The Scions of Imaskar; or, "Rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated..."

Started by LiAlH4, March 25, 2015, 04:47:01 AM

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[INDENT]The Scions of Imasakar -

- were the brainchild of Divine_Intervention, who put together our little band and sent us off into the Underdark in search of knowledge and in the possession of a grand and ancient heritage. Our first thanks must go to him for the context in which our little band would ply the underworld!

We forged alliances, developed theories, kept journals, wrote treatises, engaged in covert warfare, made enemies, and lost many of our own. Somehow, we endured to the last, with an ending I will not spoil here.

Screenshot threads have always been a personal favorite of mine as a medium for telling the story of a character. Unlike previous, this screenshot thread does not represent a PC, or two, but an entire plot, with many actors, of which I was but one. We encourage anyone at all with relevant screenshots to post them.

I was immensely pleased with our group's dynamics, our interactions internally, and the characterization of that ancient bloodline - without question, my favorite moments on the server were always interactions with other PCs. I hope that everyone enjoyed just as much as we enjoyed interacting with you primitives!

Represented are: Issachar Zakur (Ironside), Chausiqu Asaya (Blue41), Zaneros Vastag (LiAlH4), Ephaeldiim (DapperSkariMask), Hadassah Zhashmon 'im (Abala), Naram-sin Rho, and many others! The introductions of my fellow comrades-in-Art will follow below and throughout the thread. Keep an eye out for more screenshots as it develops! Most of these are specific to Zaneros Vastag, but insight into all the other Imaskari shall follow!

[Hide=Prelude] Within the grand Hall of Murals, we received a premonition:

Though we did have some trouble moving about.

We saw a great deal...


[Hide=A Diabolical Affair] One of our first interactions with extra-planar entities was in nothing less than a grand party hosted by a terrible imp. We had knowledge to gain, you see, from those who were in attendance! But to gain our place, we had to be part of a bargain...

...we were to play a grand game of chess, with our host! Zaneros tried to sound out his gamesmanship with an underling...

...but it was not long until he revealed himself.

We played our game, Zaneros' soul on the line, in exchange for an object of some great use to us!

However, the devil had something in store. Each piece lost was a soul lost, the greater the value of the piece, the more virtuous the soul in life. We tried to resolve the game swiftly.

Devil's rules!


[Hide=Ikramal]A site that caused us to turn upon one another wholesale, for fear and hope of what could be done with the power at our fingertips. We saw some weird things first.



[Hide=An Expedition to a Petrified Forest] We review what we know.

We entered the tower.

Within, we found a tome.

And several tombs - within one, a key, of unusual make.


[Hide=The Society of the Ordered Mind]Our relationship with the Ordinants developed from one of deep-set suspicion and wariness into one of mixed love and loathing. We negotiated with their leadership...

Delved through ancient ruins, meeting strange and unusual individuals...

...who did not always think the highest of we of Auld Imaskar.

We debated our course and the meaning of our struggles...

... granting them many insights into the ancient history of the region.


[Hide=The Silver Brands]Among the foes we faced were a large group of dangerous men from the surface, led by one Don Vigglioni. There was more to them, much more, than met the eye, however, as we interrupted a digsite of theirs!

We learn the name of one of our greatest foes!

Gathering allies.

Confronting the Walker and the Don.


[Hide=Character Development]

Zaneros, after a grand failure on a certain quest, was dragged to the heights of the room, having his intelligence drained directly into the Lich's terrible phylactery.


The man believed himself to be responsible, in this moment, for the loss of every secret possessed by the Imaskari. Though he could not put it directly into words, he translated his shame into action, in what was easily my favorite scene:

Chausiqu, and Chausiqu alone, kept him alive.

The quest to restore it was long and arduous.


[Hide=Djinni Insight]



One of the first interactions I had with an authority of Sanctuary...

...which eventually morphed into something much more. Little did we know that betrayal was on the horizon!

A battle with an Auxiliary, one Abigale Ashendale, resulted after several encounters where Zaneros refused to submit to interrogation unless he could speak mage-to-mage. Ashendale had other ideas, but a timely intervention turned the tide! Zaneros liked to believe that he won this by himself... though for level 4, he held on for quite a long time!

Though we had our differences, we always kept it classy.


