2006-09-01 00:13:24 UTC
Here is a smattering of things I have come across which I would like to suggest:
- The Society Tokens handed out by Armand Waters for the Hook Horrors quest be identified. I beleive it to be odd that Armand would give adventurares tools to help in their fight against aberrations without telling them how they work.
- The scribed notes, when dropped on the ground, could show up as a papersheet placeable using a system much like alchemist fire barrels and corpses.
- I am not certain if these are intended or not: Goblin Archers are not evil and normal Hook Horrors are not evil. When on the goblin quest and the Hook Horror quest and everything else is evil when these particular creatures are not speaks "unintended" to me. I suggest making these two monsters evil, though I am not so sure about the Hook Horrors. Is there a reason the greater and elder Horrors are evil whereas the common Horrors are not?
2006-09-01 00:30:27 UTC
- The Society Tokens handed out by Armand Waters for the Hook Horrors quest be identified. I beleive it to be odd that Armand would give adventurares tools to help in their fight against aberrations without telling them how they work.
I'm pretty sure that's a bug. Fixed.
- The scribed notes, when dropped on the ground, could show up as a papersheet placeable using a system much like alchemist fire barrels and corpses.
This would require a bit of work. I wouldn't necessary be against it, except that it still wouldn't let you read the notes without picking them up, which is the only major benefit that I could see such a system having. If we could get our SetDescription(...) function working ... *prods RD* ... then this would be an excellent approach.
- I am not certain if these are intended or not: Goblin Archers are not evil and normal Hook Horrors are not evil. When on the goblin quest and the Hook Horror quest and everything else is evil when these particular creatures are not speaks "unintended" to me. I suggest making these two monsters evil, though I am not so sure about the Hook Horrors. Is there a reason the greater and elder Horrors are evil whereas the common Horrors are not?
Blame Bioware. Quite a few of the standard creatures that should be evil aren't, because Bioware decided (for whatever reason) to make their templates have a Chaotic Neutral alignment. Unless we create custom versions of all of these creatures, this isn't something that can be changed.
2006-09-01 00:41:56 UTC
Thanks for the fix on number one. That's been bugging me for a while. As for three, would it be difficult to creat copies of the bioware monsters, change the alignments, and then replace the standard monsters with the new custom monsters in the module?
2006-09-01 00:53:28 UTC
Thanks for the fix on number one. That's been bugging me for a while. As for three, would it be difficult to creat copies of the bioware monsters, change the alignments, and then replace the standard monsters with the new custom monsters in the module?
It could be done, although I'd be loathe to do it for a large number of monsters because it uses up space in the module without providing a major benefit. It can certainly be done in specific cases. For those cases, we'd need to identify exactly what changes need to be made, and track down every time that the creature is referenced anywhere in the module. This is possible to do, but it's not easy.
2006-09-01 01:10:04 UTC
Add Allignment Shift to their spawn script perhaps?
2006-09-01 02:01:57 UTC
Could work. I'll experiment.
2006-09-01 02:48:43 UTC
It'll work. Just check creature tag on spawn.
2006-09-01 02:54:08 UTC
Excellent. After discussing this, though, it appears that Hook Horrors are actually supposed to be neutral (they are unnatural aberrations, but, being simply mindless predators, they lack the capacity for any genuine moral alignment).
If somebody could put together a list of all of the standard palette creatures that Bioware did mess up the alignments on, that would be excellent.
2006-09-01 05:44:03 UTC
If that is the case (hook horrors being mindless aberration without alignment disposition) then why are greater and elder hook horrors evil, and why does Armand give out protection from evil tokens?
Are the greater and elder horrors considered more intelligent and thus able to choose an alignment?
2006-09-01 18:09:49 UTC
BioWare's alignment screw-ups:
Monster: NWN: PnP:Ettercap CN Usually NE
Hook Horror CN Usually TN
Winter Wolf CN Usually NE
Worg CN Usually NE
Fire Giant (male) TN Usually LE
Nymph LE Usually CG
Lizardfolk Chieftain NE Usually TN
Wraith Spider CG CE
Shadow Mastiff CN NE
Mephit (any) NE Usually TN
Formian Myrmach/Queen TN LN
Slaad (any color) NE Usually CN
Death Slaad (Lord) CN Usually CE
Werecat NE CG
Wererat CG LE
Mummy Lord CE Usually LE
I need something to do with my life.
2006-09-01 23:00:33 UTC
Hrm, according to that, Hook Horrors are indeed evil, as I originally thought. What's your source for that?
2006-09-01 23:07:06 UTC
I made a mistake there, it was supposed to read neutral, not neutral evil. And my source is MMII.