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Pro vs Evil and Fear Effects

I noticed specifically on the troll quest, but a few times lately from other sources that Pro vs Evil isn't always protecting you against mind effects.

I've been hit by color sprays, fear, etc all while under Pro vs Evil.

Seconded, drunken hobgoblins could scare my char in the brewery quest with PfE on.

There have been no changes to the spell itself as far as what little I am aware of. It was a "Drunken Hobgoblin" and a 'what troll'?

It was the boss troll's fear effect on the Troll Quest.

Is it possible these encounters are accidentally neutral/non-evil?

JackOfSwords Is it possible these encounters are accidentally neutral/non-evil?

As far as I know, that shouldn't matter. The AC effect of the spell is determined by alignment of the foe; but the protection from mind effects is a universal.

Protection from Evil/Good is +2 ac vs evil/good, protection from mind spells cast by evi;/good, and +2 saves vs evil/good. It is not universal.

I just fell victim to this bug, as well. I cast Prot vs Evil, then pounced on some standard gnoll shaman spawns on the gate road. Their color spray blinded me. :shock:

I double-checked after the melee to make sure the effects were active (by the icons in upper right, and by the notation on the character sheet,) and that the dialogue windows indicated successful casting.

Everything was cool, but I still got buzzed by the shamans.

I can explain that one. Protection from alignment grants you immunity from mind-affecting spells, and NWN does not treat blindness as mind affecting (and I don't know how PnP handles this).

If you still are blinded with PfA up, it is not a bug.

Blindness/Deafness isn't a mind-affecting spell in PnP.

Please note that I said it was color spray that blinded me, not the blindness spell. Depending on your level/savings-throw or somesuch, color spray has different effects.

My understanding is that Prot from Evil should protect me from an evil caster casting color spray (an illusion). In fact, this is the first time I've seen it NOT protect me, so one way or the other, there's a bug... either it has protected me when it shouldn't, or it's not protecting me when it should.

Either that, or the Gnoll Shaman weren't evil.

It's not completely mind affecting. Not all illusions are. If there's an illusion standing in front of you, it's not mind affecting. The colors blinded you. Nothing mind-affecting here.

Please note that I said it was color spray that blinded me, not the blindness spell. Depending on your level/savings-throw or somesuch, color spray has different effects.

My understanding is that Prot from Evil should protect me from an evil caster casting color spray (an illusion). In fact, this is the first time I've seen it NOT protect me, so one way or the other, there's a bug... either it has protected me when it shouldn't, or it's not protecting me when it should.

Either that, or the Gnoll Shaman weren't evil.

When you're low level, color spray has a blindness effect on you. This won't be protected from PfA. This is deliberate and by design and how it should be. When you gain a few levels, you'll be protected from the stun. No bug here.

As far as this color spray thing goes, there's no bug. Those two spells have never been modified in a way that would make this happen.

If people run into more cases where you suspect an evil creature is casting a (verified) mind-affecting spell that's getting through your PfE, it's good to report them. Remember that some of them can't be changed, mainly the default bioware monsters, and also be sure it's not a case of your spell simply running out at a very unlucky time.

This still leaves the 2 cases of being hit by fear while under PfE though. I think.

ExileStrife If people run into more cases where you suspect an evil creature is casting a (verified) mind-affecting spell that's getting through your PfE, it's good to report them. Remember that some of them can't be changed, mainly the default bioware monsters...
Very much related to this. Whether or not Arkov did address the issue is unknown to me.

ExileStrife As far as this color spray thing goes, there's no bug. Those two spells have never been modified in a way that would make this happen.

If people run into more cases where you suspect an evil creature is casting a (verified) mind-affecting spell that's getting through your PfE, it's good to report them. Remember that some of them can't be changed, mainly the default bioware monsters, and also be sure it's not a case of your spell simply running out at a very unlucky time.

Bioware creature alignment can be changed. Its a simple script. Essentially, on Spawn check the creature's Tag and if its a certain busted Tag shift alignment appropriately.

I'm fairly sure that in laggy situation fear auras can get bugged and work even with PfE up.