Vraskan Tattoo Shop

Started by Nihm, April 08, 2009, 05:44:01 AM

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The magical inks used by the master tatooist can cause helpful effects, yet the tradeoff is that these inks inevitably extract a cost from their bearers, and only the hardiest individuals can have two tattoos on them at once without suffering fatal consquences.
Tattoos are expensive to apply and expensive to remove.
 A few ideas :
Spirit Aegis - plus two Con, Immunity to death magic, AC penalty of three
Reckless Might - plus two Str, Dex penalty of four
add your own, or how you think the tattoos should work.



We've got something similar in the works and in the offing, though these suggestions are pretty powerful.


Yeah. We do have a few things in mind. It's just a question of finding the time to implement it properly and bug-free before allowing it to the public.

You can definitely post ideas for tattoos, here. Just think that it wont be things that really really substantially change the nature of a character. Big stat modification are unlikely.


The Third Eye

+ 2 Listen/Spot

Egon the Monkey

Some more serious than others:

The Crib Sheet:
+2 Lore

The Thunderbolt:
+1 Electrical saves

Eyes On Your Eyelids
+2 Bluff

Lower Back Tattoo
+2 Persuade
-2 Discipline

"Remember Red Eleint":
Feat: Battle Training vs. Orcs


Thanks to Oro-
QuoteMonk Tattoos

These would use the clothing armor base that is a naked chest with a tattoo and poofy pants.

"This mystical tattoo is used by XXX tradition. Monks who gain these markings are often the most dedicated of their dojo or monastery. As long as the tattoo is visible, the monk gains mystical bonuses drawn from a link between their inner ki and the subtle forms of the tattoo itself as the monk moves, bends, and sways during combat."

Various tattoos could be made for various monastic traditions:

Monks of the Old Order - +1 Dodge AC
Monks of the Hin Fist - +1 AB vs goblins
Broken Ones - Bludgeoning Resistance -/5
Dark Moon - Bonus 0 level or 1rst level Sorcerer spell
Long Death - +2 saves vs Death Magic
Shining Hand - Bonus 0 level or 1rst level Wizard spell
Sun Soul - +2 AC vs Undead
Yellow Rose - + 1 Persuade, +1 Hide, +1 Lore
Zealots of the written Word - +3 Lore
Monks of Kossuth - Fire Resistance -/5
Iron Gauntlet - +2 Hide, +2 Move Silently
Rune Claws - +2 AC vs Elves
Scarlet Scourge - +2 saves vs Poison
Changeless Face - Immunity Knockdown
Champions of the Pallid Mask - +1 AB vs Undead
Red Knight - +2 Concentration, +2 Discipline
Clangeddin's Monks - +1 AB vs Giants, +1 dodge vs Giants
Gaerdal Ironhand's Monks - +1 AB vs Reptilian
Anhur's Monks - 1d4 bonus slashing damage
Order of the White Rod - OnHit 1 magical damage to attacker
Flaming Star - Bonus 0 or first level Wizard or Sorc spell; +1 Lore and Spellcraft
Children of the Passive Voice - +2 Search, +2 Spot, +2 Listen
Serpent Guard - +1 Natural Armor

I'd almost debate making the tattoos unequipable and they should definitely be no drop. Which means, these likely should be something you buy or it is assumed that should you "find one" you're actually finding the dyes and design that you'll tattoo on yourself.

An ((OOC: Please do not use more than one tattoo for your character.)) note on the item would prevent any one from just switching through his six or seven tattoos for each variable situation. You should have only one 'mystic' tattoo since it should represent your attunement to your discipline.

Luke Danger

Steel of Sharborneth
Damage Resist VS Physical (Slashing/Peircing/Blundging)
10% Vunerablility to Negitive, Magical, Positive, Divine, Fire, Ice, Acid, and Sonic

[Basically, it makes you hard to hurt physically, but add some magic and your toast (with fire damage, literally)]

Elemental Warding
5 Damage Resist VS Fire, Acid, Sonic, and Ice (reperesenting Fire, Earth, Air, and Water respectively)
15% Damage vunerability against Slashing, Peircing, and Blundging

[Basically you're more immune to elemental attacks (Take that Savage Prophets!) but you physically vunerable now.]

just my 2 $$

Edited note: I've always been a fan of gaining strength in one area while vunerablity in another for balance purposes, as it makes it much harder to be a general badass when there's a reachable peice of Kryptanite for the persons' foe.


Nice suggestions, Egon!

Blind Light126

Lion's Tatoo
+2 Saves vs. Fear

Flame Tatoo

+1 Spell Craft, -2 Hide


QuoteLower Back Tattoo
+2 Persuade
-2 Discipline

Ha ha.


I like the Dark Moon monk suggestions.  Perhaps tattoos should be available that will boost the weaker, less used class combinations such as monk/sorceror.
Class and multiclass - specific tattoos which feature a tradoff that allows some character customization, are expensive to apply and cannot be removed without paying another large fee, and can only be worn one at a time.
There could be a quest given by the shop owner where he sends people to collect bodily fluids from various creatures to mix into his inks.  Perhaps even an occasional DM quest where an exceptionally powerful tattoo could be granted, but the blood is very hard to obtain.

Egon the Monkey

Quote from: Nihm;119149There could be a quest given by the shop owner where he sends people to collect bodily fluids from various creatures to mix into his inks.

Step One: Milk the Ogre. :D


ear tattoo
+1 listen


DangerousDan Ass Tat;
-2 (in)competency penalty to all  checks.
-1 Cha