How to play a druid in EFU?

Started by Drakill Tannan, April 15, 2009, 02:03:08 PM

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EPIC FAIL: Pleace.

Drakill Tannan

I know i do type fastly and carelessly. Mind you, my grammar is better in english than in my home language, don't complain :P

Anyway. I've been trying and experimenting a lot. The resting restrictions usually get the best out of me, and it NEVER rains when i can find a party to go to an outdor area, so i've given up on that spell. Also i've scrapped gresse. It's horrible do to the not-knocking thing (either intended or not, it was a waste to take conjuration as a focus.. at least untill i get other good conjurations, wich considering the level players usually reach will be never.) and i've found sleep better. although still not too good. Still, it's someting. In the end i usually end up memorising heal light wounds.

Wildshape is probably the best thing the druid has at my level. Fully buffed the worg can be a mediocre damage dealer, so i can actually do something to help the tanks. At times other shapes can also come very usefull, the fire bettle shape is godly against zombies and mummies. something good, because druids hate undead and i can't deny helping clearing the temple of jergal any time i'm asked to aid. In fact i think i've been doing the quest dialy.. never gets old though. Buffing allies also makes a diference, the brood keepers seem to suck, either that or my bad luck always gives them low rolls, either way, with extend spell i can use the level 3 slots to buff allies, so it doesn't matter much.

As for wands.. i've reconsidered. Anywhere else, the duration of buffs was so terrible it wasn't even worth it unless it was cast at caster level. When i wrote that though i didn't remember hours in EFU:A take 27 minutes, so the duration is 13 times more. Larger than life as it is, 3 hours is a lot. As for spells, call lighting at 1d10 is powerfull enough so even at level 5 it deals almost as much damage as a level 10 regular call lighitng. I still will never use it because it never rains when i go to an outdoor quest, but it would be nice to have it there. hell, 20 damage to all enemies is good enough if i get the chance to use it, and even if they make the save i'll do that much damage. Also, when i get cure critical wounds (never? lol i can dream) the wands will be well worth it.

So i'm usually staying behind most of the quests buffing and healing (when i rememeber to), killing the left-overs of the enemies left by the rushin dwarves, then turn into a wolf to aid in the fron when the extra damage is neded, then trun back into human and summon things at the boss fight. At least now i feel i'm doing something, that is an improvement.

Please keep the suggestion and/or flaming comming, they will all be apreciated, because i'm not giving up on durids. I don't care if i have to get to epic levels to do so!!

EDIT: Oh, and IC, Adeline hates dwarves, so she won't travel with them most times, problem solved.


Hours for spell durations are 5 minutes long, not 27. 27 minutes is just for time-changes (to have a more natural day/night cycle). I just wanted to correct that misunderstanding (spending some time glancing over our mechanics changes page may be helpful).

Drakill Tannan

Quote from: Howland;121134Hours for spell durations are 5 minutes long, not 27. 27 minutes is just for time-changes (to have a more natural day/night cycle). I just wanted to correct that misunderstanding (spending some time glancing over our mechanics changes page may be helpful).


Well from experience alone i can say they still last a lot. (2.5 more times? seems more to me but...)


I guess while you have everyone's attention I'd like to add the oddity of your animal companion attacking you. I thought you were full of it and didn't believe it until I saw it - which was pretty weird.  I saw a panther that Adeline(Drakill's druid) had summoned(that was not confused) do a sneak attack to her, taking about half her health. It was somewhat funny but at the same time I was the cleric so it was a waste of healing to keep her at good health from a rogue panther


Quote from: scribjellydonut;121378I guess while you have everyone's attention I'd like to add the oddity of your animal companion attacking you. I thought you were full of it and didn't believe it until I saw it - which was pretty weird.  I saw a panther that Adeline(Drakill's druid) had summoned(that was not confused) do a sneak attack to her, taking about half her health. It was somewhat funny but at the same time I was the cleric so it was a waste of healing to keep her at good health from a rogue panther

Report this as a bug immediately.

Drakill Tannan

Quote from: scribjellydonut;121378I guess while you have everyone's attention I'd like to add the oddity of your animal companion attacking you. I thought you were full of it and didn't believe it until I saw it - which was pretty weird.  I saw a panther that Adeline(Drakill's druid) had summoned(that was not confused) do a sneak attack to her, taking about half her health. It was somewhat funny but at the same time I was the cleric so it was a waste of healing to keep her at good health from a rogue panther

That and that i looove to frontline with my 17 AC :mrgreen:

Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;121382Report this as a bug immediately.

I belive it is not a bug, happened when the panther entered gresse (yes i used gresse, and it did help, i'm amazed) but never when i didn't cast it, the thing is, due to PvP, when my panther is in any way damged/debuffed by any spell i cast it targets me as hostile. I belive it happened in the OC as well.

I could be wrong though, i'll test out once i have control of the PC with video card.

Anonymous Bosch

Panthers have reacted badly to stepping into your AoE's since NwN came out.
The only things to do is not use AoE's when the panther is out or, safest of all, choose a less buggy companion.


Well done sir! You're clearly getting the hang of the druid, something I have never been able to do myself. I'm impressed that you've had the stick-to-itiveness to figure it out. Druids are hard to play, and easily ganked if the circumstances are bad.

I salute you!