DNA Evil Concept Recruiting

Started by AColdWind, April 22, 2015, 07:43:27 PM

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I'm planning to start a very HAM and DNA evil concept around May 1st or 2nd.  I'm looking for 2-3 people interested in joining me.  Due to the nature of this group and the plots, I doubt these characters will be living particularly long - but that's the way truly Do Not Afraid concepts go.

Basic Requirements:
Race: Any, Monstrous encouraged
Class: Any other than Druid and Paladin
Alignment: Any evil
Deity: Any evil

PM me for a full description of the group, plots, and plans.  I know this post is somewhat vague, but it'd be a waste to spoil all the goodies of a concept that would be much more fun if people found out about IG.  We will be villains though.  No question about that.

Also will likely spend a lot of time outside of major player bases.

American time zones encouraged but not required.


So, I've gotten a good bit of interest in this concept.  I was originally looking for 2-3, but I'm realizing that with timezone and playing time constraints, I'd be happy with an even bigger group.

Anyone who has shown interest in this concept or wishes more information can login to mIRC channel #ForVaasa to learn more about the concept and plan characters.

Also feel free to PM me either here on the forums or on IRC.


Kinslayer included! We are set to begin very soon! It is going to be a LOT of fun.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


We have officially started! If any more are interested in joining, PM any of us. We'll also recruit IG as well.