summon 3 domain spell

Started by Sedarine, April 17, 2009, 11:46:07 PM

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Portal domain grants summon 3 at 3rd level. If I have this right, seems like you get 10 points/ I have 30 at level 3. The cost on that summon is, I can't cast it until I hit 5th anyway :/ Had I known this I may have done things a bit differently...

If I may ask..what does SF and GSF add to your points pool respectively?


They don't add to your points, but they make each summon take less points.

Each theme takes up different amounts of points, but GSF will lower the points needed for each summon considerably!


My point is simply this: I can't summon my sweet domain critter...even though I'm supposed to be able to!


You'll be able to summon more of them per day at a later level!

That said, clerics with Domains intended for Summoning may merit a token increase in Summoning points.


20 points would be fairly average. I know some summoning themes are more then the base ones but at least normal summons can be casted by these clerics. (20 points is the difference for normal summons every odd level [effectively allowing you to cast it at the lower level]).


This also proves a problem with the animal domain, where summons are better.