in which charging for buffs would be out of character, such as somebody new to the server dying in a QA and you want to help, making an exception to this rule is acceptable.

When I dispel somebody, how much do I know?

Whatever the combat log tells you.

How should we role play spells such as Dominate Person?

Players may role play being more friendly/receptive to the caster than normally, but the spells do not represent actual domination akin to slavery; unless the caster is an NPC, and a DM says otherwise. A player’s willingness to role play the effects is an individual decision by that player, and OOC communication about the subject is discouraged for a number of reasons. If the player does not wish to role play the effects, she is simply dazed.

What is the Shadow Weave, and can my character be familiar with it?

This article on the Forgotten Realms Wiki explains the Shadow Weave. Knowledge of the Shadow Weave is sufficiently rare that it requires an application.

Can my familiar talk?

If it has a speech organ, yes. Imps have a speech organ; shining lights do not, etc.

Can I talk while polymorphed?

Yes, assuming you polymorph into a creature with a speech organ. Trolls have a speech organ; umber hulks and rats do not, etc.

The custom familiars are rather limited. Can I pick one with an alignment different from my character's?

Yes, you can. Although, you should probably not deviate more than two steps from your character's alignment. Lawful good to true neutral is two steps, lawful good to chaotic neutral is three steps.

I hear certain clerical domains permanently modify summoning themes. Is this true?

It is. These are the more obvious ones:


Fire Fire Water Water Air Air Earth Earth Undeath Undead (incorporeal) Spider Spider Ooze Ooze Darkness Shadow Illusion Illusory monsters

I'm playing a specialist wizard. Will my school of specialisation affect my default summoning theme?

No. Unfortunately, NWScript cannot retrieve schools of specialisation.

Can I suggest new spells?

Due to both balance concerns and technical issues it is extremely unlikely that any new spells suggested will be added, however, you may still suggest whatever you want.

For spells that have no effect on game play, such as Prestidigitation, role playing using them is okay. Other than that, "if it isn't there, it isn't there."

What can I tell about a character using Turn Undead?

Turning undead specifically requires showing, in relatively plain view, the symbol of your deity. Any onlookers can supposedly tell the character's patron deity assuming they would recognise the symbol. There are no exceptions to this rule.

From the actual turning, you can determine whether the character is performing a good or an evil act, depending on whether the undead are destroyed or commanded. Commanding undead is an evil act, but that does not mean the character is necessarily evil.

Can I tell a cleric's patron deity by watching the cleric cast spells?

The actual casting does not require the cleric to reveal her patron, however, a cleric should generally be outspoken enough about her patron deity that you shouldn't be in doubt.

Can I have Ao as my patron deity?

You technically can, but won't be able to cast divine spells and his followers have a bad habit of disappearing. Talking over a concept with a DM before creating a character is strongly advised. Otherwise, if you just want to worship something obscure, it's much more fun making up your own belief.

Can I have a deity outside my racial pantheon as my patron?

If you can think of a very good reason why your character wouldn't want to pick a deity in her racial pantheon as her patron, yes, you can. Try not to overdo it, though. If you're in doubt, catch a DM.

How much does my character know about the afterlife and the Wall of the Faithless?

It is common knowledge that Faithless will suffer a less than desirable fate when transcending, although the exact nature of that fate may be disputed. Clerics, especially Kelemvorites, are expected to know the details (Faithless get stuck in the Wall, False must wander the City of Judgement eternally, Faithful will be claimed by their respective patron deity).

Are there any guidelines for how divine classes should act?

There is the very comprehensive Divine Class duties, expectations, and restrictions guide in the Information for New Players sub-forum. It should answer most of your questions.

I see rangers are not covered in Metro_Pack's thread about divine classes. How come?

Starting from level four, rangers can cast divine spells. However, unlike the classes covered in the Divine Class duties, expectations, and restrictions thread, rangers do not have particular duties they must live up to, or restrictions they must adhere to. In order to receive spells in EfU, rangers must simply have a canon deity in their deity field. A chaotic neutral ranger of Kelemvor is perfectly fine -- but please try to have your alignment fit your patron deity. A lawful good ranger will still receive spells with Cyric in its deity field, but it really makes very little sense.

Please keep in mind that while rangers rarely suffer spell failure, it doesn't mean they can't.

As a wizard, is it okay to specialise in one school and focus in another?

