Patrician Wanding

Started by Winston Martin, April 16, 2009, 02:11:26 PM

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Winston Martin

Patrician wanding doesn't seem to work. I was wanded by DeputyCool a week or so after it was granted to my PC in the tournament, but no NPCs recognized this (including Siamorph Priest, Dock Border Guard, Clerk Emiliano).

Tested it out with 9lives at Clerk Emiliano to no effect. When I paid him this was fixed and all mentioned NPCs recognized my PC as a patrician.


I don't know if you had received the Patrician Paperwork when you were given the title, Wiston.  I know when my Patrician died and I lost my papers, no NPC recongized me as such even though I was still wanded.  But once the papers were back in my inventory.. I was back on track.


Yes, The papers needs to be authentic (wanded) and you need to have them!