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*posted near the other flier about Charwick Danforth*

Jherick, a paladin of Tyr grew angered by this priest's presence in the Beacon and attacked him from behind. The priest struck him down as the children cowered in fear of Bane's might.

Being honorable, this priest of Bane refused to allow a battle he won to result in this paladin's death until they agreed to the terms. He carried the wounded paladin to safety, healed his wounds, and then challenged him to a more honorable duel.

Thus the two met in the Sanctuary Arena and boxed, bare-fisted to the death both relying on their faith in their God to sustain them.

At the battle, Charwick Danforth again praised Bane and warned Jherick of the folly of challenging this priest of Bane--Jherick's ruined body soon littered the Arena floor as the citizen's of Sanctuary watched on.

Such is the might of Bane's priests.

Charwick Danforth has been banned from the Beacon before this event. Obviously the news never reached him. Barring a grave medical emergency, that wicked caricature of a real man is no longer welcome among the people of the Beacon.

~Patty Threadbare

Bane can kiss my ass for all I care. I spoke to the kids about it and they all said you robbed the place... And you forget to mention you Murdered Hurc as well.

If you cant busy yourself better other than raiding a poor mans house and boasting about it then I aint got no respect for you.

Jack Mars