Specialising in one school and focusing in another is generally considered a cheap way to bypass restrictions imposed by the engine. It is thus greatly discouraged, but not outright illegal. Yes, NWN's strict enforcing of opposing spell school rules is clumsy at best, but it is equally clumsy for all players.

Note that this is not grounds for determining a wizard's school of specialisation. There could be any number of reasons as to why a wizard cannot cast a certain spell.

I'm not proficient with a specific weapon. Can I still emote using it for menial tasks?

It is fine to use, say, and axe, to dig a hole, even if you cannot wield the axe. Skill bonuses represent a higher understanding of how to use a given weapon, and thus require you to have the appropriate weapon proficiency to benefit from.

What can I apply for?

Read the Application Process FAQ.

Additionally, here is a more comprehensive list of available sub-races that require application:


  • Gray dwarf (duergar)
  • Wild dwarf
  • Drow
  • Deep gnome (svirfneblin)
  • Half-drow
  • Hobgoblin
  • Bugbear
  • Deep orc
  • Gnoll
  • Gray orc
  • Mountain orc
  • Air genasi
  • Aasimar
  • Deep Imaskari
  • Earth genasi
  • Fire genasi
  • Tiefling
  • Water genasi
  • Werecat
  • Wererat
  • Werewolf
Most of these sub-races have been added because of applications. If you would like to play a sub-race that is not on the above list, you are more than welcome to send in an application.

Can I apply to play a child?

Yes, but do not hold your breath. NPCs represent Sanctuary's youth well enough; players do not need to worry about that.

Can I play a halfling and pretend I'm a child?

No. If you see somebody doing this, please contact a DM, either through PM, DM channel, or e-mail at escapefromunderdark@gmail.com, so they can talk to the individual. NPCs represent Sanctuary's youth well enough; players do not need to worry about that.

Are languages supported in EfU?

No. Official policy states that all characters are assumed to be speaking Common, regardless of whatever abbreviation may prefix the message. Players are generally free to adhere to this rule as they feel like, but should note that (most) other players will completely disregard any supposed usage of Elven, Dwarven, or what have you. Please do not feel wronged in any way if you think somebody "metagamed" speaking the same language as you; they do -- or rather, you speak the same language as them.

On a related note, using any language other than English is strictly forbidden. There is no way, neither for players nor DMs, to understand foreign languages. Tells are not subject to this rule.

Do you allow skill point banking?

Within reason, yes. Skill point banking is fine as long as you are taking cross-class skills. If, on the other hand, you take six levels in fighter, then one in rogue, and invest ten (banked) skill points in Tumble, you are breaking the rules. However, enforcing this rule is tedious at best, so breaking it will not earn you a ban -- maybe not even a friendly reminder. Instead, many DMs will simply ignore your character, focusing their limited time on more fair players.

Also, bear in mind that excessive skill point banking can lead to character file corruption, effectively ruining your character. If this happens, the DM team is entirely unable to help you.

Is it okay to have multiple characters in the same faction?

Generally speaking, no. You will not have a character approved for a DM faction if you already have a character in a DM faction, and surely, you don't need two characters in the same player faction. Save yourself and, most importantly, the faction leader, this needless headache.

Can I identify people from their citizen stones?

Personalised citizen stones (i.e. with names) can be used for identification purposes -- that is not to say the stone is theirs. Citizen stones without names cannot be used for identification purposes.

I rolled super high on my skill check and nobody cared. Why?

If you can agree with a player to use a skill check for something, and do it before rolling, that is fine. If nobody wants to play with skill checks, that is just as fine. Skill checks can only be enforced by a DM.

I have an item on one character I'd rather have on another character. Is there any way to legalise such an item transfer?


What is this server’s trap policy?

  1. You are allowed to use one direct damage trap (electric/fire/frost/holy/negative energy/sonic/spike) and one additional non-direct damage trap (such as slow) in PvP.
  2. Do not obscure a path entirely with traps. You must always leave an open path so you trap(s) can be avoided.
  3. Do not stack traps under any circumstances. This particular exploit can lead to direct bans.
  4. There is no limit to the amount of traps you can use in PvE, as long as you do not violate point 3.
  5. Do not set traps in populated areas or designated “newbie" areas (sewers, beetle farm, low-level quest areas). This is considered griefing.

What are the PvP rules?