[Hide=Archaeology]Zaneros himself was something of an experienced Archaeologist, making his knowledge available in the true spirit of a generous scholar to almost any who would require it. He also made it his habit to keep notes - in game, on paper. I had almost 8 pounds of notes, by the end! They came in handy.

I had another full pack of these!

Leading a group into a flaming pit of spiders, after burning out all their webs!

Seeking after a lost cache of surface relics!

Delving into Saurian mysteries!

I hate the Fey. HERR KLAUSS and his terrible Reindeer.

Mycanoid follies.

Rubin provides the answers.

Investigating the unknowable...


Nyth-clearing! Do you see the problem here? How many warriors are there? Now, how many warriors are there with full AB?

I was here a lot.

But more often, I was talking ad nauseum about all of Zaneros' little theories!

Not everything I saw made sense.

But I tried to give context to that which was lacking!


[Hide=Exploring the depths]

Whoops! How did this get in here? Fitting, perhaps, that I should have the hurting-murder done on me.


[Hide=Our Finest Hour] All of the terrible dangers set aside, we transited space and time. I will avoid further spoilers, attempting to depict some of what we saw in images alone.


[Hide=The End]

For all the trials, terrors, and losses we suffered - in the end, the Imaskari brothers and sister were left with this:


You made this a heck of a ride, everyone. Thank you to all!


Aww, good end. Yay.


Awesome fun from start to finish with all the PCs I interacted with and events I managed to get involved with. Well done.


This is absolutely beautiful story telling. Bravo, and thanks for taking so many screenshots to take us along for the ride.


I really enjoyed the Deep Explorers, and coveted every opportunity I could to interact with the PCs and leech off their plots.  Bravo guys, you brought some great flavor to the server.  And bravo D_I, for dreaming it up and executing it.


Absolutely fantastic and I enjoyed every opportunity to meet the PCs in this faction. I look forward to your next PCs!
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Gonna miss you guys so much. Fun the whole way through. Amazing pcs!


Was fun! I met a few different of you with my different PCs and it was always so mysterious and intriguing! Glad you managed to reach a happy ending with all of them.


Let the megathread continue.

[hide=Background]Chausiqu Asaya could best be described as an obsessive, analytical and emotionally distant individual. As a transmuter, she found that she was far more interested in magical artifacts and experiments than the people behind them- of particular interest to her was the phenomenon known as dead magic zones. In her youth, a experiment centered on recreating a dead magic zone went awry, resulting in severing Chausiqu completely from the Weave. Deprived of her magic, Chausiqu was forced to leave her laboratory to seek out more hands-on methods of study. It was not until the birth of Mystryl that her powers returned, albeit in a much different way than she could have expected. She discovered that she could 'hear' and imitate the reverberations of a spell formed from the Weave intuitively, and Chausiqu's new motivation became to deepen her understanding of magic from this new perspective. If transmutation was the study and procedure of affecting change in the world, then this ability was the next logical step- a way that allowed Chausiqu to consistently and continually change through the Weave.

While many of the Deep Imaskari chose to cloister themselves away from the Dread Empire in order to preserve their history, culture and well-being, Chausiqu elected otherwise. Not even the march of the aberrant legions would prevent her from fulfilling her obsession, and she traveled deep into the Underdark in the company of her fellow Imaskari after the great Gathering as one of the Traveller caste.[/hide]

[hide=Of Castes]The Travellers are those who are constantly on the move. Some into the planes, taking solace that the Illithid have not conquered them yet, and inspiration from their Empire's past aspirations to conquer the planes. Others simply travel constantly through the Underdark in small communities or alone, hoping that a nomadic life will keep them safe from danger.[/hide]

[hide=The Hall of Murals, redux]

Izaleph Mazikiri, our guiding hand, our teacher, our rock/sensei/etc. We are dispatched across the sands in search of information relating to Vorthuurm the Elder...

With only his light to guide us.

Beneath a carved star and the gaze of the idol, we find a hall of murals...

The encroaching darkness...

A strange artifact...

And something more.

We are given a vision, a 'memory of the future.' It is a phrase that seems paradoxical, but holds a certain resonance to it. It would be one of the phrases that I would seize upon feverishly months later as I struggled to speculate and make sense of the information available.


[hide=First Contact with Sanctuary]Algarn the 'Dwarv', our first encounter with civilized (and more importantly, a free-willed) thinking. It was this meeting which would begin the road to cooperation with the Society, though it was rather harsh and bumpy along the way.

