To those many of you that have just joined our community: Welcome!
Now is a dire time. You've already heard the story of why we fight The Spellguard, and they know the location of where we reside, as shown by the note on our door. This should tell us all that now is a time of action!
You've probably seen the bulletin calling for all men and women of Lower to attack those of The Spellguard. This is an initiative we must lead. Stay in pairs and fight in pairs. Keep in mind that Clan Cave Worm and Mycopolis oppose the Spellguard, so it will be wise to run there if the fight gets too dire. Also note that there's a particularly troublesome individual known as "unidentified" in the Spellguard bulletins. He's wandering Lower looking for rebels. Let's show him he can't walk around like he owns the place!
For the rest of you, arm yourselves with rotten fruit! It will be a fun time indeed. If this sort of rebellion is not your cup of tea, then there are plenty of other opportunities here in the Sewer:
- The Spellguard plans to rebuild The Blue Mushroom Inn in order to attract Deep Gnomes. They hope to kidnap these gnomes and force them to repair The Machine. Any confirmation of this is welcome, and any way to undermine these efforts should be discussed.
- Information on The Keeper Mushroom is sought. Apparently The Spellguard want it.
- The Seekers are currently finding The Way of Frederick Bresley in order to get the hell out of here before the big fight between The Appetite and The Machine. Anything you can do to help us is appreciated. Good help may warrant an invitation into what remains of the organization.
- Those of Mycopolis want to destroy The Machine. I'm unsure if fighting one side of the balance is in our favor, but this is worth looking into. Consider helping this lot.
- Redpath of New Dunwarren wants to destroy The Appetite. He's insane, but if you want to help him, you're welcome to.
- If you've been undiscovered as an enlightened man by The Spellguard, we can use a man in The Spellguard Associates to give us word as to what's going on.
- Any other shit you can do to help us is welcome.
Good luck to you all, and remember to keep us updated with your successes! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask Old Monty! Just bring a beer or a coin.
Praise Ubel! -The Criler