General notes on PvP:

  1. Ensure your reasons for wanting to initiate PvP are justifiable. Fulfilling an assassination contract is a justifiable reason. Attacking somebody just because "you can" is not a justifiable reason.
  2. If you just want to mug somebody, try to aim your fire at more influential PCs. You also do not need to kill in order to mug.
  3. If (you know) you are much higher level than your target, be considerate. Nobody cares that your 3-attacks/round fighter can smack a level 2 beggar upside down in half a round, and the beggar certainly doesn't.
  4. If you engage in PvP, remain on the server for a substantial amount of time after the conclusion. Other players deserve a chance to respond to your actions.
  5. If a conflict occurs, engaging in PvP in a quest area is acceptable. Luring characters into a quest area for the sole purpose of killing them while they are alone is generally bad form, although there are exceptions to this rule. If you have a plan, consult a DM to determine if it is tasteful. Players should in no way feel immune to PvP while in a quest area (or heading to or from).
  6. It is okay to kill any sub-race application character because of race. Goblins and kobolds are also subject to this rule. These races are not protected by points 2 and 3.
  7. Respawning from PvP without explicit permission from a DM is unacceptable. If you have been victim to a case of griefing, attempt to get hold of a DM so they might investigate. If you die because of an OOC accident (wrong damage mode in a duel), you may respawn provided all parties agree that it was an accident.
  8. Despite the scripted effects, being subdued in a serious fight (i.e. not duel) counts as being knocked out. Getting up immediately and continuing attacking your opponent is considered bad form unless you have explicit OOC permission. Otherwise, wait until the PvP conflict is over.
  9. You may always defend yourself if attacked. All responsibility defaults to the initiator. However, if the attacker gets away and you decide to pursue, you become the initiator.
  10. If the target escapes from a no DM supervision area to a DM supervision area during PvP, a DM must either be contacted or the pursuer should cease her pursuit.
  11. Transition abuse and "corner sneaking" is strictly forbidden. Details on transition abuse in PvP, Transitions, and You. Transition camping (waiting by a transition for somebody to enter the area, then attacking) is similarly an abuse.
  12. You do not need to inform your target that you plan to initiate PvP.
  13. If you witness a griefer rampaging through town and no DM is available, you are allowed to stop him if you can, but be absolutely sure there's talk of griefing. If you ultimately lose, do not come crying back to the DMs.
  14. Only use FD when you have to.
  15. See trap policy for notes on using traps in PvP as well as PvE.
8 steps to safe PvP:
  1. Find out what type of area you are in, based on this table.
  2. Find out what type of character you are, based on the above table.
  3. State in the DM channel that you would like to initiate PvP. Always do this.
  4. Are you allowed to proceed in the given scenario without supervision?
    • No. Wait until a DM has confirmed his presence.
    • Yes. Proceed to step 5.
  5. Set the target character to dislike (hostile).
  6. Initiate PvP.
  7. Does the target flee to a DM supervision area?
    • No. Proceed to step 8.
    • Yes. Do you have a DM?
      • No. Get one or cease pursuit.
      • Yes. Proceed to step 8.
  8. Conclude PvP.
Gross violation of these rules may result in banning.

I was transition camped. Isn't that against the rules?

It very much is. If you have reason to believe somebody has "camped" by a transition with the pure intention to kill and loot people, take screen shots and e-mail them to escapefromunderdark@gmail.com along with an explanation of the scenario.

If you transition and are killed by a monster "camping" on the other side, nothing can be done unless a DM supervises the death. For this reason, if you suspect you may have lured a dangerous monster close to a transition, please drop a line on the DM channel or in IRC so the monster can be moved further away. Nothing is quite as depressing as a transition death.

Somebody has a familiar or animal companion out. Can I kill it?

Mostly, people that have familiars or animal companions out are just confused about the rules and don't know they are not supposed to (in Upper Sanctuary). Before you do anything, ensure the player understands that it is okay for other characters to kill her familiar or animal companion. Then, if you want to kill it, follow the PvP rules. Note that any hostile action taken against these creatures marks you as the initiator, and the creature's master may respond as she sees fit. Thus, a DM should always be present if the event takes place in a populated area.

In the more ordered parts of town (Old Sanctuary, New Dunwarren, etc.), taking action against these creatures is perfectly legal -- no matter what the manic wizard tells you, a wyrmling dragon is still a monster, and the law enforcers would not tolerate their presence.

