Subdual and yank pack courtesy

Started by Ladocicea, May 07, 2015, 12:44:05 PM

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Just something for you to think about.

When subbing someone, it is a cool thing to do to use the search inventory function to search their inventory and then request the items you want traded to you rather than immediately yank pack someone as they hit the floor and mess their entire inventory up.

On the flipside of this, if someone is magnanimous enough to use the search inventory player tool on you instead of just pulling all your belongings, DO NOT attempt to hide anything. Attempting to hide the contents of your inventory is for when you're frisked while not having been subbed. It makes absolutely zero sense for you to attempt to hide things after being subbed as someone could just yank your pack and see everything anyway. If you hide anything from the player that has subbed you, then they're well within their rights to bash you again and yank pack.

I am sure someone will say "but you can't see item properties when you use the search tool!". Deal with it/find a sensible way around this. Or "what if there's time constraints and yank_pack is quicker if you need to get out in a hurry". Yes, you can find any number of reasons not to do this, but it is the nice thing to do, and players that don't want to do something nice will find any excuse not to, and players who like doing the right thing will do it even if there's some minor inconvenience to them, to avoid a large inconvenience for others.

If you enjoy being inconsiderate you might want to reply to this thread pointing out that this isn't a server rule, just best practice, so you don't have to do this. But I would like to remind you that good PvP karma does constitute one of the two pillars of our PvP guidelines, so it would be good to see more of this.

I love cats

I extremely disagree with Lado's suggestion. it is far easier and quicker to do yank pack and grab items than doing a senseless drawn out emote. Also disorganizing someone's packs and quickslots are a very valid IG technique and a minor inconvenience compared to an FD encounter. Furthermore I will add that LADO's suggestion makes thefts way longer more drawn out and enables PCS to rapidly go onto IRC and assemble an absurd gank squad.  

I proclaim that I will defy Lado and will continue using Yank_Pack for what it was meant for. Also it makes loads of IG sense for a criminal to just loot supplies. If people wanted to negotiate emote and drop items than they should accept dialogue with a potential thief or have done so during combat. Also you can guarantee that if you're an aggressor and rely on emotes you will be shortchanged on loot and supplies. Which is counter to the point of playing a bandit. Also as for your ad hominem attack on those who dare reply.  "If you enjoy being inconsiderate you might want to reply to this thread pointing out that this isn't a server rule, just best practice, so you don't have to do this."  

I will say this if you had a PVP encounter with one of my characters you should consider yourself fortunate to not end up in the fuge plane and should consider a disorganized pack a minor inconvenience. Also if you are at the mercy of a villain and whining about how disorganized your pack is said villain may get just kill you for whining. Let this post be considered an open opposition to Lado's suggestion. I will proudly continue using /c Yank_Pack.

Haer Dalis 83

That's a pretty sad view on things. Let alone the fact that being stacked on loot and supply is hardly a decent reason to play a bandit, or at least not the first one that would come to mind, if your concern is that a ganking party is being formed in irc while you waste time emoting, then you must have a dismal opinion of your fellow players.


I'm not really sure I understand. If there is a problem with /c yank_pack, then make a rule regulating its use. As the esteemed DRD has just shown, nebulous courtesy suggestions are not going to do anything.


This seems entirely situational. Its just a best judgement call really. There will be situations where you don't have time to search someone / look through a long log of items / then emote bartering and expected the other player to co-operate.

In an ideal world we would all be able to keep our packs exactly as we want all the time.

Its more a fault in the mechanics of the game if anything with the pack dropping in a seemingly random order. If for example you keep getting hit while subdued eventually all your items end up on the ground anyway. So if you have the luck of being involved in PvP with a summoner and lose this happens more often then not. Its just one of those things.


You literally answered your own question as to why people don't emote searching people's packs for certain items. People will always cheat, even dms.

It is also far easier to recognise an item through its shape, size and colour than its name. At the end of the day it's also not difficult to rearrange your quick slots.


These replies add nothing to the discussion and are dealt with in the opening post. Take what I've said on board. Locked.


I agree with Lado 100%.  It's a pain in the ass to have to reorganize your pack after someone yanks it.  EFU is about RP, not about fucking people over as hard as you can just so you can have more awesome supplies on your PC.

Sure if you know the mob is hot on your tail, BO the person and change locations or yank the pack.  But if you are in a situation in which you're in control, it's always nice to have some courtesy for the other players and try to make their defeat as pleasant for them as possible.  However, if the player starts being an uncooperative asshat, smack them and yank_pack. Hell, FD them if they won't stop talking shit as they're face-down on the ground at your mercy.

Just my $0.02.  If player experience is generally negative, population will shrink.   Try to make sure the other person has as good a time as possible under the circumstances.  I know different people have different pet peeves (I had a player go on a wild tirade because I BO'ed him one time as a Watcher in order to move things along), but the golden rule is maybe a good standard to have.