New Player Days

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, March 10, 2015, 12:32:42 AM

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Knight Of Pentacles

I've noticed that new players tend to react more positively to EFU if they get their feet in the door first.  Nothing drives people away faster than their brand new character being victim to some horrible calamity.  So I'd like to suggest we bring new players in with a bang.   That every so often a day be set aside for new players to make characters and participate in a DM ran prelude specially tailored to them.  These would be for new players only and maybe a few select players who DMs feel can warmly ease them into a server with a very steep learning curve.

I don't know the exact logistics for this or how high the demand is so I'm hoping some others could chyme in.  I've three or so people I feel would be interested in doing something like this myself.


Having started EFU on a prelude PC, I rather like this idea. It started off with direct DM attention and introduction into the server's plot without needing to browse through pages and pages of lore just to get up to speed , with an hour or two of intense, fun RP before even arriving at Sanctuary. Hitting the ground running is a great way for new players to see the server's potential, though I couldn't speak to how feasible it'd be to enable on a regular basis.

I'd have had a vastly different opinion of the server if I just started up alone, arrived at Sanctuary and saw a bunch of quest sendings or something. Food for thought, at least.