In the more chaotic parts of town (Lower Sanctuary, Mycopolis, etc.), it is not as black and white. Here, common sense applies -- do not run around with an intellect devourer at least without alerting the DMs, but a shining light is not going send half the Lower population away screaming.

I have lost my equipment. How do I get it back?

If you lose your equipment due to in-game events (beaten down and mugged), attempt to recover your equipment through in-game means. If you die and the server crashes, reimbursement is only possible if a DM has witnessed the death. If you die and log out, everything you had equipped will be lost -- everything else is left in a backpack as usual. If you must log out, the only way to avoid this is to have another player find your corpse and strip it of the things you had equipped.

I have died to lag. Is there anything the DMs can do?

They can feel sorry for you, that's usually it. Unless the death was supervised by a DM, standing policy is that nothing can be done.

I understand there are certain guidelines when it comes to UMD. What are these?

First, the Use Magic Device changes make for a smoother progression, more in-line with the item's value.

Next, take a close look at the item in question. Don't worry about whether you can use it, worry about whether you would use it. Good rogues should not be waltzing around in human skin cloaks regardless of how high their UMD is.

Now that you have confirmed your character would use the item in question, does it make sense to do so? Some items have been designed with a specific race or class in mind and have been assigned appropriate item restrictions accordingly, either because none other would/could use the item in question, or to discourage multiclassing (mostly barbarians, rangers, and monks). Some of these items have OOC notes in their description, but not all. The general consensus is that bypassing size limitations with UMD is silly, and that alignment restrictions are more to help the player understand what type of character would use such an item rather than the item repelling characters of inappropriate alignment. You'll have to rely on your own judgement here, but if you're in doubt, a DM can quickly tell you if you should use an item or not.

Bottom line is that UMD essentially is too powerful, so please do not abuse it.

How often does the server reset?

There is no schedule, but usually once a day.

I want to post a public notice. What are the rules concerning that?

The rules for posting a public notice are explained in stickies in the Public Notice sub-forum. In summation:

  • For posters in a specific location, your character must go to said location to see the notice.

  • Do not tamper with other people's notices without explicit permission from a DM, unless the notice in question encourages you to sign (such as with a petition). This includes "ripping down" notices, emoting, and general slander.

  • When posting pictures, ensure the content is appropriate. No sexual or otherwise potentially offensive images, no plain photos or 3D images.

  • When posting a particularly controversial notice (such as anti-Spellguard propaganda in the Spellguard Tower), do it in game with DM supervision so the NPCs can respond accordingly.

Do I need to visit a place regularly to pick up letters?

You do. If you are in a (DM) faction, it is also a nice courtesy to let the sender know that you have received the letter, regardless of whether you intend to actually respond to it. You do not need to respond with, "picks up the letter" as emoting on the forums is usually sort of silly, but a PM to the sender or a, "Received" reply will keep the sender from resending the letter over and over again without having an out of character idea of whether the letter has been seen or not.

Can the scribe tell me who left these slanderous notes about me?

For the purpose of having notes scribed, scribes are considered OOC tools in that characters are generally assumed to have access to ink and parchment. Therefore, scribes cannot help identify people who have left notes about town (because they were never there). Similarly, if you walk in on somebody while they are having a note scribed, you cannot identify the author of the notes. For all other purposes, scribes are as IC as any other NPC.

If you plan to spread particularly malicious notes, please drop a message on the DM channel or in IRC.

I would like to have one or more characters deleted. How do I do that?

First, be absolutely certain you want your character(s) deleted. DMs do not want, and should not have, to deal with players complaining about having lost their character because they threw a hissy fit and decided to quit.

Then, send a PM to one of the DMs, catch one of them in IRC, or write an e-mail to escapefromunderdark@gmail.com. Include account name and names of the characters you would like deleted. Please do not make a post in the DM Questions & Answers sub-forum for this.

Why don't you just script a way to allow players to delete their own characters?

Too often, players suffer from Post Death Angst. During such fits, many players have decided to retire their characters and immediately afterwards asked to have it deleted. Usually, as the player in question settles down, this leads only to more grief following the irreversible loss of their character (at their own request).

Additionally, such a script, if faulty, could cause severe damage to the server.

How do I post screen shots?

Read the Posting Screen Shots post. If you notice it has become dated, PM me the details.

How do I enable chat logging?

Read the Chat Logging post. If you notice it has become dated, PM me the details.