The Elven warband would be our first encounter with just how easy it was to get pulled into the conflicts of surfacers. To the elves, we looked much like humans- and therefore a threat. To humans, we were an oddity outside the Shield- and therefore a threat. It would color the tone of many of our brushes with Sanctuary going forward.

The last time Chausiqu would meet with the Spellguard amiably was the first time.


[hide=The White Queen]In which Zaneros speaks prophecy.

A game of chess with living souls. One DM, versus four players- it actually went fairly smoothly, OOCly speaking. I kind of regret that there's no easy way to script a chess game into efu...

Our resolve is tested. Victory would make achieving our ultimate goals easier- at the cost of the White Queen.

The White Queen would later become something of a rallying cry for Zaneros, who was bidden at Chausiqu's urging, not to forget the sacrifice she made on our behalf.


[hide=The Shadow Engine of Ikramal Zaphydos]
Mazikiri divines the location of an Imaskari vault hidden away in the Lowerdark...

Within we find experiments of flesh-grafting, strange creatures twisted beyond themselves. Chausiqu, seeking ever to Change, is intrigued...

An odd bit of ooze takes on Zaneros' appearance and imitates him for a time...

At some point, the mimicry changes hands, and the ooze imparts upon us with another clue: home time. home lost. Seek and you will know.

Within, we would find the Shadow Engine, and a number of aberrant material, the means to which Ikramal had accomplished so many of his experiments.

The group splits into camps- with no means to return to the Shadow Engine once we depart, Chausiqu is determined to test Ikramal's engine for him, to see if his life's work was indeed operational. Others advise caution- but the desire to -know-, whatever the risks, overcome her. The silk glands of a drider is inserted into the engine, and Chausiqu's hands are changed.

Unfortunately, in a bid to fend off Zaneros, the machine is damaged by a stray bolt of lightning, and the rest is history.

[hide=Tomb of the Third]More Imaskari tombs are discovered- Zeraphrax the First. Tyraphulius the Second. And the Third- a recluse among petrified trees and beasts.

Valuable insight is gained.

We learn that we may not enjoy what we discover.

Within the tomb, we discover what the Third had spoken of, and come to understand the importance of the tuning fork we discovered in the Hall of Murals. It is not simply an instrument or artifact, but a -key.- And there was more than one key, in hands other than those of the Imaskari. The Ordinant, Malark Amblecrown...and the leader of the Silver Brands, Don Vigglioni.


[hide=Preparation]Lacking the funds to purchase the key from the Silver Brands, and the firepower to claim it by force, the Imaskari find themselves in the position to align themselves with surfacers, those of the Secondborn Empires. It was in this way Chausiqu was introduced to the Night Parade of Lower, and to Black Sabra, who she would come to think of as sister.

The Society of the Ordered Mind is given an honest and complete accounting of our purpose in the Underdark, and brought into the fold despite initial misgivings.

Though relations between the male scions of Imaskar were more combative at times...

Chausiqu remained on good terms with all, in particular, Zaneros and Issachar. Both of them appealed to different aspects of her personality. Zaneros the explorer, the intellectual, a Traveller in all but caste.

It was his suggestion which led them into tombs strange and unseemly, far beneath the sands, in the company of surfacers.

This was a decision that would cost them dearly.

Willium summing it up. Zaneros' sacrifice had saved the lives of those under his protection, at the cost of his mind.

Chausiqu struggled mightily with the implications of Zaneros' act. Was it his will to die, rather than live on in his current state- unable to sketch, to lecture, to study and learn? Ultimately, it was beyond Chausiqu to take the life of one of her brothers-in-arms, even under such terrible circumstances.

Zaneros' urging- that he could take back what was lost, what the lich had taken- forced Chausiqu's hand. As much as she desired never to return to the tomb, she did in the company of surfacers to reclaim what her brother had lost.

He had saved her life, and risking it on behalf of his own was the least she could do.

With the lich's death(?), Zaneros was restored.


[hide=The Silver Brands]With new allies and new confidence, we are ready to face the Silver Brands- but it is actually they who have called us, through means of a great quaking of earth...

Don Vigglioni had not stumbled upon the tomb of the Imaskari by chance. His hand had been guided...

Guided by something more...

The Walker.

