Yastin Dalley

Started by I love cats, March 18, 2015, 09:09:04 PM

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I love cats

Yastin Dalley has finally come to an end. Unfortunatly due to my computer messing up and needing to restore it I lost a lot of screenshots. I would say that with Dalley I had truly "Won EFU" so to speak. I accomplished almost every goal of his and made the Watch feared. I also accomplished my IG goal of absurdly persecuting Calishite PCS.

On a number of PCS I was both ICLY and OOCLY disgusted with the Watch. Dalley was my way of making an over zealous patriotic Watchmen. I also did my best to make Dalley a normal ffing human. He was deeply distraught and devastated by Blackstone's death and was paranoid of treachery. He was disgusted by adventurers and saw it as his job and duty to fine and tax them. He also had an epic conflict with Harzun the Orog. Really awesome character that gave a very clear and awesome antagonist.

In his final days Dalley's paranoia and insanity made him tire of serving a city that he knew was working against him. He originally loved Sanctuary and its democratic ideals but grew to despise it when its politicians held back his mace from killing the foes of the city. Other events including a conspiricy made him resent the city even more and he went full insane robbing citizenry and attempting to start a new life as a Lowersmen taking revenge on the people of Sanctuary. His final goal was to become the most feared man on the dark lake.  

It was a blast playing Dalley and I wonder what I will cook up next!


Bravo.  A DrD Watcher who was everything I had hoped he would be.   Thanks for taking it to the MAX DrD, and for playing it through to the end.

An edited chat log of Dalley's Watch interview:

[hide=chat log, edited][tface=fell]
Durgin Blackstone: Inspector, we have a man who wishes to enlist as a Watcher.
Abraham Farford the shorter: The Orange Cloak?
Durgin Blackstone: What's your name?
Abraham Farford the shorter: [his speech is a bit slurred]
Yastin Dalley: Yastin Dalley.
Durgin Blackstone: You just get here this dark?
Yastin Dalley: Indeed.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [his hand tremors a bit]
Abraham Farford the shorter: [puts away the bow and takes out a notebook]
Durgin Blackstone: You doing alright there, Farford?
Abraham Farford the shorter: The substance injection from yesterdark. I seem to have developed an addiction of sorts.
Durgin Blackstone: Huh. Suppose that's natural. Let's take the safey cloak into the back and get him interviewed.
Abraham Farford the shorter: What are your talents?
Yastin Dalley: I am a capable squire, and swordarm. I also value discipline and honor the ways of chivalry.
Abraham Farford the shorter: I shall fetch my uniform.
Durgin Blackstone: C'mon.
[Farford leaves to change into his uniform, and returns to meet Durgin Blackstone and Yastin Dalley in the Watchhouse common area]
Abraham Farford the shorter: [plops down]
Abraham Farford the shorter: [takes out a file marked "recruits"]
[Yastin Dalley continues to speak to Durgin Blackstone]
Yastin Dalley: I personally have never set foot on Chult and my mother spoke a little about it. I know the people held the maze lord in high regard and people were obsessed with discovering their own personal life mission and journey....
Abraham Farford the shorter: [removes from it a blank parchment.  Places an inkwell on the table and a quill case.  Takes a quill from the case and dips it in the ink]
Abraham Farford the shorter: [writes "Yastin Dalley" on the top of the parchment]
Abraham Farford the shorter: The Maze Lord?
Yastin Dalley: Ubato the god of Chult I know not much of him my mother spoke a little of him.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [writes]
Abraham Farford the shorter: What, in your opionion, are the duties of the Watch?
Yastin Dalley: Defend the city, enforce its laws and act as the military will of the directorate. To fight and die in the name of Sanctuary when expected to.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [writes]
Durgin Blackstone: Anyway you seem to have this in hand. I should go see what the wizard tart wants.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [nods]
Abraham Farford the shorter: You mentioned you were a squire.  Do you have any other relevant experience?
Yastin Dalley: Military expierience during the end of days. That was when I finally was able to put my training into effect.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [nods, writing]
Abraham Farford the shorter: What is the heaviest armor you are able to wear?
Abraham Farford the shorter: [his hand tremors as he writes]
Yastin Dalley: As a squire I had training and expierience with arms and armor. I can wear the heaviest platemail crafted and fitted properly.
Abraham Farford the shorter: Can you read and write?
Yastin Dalley: Yes.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [closes up the file, and puts away his writing supplies into his knapsack]
Abraham Farford the shorter: Follow me, Citizen Dalley
Yastin Dalley: *he stands up*
Abraham Farford the shorter: Ah, one last thing.  Please allow me to search you for contraband.
Yastin Dalley: Very well.
Abraham Farford the shorter: Arms in the air.
Yastin Dalley: *he raises his arms*
Abraham Farford the shorter: [paws around Yastin's knapsack quickly, and inspects his ring]
Abraham Farford the shorter: Excellent.
Abraham Farford the shorter: Come, please.
Abraham Farford the shorter: You shall be issues what we call a "piss pot"
Abraham Farford the shorter: You will wear it at all times while you are inside the shield
Abraham Farford the shorter: You may remove it outside the shield.
Yastin Dalley: Very well I was hoping there was a way one could earn a commission.....But very well.
Abraham Farford the shorter: You can earn quick enlistment through very exceptional acts -
Abraham Farford the shorter: But I have not yet seen it done.
Abraham Farford the shorter: Normally a three day period is required before one may don Watch armors.
Yastin Dalley: Can one earn a commission to the rank of sergeant directly without being a recruit or private? Or is such not practiced by this military?
Abraham Farford the shorter: We are not a military per se', though we do provide for the city's defenses.
Abraham Farford the shorter: I've only seen one man go from civilian to Ranking Officer - that was during the birth of the Frontier branch - and that man, Robert Oak, proved to be a traitor.
Yastin Dalley: Hrmm I see.
Abraham Farford the shorter: Do you take issue with being a Watch Private? If so, I would recommend you seek other employment.
Yastin Dalley: None was merely curious.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [nods]
Abraham Farford the shorter: I am glad. We need fighting men.
Abraham Farford the shorter: [beckons]
Yastin Dalley: I understand that with how small of a force and settlement.....Commissioing officers would be minimal.
Abraham Farford the shorter: Kindly fill out a form.


I was impressed with just how human you made Dalley, especially his background in his journal. Well done character through and through DrD.


We clashed in game but man, Yastin was an awesome character to interact with!  The Underdark will be far darker without him!

el groso


A great Watcher who felt human and definitely pulled his own weight. I enjoyed my interrogation and Pikeman was knocked out of his seat, literally!
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

The Shaper

A brutal Watcher, and a badass.


I am used to fear DrD. Now I got used to love him.

Dalley was a true man... and I am sad that he gone before my #plans were concluded. I hope that at least he got buried with the awesome armor I sold him.



Rise in Upper, fall in Lower: the cycle continues...

Spiffy Has



Bravo Doc, great PC! Loved all the interactions with him, had #plans, was going to recruit him, but alas..your dead.

Lookin forward to the next!


Weston is heartbroken ;)

Fun conflicts man.

Vagrant Savant

A fun sergeant with the assorted iron boot and fist. Glad I got to play aside him!