I have a question about a concept/application. Where should I direct it?

If you want to talk to a DM about a possible concept, IRC is by far the easier solution, although forum PMs can work as well. Application questions should be directed to a DM via PM or IRC in #EfUApps. Please wait three days before asking about an application's status.

When should I send in an application for my character?

When you are ready to play/pursue whatever you are applying for. If you apply for a sub-race, don't send in an application for "sometime in the future." If you apply for a prestige class, make sure you fulfil the requirements outlined in the Application Process FAQ in the Information for New Players sub-forum.

I'd like to talk to a DM for whatever reason. How do I go about that?

Send a PM to a DM of your preference, or catch one in IRC. Please do not make a post asking the DMs to contact you. Not only is that extremely pretentious, it also makes it clear that, whatever it was you wanted, it wasn't important enough that you bothered making an effort. It also clutters the forum with junk.

I have a complaint about a particular event. Where do I file it?

Complaints, of any sort, should be handled either in PMs with the DM present or through e-mail at escapefromunderdark@gmail.com. They do not belong on the forums.

I feel I am being abused in tells. What should I do?

Take screen shots next time it happens, then e-mail them to the DM team at escapefromunderdark@gmail.com and explain the situation. Do not discuss this anywhere on the forums.

Is there an ‘important thread’ index somewhere?

There is one here.

If you’re new to EfU, read the stuff in the Information for New Players sub-forum. It’s a lot to take in at once, but it’s useful information. Server policy in particular is important to understand.

Other than that, here is a list of useful reads ranging from server policies to role playing advice:

General Role Playing

Character Specific Other

How do I know which DM to contact?

DMs are not assigned to specific factions or anything like that. A request that cannot be handled by a specific DM can generally be passed on. Below is an alphabetical listing of the current DMs. The ones you can click on are currently active or semi-active, and many can also be reached in IRC.

I have a question this FAQ doesn't answer. Where do I put it?

First, determine what type of question it is. Is it mechanics related? Is it setting specific? Is it about cute cats? Next, go to the forum index page and carefully read the sub-forum descriptions. Pay special attention to the DM Questions & Answers and Off Topic Discussion sub-forum descriptions. Finally, find the sub-forum that best describes your question and post it there.

Any question that could be answered by a player, beyond the shadow of a doubt, should not be posted in the Q&A sub-forum; any question that does not pertain to EfU should be reserved for the OT sub-forum. Mechanics questions are an excellent example -- beside those that have to do with the mechanics changes, they have nothing to do with EfU, yet they pop up in the DM Q&A sub-forum with regular intervals. You do not need a DM to tell you how much Int is required to take Expertise. If you cannot find the answer on NWNWiki, ask in the OT sub-forum or in IRC. If you do this:

  • you don't have to wait for a DM to bother answering a question a regular player could answer;

  • DMs don't have to waste time answering a question a regular player could have answered;

  • and the Q&A sub-forum retains its original purpose (and doesn't become needlessly cluttered).

You keep telling me not to post in the DM Q&A sub-forum. When should I post there?

From the DM Questions & Answers sub-forum description:

    Ask the DMs about general policy and setting information. Players may not post in other player’s threads. One issue per thread, please.
If you have a question about NPC activity, ask in the DM Q&A. If you want to know whether EfU adheres to, or deviates from, certain canon rules, ask in the DM Q&A. If you need clarification on PvP rules, ask in the DM Q&A.

If you want to know how much Int you need to take Expertise, do not post in the DM Q&A. If you want to know if the DM team has received your e-mail, do not post in the DM Q&A. If you want to know if the DMs are cat people or dog people, do not post in the DM Q&A.

If you have a question to which only a DM's answer is acceptable, ask in the DM Q&A (server policy and setting information). If you have a question only a DM can answer, which doesn't concern other people, send a PM to a DM or ask in IRC (applications, complaints, etc.). If you have a question a player could answer as well as a DM, do not ask in the DM Q&A (general tech questions, mechanics not pertaining to the mechanics changes, input on playing a specific class, etc.). If you want to extend a personal thank you to one or more DMs for something, do not do it in the DM Q&A.

No matter where you post, please name your thread informatively. "Random Question" is not informative, nor is, "Help? PLEASE!!!" or, "Probably been asked before."

Failure to comply with these rules can result in deletion of posts (or, more often, public humiliation). Continued abuse can lead to forum account banning.