Animal Empathy

Started by scribjellydonut, May 02, 2009, 08:42:47 PM

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I suggest that calming animals via animal empathy last 24 hours rather than turn/level.  It's mechanically irritating to continually AE an animal that you have moving with you because of the short duration(and also doesn't make a whole lot of sense).  If this won't be done then at the end of the duration, could an empathy check automatically be rolled to see if the animal stays with the PC.  Further, if this won't be done, then could the duration at least be increased to hour/level


AE doesn't mean you get a free henchman, imo. It means you don't get attacked by the creature, long enough for you and those you guide to have safe passage.

If you want AE to move the animal over a short distance for any reason, the actual duration is fine. AE while the creature is still friendly, it's easier than waiting for it do go hostile.

You've got an animal companion if you want something to tag along for a long time.

Jayde Moon

I don't think the duration should be increased at all, I agree with LetsPlay in terms that it's not about getting some sort of long term henchman.  You have calmed the animal and can direct it, somewhat, but it's an empathy thing, and the animal wants to return to its natural state of being wild.

However, I do think that it could be appropriate for an automatic skill roll after the duration ends to keep the animal calm, however, this roll should NOT be a natural twenty, to represent the animal's increasing agitation at going against its nature.

Listen in Silence

A natural 20 with a steadily increasing DC?

Drakill Tannan

I think what steve means is that you don't have to re-do the clicking all the time, after the duration ends, you automatically do an OOC AE check and if you succed the animal continues being friendly, and this repeats for 24 hours.



I would be in favor of an automatic AE roll whenever the original domination fades. No automatic 20's though.

I also think the duration is fine as it is.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


This is not possible. Animal Empathy is hardcoded to the radial menu; there is no spellscript/impact script within which to modify the duration or DC.


Even if it were possible, please explain to me why a WILD BEAST your pc encounted 30 seconds ago is going to stick with you and die for you for 24 hours.

AE is having a connection and such with animals, it's not like HEY ANIMAL WE'RE BFFS NOW YOU DON'T GET A CHOICE BECAUSE MY AE SCORE IS ROCKIN'.

Coaxing it to hunt with you or protect you is one thing, but it is still a WILD ANIMAL. If you think you can try to explain how one glance (Which is almost never accompanied by an emote or anything by most PCs I see AE'ing) can suddenly domesticate a hungry, wild beast into wanting to spoon with you when you cuddle to sleep, please enlighten me.



Tone it down, Cruzel.