Rogue Perk Bug - Dirty Fighter

Started by MrMustache, April 23, 2015, 02:57:45 PM

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Dirty fighting feat not granted (or otherwise inaccessable?) to PC on taking the Dirty Fighter perk.

I am aware that it won't appear on my char sheet, but the fighting mode does not appear in my radial, neither when selecting a target, nor when trying to hotkey.

I have tried resting, relogging, and waiting for a reset. All thats left at this point is leveling up and see if it pops in when I hit 5.

PC is Vittorio Abatescianni, login: Mustache


Update: Nope, hit lvl 5, de nada



Should work now but requires me to update your character token. If you are still playing the character, let me know.

This goes for others as well.


Waiting on a good day to log in as my shiny new app character but great that it's fixed. TY Talir, we appreciate all the work!