Ambient Loot Suggestions, EfU:A Edition

Started by lovethesuit, September 13, 2008, 05:19:15 AM

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double doom shoes

"twice as much doom, these shoes are also green"

doom 2/day


A scepter with a Yellow Sun on it

Believed to be remnants of the Amaunatori clergy from the Netherese, this Scepter can grant you protection from chaos a number of times before disintegrating.

Protection from Chaos.


Sunlord Andros' Underwear

Underwear reputedly worn by the first real claimant of power on the Ziggurat, Sunlord Andros' Underwear are blessed with the same saintly stubbornness as that holy man. They will give him the patience of a true saint, and the mental focus of a scholar. However, he'll look an absolute tart walking around in a probably dead man's underwear.

Useable by: Lawful only
Useable by: Paladin, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger

Concentration +4
Spellcraft +4
Lore +2
Persuade -4
Bluff -2
Intimidate -2
Cast Bless 1/day
Cast Aid 1 charge/use


Al-Hassar's Underwear

Like his unfortunate predecessor, even Al-Hassar's wardrobe was looted after his death. This wardrobe however hints at the twisted nature of the would-be tyrant: all black, and some hints at leather. Nothing anybody but a true psychopath would walk around wearing in public. Especially wearing nothing else at all.

Useable by: Neutral and Evil only
Useable by: Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Bard, Cleric only

Intimidate +2
Persuade -4
Bluff -2
Negative Energy Ray 1/day
Protection from Good 1 charge/use


The Faceless' Underwear

Yep. This underwear was that loincloth the Faceless- a druid of some repute - used to wear for all those years in the Underdark. He likely never changed it, because this loincloth has picked up some of his traits. You do not wish to know why the Stygian Armada would bereave him of it, though. Or why they didn't just burn it.

Useable by: Druid, Ranger, Barbarian only

Spellcraft +2
Lore +2
Heal +1
Intimidate -1
Bluff -1
Persuade -2

Entangle 1/day
Tanglefoot bag 1 charge/use


A tentacus (Longsword)

Used by the Clergy of Garagos The tentacus has the following attributes:

A tentacus does 1d4+2 points of slashing and piercing damage to small or man-sized creatures and 1d3 points of slashing and piercing damage to L-sized or larger beings when held or thrown. It has a speed factor of 3, is size S, and weights 1 lb. It has a range of 1/2/3.

However, rusted remains of these swords are only to be found, so they should do only +1 piercing damage to all creatures.



A dagger that is EXTRA EXTRA pointy

Egon the Monkey

Lightning Belt
The result of a Netherese Wizard with a love of "shocking" puns, these belts are often found around the Archepelago, usually accompanied by small piles of blackened remnants

Only Useable by:
Wizard, Sorcerer

Damage Vulnerability: 5% Electrical Vulnerability
11 Charges.
Electric Jolt 1/day
Gedlee's Electric Loop 1 charge/use
Lightning Bolt 2 charges/use
Scintillating Sphere 2 charges/use
Call Lightning 3 charges/use

//On a par with the Lightning Wand, 3 charge no restriction Acid Breath greatsword etc.

Blade of Deliverance
Created for the smiting of evil foes, this is the only use to which this sword cares to be put.

Only Usable By: Paladin, Champion of Torm
//OOC: Do not attempt to UMD this item
Enhancement Bonus +1 vs Evil
Enhancement Penalty -3 vs Good, Neutral
+1 Discipline
Light (bright) 10m Yellow


[SIZE="3"]Ring of the Ram[/SIZE]
Bonus feat: Knock down
+1 Discipline
-1 Int
-2 Persuade

The Crimson Magician

Thick Boots

These boots are thick and heavy. These make movement almost impossible to do comfortably, and they make a horrible scratching noise when used, though it does offer some protection against mud, branches, and thorns. Impractical, to say the least.

((Make them like, a whole pound. I forget what property that is.))

Dodge AC - 2
Dexterity - 1
Move Silently - 7
Tumble - 3
Damage Resistance + 1 Soak + 5



+1 versus lycans

-1 against everything else.


Old stygian helm. An old Stygian helm lost when on many ventures.

Cerrated bastard swords.

This sword is a blit blunt but its sides goes and shreds and ttears.

Massive criticals, bonus slashing damage.


Pewter Mug

This is a large pewter mug with a lid on the top, presumably to prevent sloshing about while quaffing or waving to conduct a drunken sing-along.

Everfull Mug

This is a large pewter mug with a lid on the top, presumably to prevent sloshing about while quaffing or waving to conduct a drunken sing-along. For some reason, whenever you look in the bottom there's always a few last gulps left, even if you swore you drained it dry last night.

3/day, Potion(Liquor) effect.

Egon the Monkey

Thieves' suit
A cunningly enchanted slick leather suit, made for the express purpose of evading the long arm of the law.
Only Usable by: Chaotic.
2AC (leathers)
+1 Ac vs Lawful (armor)
+1 Hide
+1 Move Silently
+1 Open Lock
-1 Discipline
5 Charges
Potion of Caprice effect 1 charge/use.
Camouflage 2 charges/use

Baton of Authority
An old Amaunatori relic. It is somewhat faded, but still a useful tool for laying down the law.
Only usable by: Lawful
Club (One of the more fancy skins)
Light dim, (5m)
+1 Ac vs Chaotic (deflection)
+1 Bludgeoning Damage vs Chaotic
-5 Bluff
5 charges
Potion of Duty effect 1 charge/use
Tanglefoot Bag 1 charge/use

I thought a couple of items with lawful/chaotic alignment restrictions would be interesting, as I've not seen any of those.


That baton gave me an idea...

Colony Guard Nightstick
A short, stout piece of solid oak, this club has the Zigguraut coat of arms inscribed on the end. It is useful in subduing miscreants and criminals without causing permanent damage.
Only Useable By: Lawful
Only Useable By: Neutral
Decreased Skill Modifier: Bluff -3
Skill Bonus: Persuade +3
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +1

[[I'm wanting to add in an effect, but I don't know how to do it. Basically, I want it to deal a significant amount of extra subdual damage (maybe 1d6 or +4 or something) in order to make it a better choice for subduing someone than simply whacking them with a Greatsword on subdual mode. I also thought of giving it charges of Hold Person, but that'd be too easily abused.]]

Egon the Monkey

On hit daze or entangle effect, low %chance?


Yeah, that could work.