Battle erupts, and the Don escapes in the confusion.

The assembled forces chase him to the Docks, and the Don- cunning as ever- decides to trade the Key for his life.

Something intervenes.

The final earnings of the Silver Brands are distributed to the populace of Lower, though a healthy chunk remains in the Imaskari coffers. Eight thousand of this would be promised to a certain someone following the death of a Director- that would never come. I lived in fear of the mighty examine mark for some time.


[hide=Assault on Upper]The Sune kerfuffle provides an opportunity for the enigmatic Imaskari to save themselves 8k with an assassination plot on the life of Director Larskul. Running at twenty PC's on a comp prone to lag goes about as well as you can expect.

Black Sabra and Chausiqu are captured by Auxiliary forces and escorted before the Spellguard.

A tense negotiation takes place, exacerbated by news of Marge's attack on the House of Governance.

Black Sabra is killed.

Confused by surfacer hostage negotiations, Chausiqu is taken to a cell and forced to watch while they rummage through her things.

Against all odds, she is exchanged safely. This would mark the end of open hostilities with Upper- at least from Chausiqu.


[hide=Summonings and Strange Sights]If Zaneros represented the side of Chausiqu that was the pure pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake, then Issachar was the colder, calculating aspect that cared nothing of the consequences such a pursuit created.

Humility did not lend itself well to her brother's personality, and a brush with death led to some rather drastic decisions.

Chausiqu 10 Wisdom did not lend itself well to caution. The desire to do in the interest of knowing the outcome was strong.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, a call goes out into the ether unanswered.

The Lowerdark holds all manner of oddities.

We find our ROTHE-RIDER.


Who is he, I wonder.


Surfacer product.

An Imaskari joke is interrupted by a strange sight.

(the joke is Issachar)

And they say Issachar's belly grew three sizes that day

Please do not trespass.

I told you about trespassing

Our leads had dried up. Malark Amblecrown had gone to ground with one key, and the other was in the clutches of the Walker, stolen away from Don Vigglioni's cooling body. With no other option, we attempt a conjuring to get some answers.

The Gate, bound by the keys, is revealed to exist not simply where, but also when. Malark, similarly, can be found at the appointed time and place.

It is also revealed that the Walker's goal is not his own- it is guided by the spirits of the lost that exist beyond our Plane.


[hide=The Appointed Time and Place]
The master stirs.

A call to arms.


Izaleph Mazikiri's Last Stand.

Beyond the Gate.

A city that should be silent, but is not...

A city riddled with strange rifts...

A city with a warden.

Visions of a future memory- his future, our memory.

Imarak crumbles, but we remember our objective.

Not all who remain seek to aid us.

The city begins to destabilize, but a thin sliver of hope remains.

We join hands with Malark to open a way.

Still, there are questions.

And we find answers.

Our final departure from Sanctuary.


[hide=Loot]for those curious about Chausiqu's funky looks.


Apocryphal Misconceptions

You guys sat out the long run and with much to show for it - what an amazing screenshot thread. It was a pleasure to read through.

Haer Dalis 83

Random screenshots of a fabulous ending.



Great thread, thanks for sharing the epic.


Due to an unfortunate hard drive failure, I lost a good deal of my screenshots, however my wonderful buddies have captured much of those times in their own posts.  It has been an absolute joy to play alongside them, and the many colorful PCs we clashed with and confided in along the way.  

Issachar Zakur styled himself as perhaps the last of a dying breed of Imaskari wizard-lords, viewing humankind with very poorly disguised disdain, envisioning himself and his people as the burdened and unappreciated elder siblings of the infantile races of men; naturally, this attitude caused no end of trouble and by the conclusion of our journey Issachar had become the 'black sheep' of the Scions' little family!  

Much mischief was had, schemes were hatched all to 'manipulate' his lesser kin, failures and successes came in equal measure, etc.  

Much love to the players of the whole lower gang, the Spellguard (bastards!), the Ordinants (double bastards!), and of course to DM D_I who enabled this entire wild ride!

Provided I can scrounge some up, screenshots will be forthcoming!  i hope

el groso


I truly wish I had been around to further develop plots with you guys.  My character was a big supporter despite being your "enemy".  Spellguard v. Deep Imaskari interactions were just amazing. Zaneros Valstag and Issachar Zakur are character names I'm not likely to ever forget.  Well done.