Nature Oriented Characters Refreshed

Started by The Crimson Magician, May 06, 2009, 02:28:25 AM

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The Crimson Magician

Mort's Nature Character Posting!

Personally, I am a big fan of the Naturey. There are plenty of awesome concepts you can pull, most of which I am sure are very relevant to the setting!

Just a heads-up, and a small wealth of information to pull out some creative and imaginative concepts! =D

Druidic Deities!

I'm not insinuating that there is a group being created. I am just stating that the Stewards may be in need of some of you folks. They're really quite awesome to interact with, and the simple shortage of players actually joining it is leaving something to be wanting.


Especially because half of them died the other day.


It's already being worked on! :)

Though, yeah, I agree. The Nature group would need more love/encouragement from both sides - Players, and DM's.

Having played Boris after getting a bounty on his head, there wasn't much to do outside of the Zig, as A) everyone was in the Zig. B) Everyone was in the Zig. C) Everyone was in the Zig.  D) What remained, was only to RP to Qondil/Myself, or on the very rare occassion meeting a group of folk who were going out to do a quest in the wilds.

Hours, and hours of loneliness >.>

I could be wrong though, maybe there is more things to do outside of the Zig aside of stalking around/AE'ing animals, cuddling them etc. But just speaking from what I have seen myself. After two hours of walking and gathering herbs, not meeting anyone at all, it was starting to get a tad boring.

Make more Nature chars! Reject the Sharb government! Run around naked and hug trees! It's heaps fun, folks!


Umm IM working on it too.


Do stuff, and get DM attention in return!


nature PC are awesome!!  i often never came into the ziggurat for days at a time there is was tons to do outside especially for a druid and i can only imagin with more areas added there is even more to do!  

stewards faction is so fun, go for it and aid the tree loving folk, i'll offer advice if wanted for nature type PCs feel free to PM me on the forums.

St Juste

My 2 cent
I play on line because I want play with other person,
Nwn is not player massive, so we have a not very high
number of player for area, if you don't have some center of
attraction you risk to have no one for roleplay with.
maybe ought be fun to play some mad malarite cult that conspire against the city, but play lonely ranger that wander in the wood is not for anyone.


Seeing how old the linked thread was, I'll stick myself right here...if you see Leokalani (kalani for short, though people seem to be finding 'leok' acceptable *grumbles*). Anyhow, she's decidedly nature-oriented, if halfway urban due to circumstances.

Luke Danger

Having played a semi-nature PC, I can defintiely tell you it's fun to play Team Nature, you'll see places you probably won't see being a Sharborneth/Stygian Soldier. Trust me, Team Nature is fun.

Until the wipe comes of course. :P