Hooded Agent Sanctuary Ring Loss (For Other PCs)

Started by PanamaLane, December 16, 2014, 06:08:29 PM

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Very minor issue.

So I've come into possession of a few rings along the way in the day to day of being a watcher. I've noticed that the system seems to work fine when you use the Hooded Agent. He collects all the rings on my person and returns them all when I come back. EXCEPT! When there is a crash or reset, the Agent will only return my own ring to me. Any other rings I may have given him are lost to the ether.

One: Can this be fixed? (is it even worthwhile to?)
Two: If said owner of ring were to visit the Agent, would it be returned? (this would make one even less necessary)

I only bring this up because I know what a pain in the butt it can be to get a ring back from a DM sometimes, even if it legitimately wasn't "lost"



You have the evidence chest for this use. There should not be a reason why you are going around with multiple rings.

There is also no bugs here. It is intended to return your own ring. One could say that the return of all rings is a bug but I don't think anyone really want to look into it.

In regards to your questions:
1) No. And no.
2) Probably no. But why would someone go to the agent to reclaim a ring the agent received from you? That just adds more questions why you are walking around with them yourself in the first place.


Thanks. I was actually mistaken, the Agent will take both rings and return only one even under normal circumstances, so there is no bug.

But if someone should have two rings in their pack, for safekeeping, or whatever reason, the Agent will take both, return one. It happened to me, so I thought to mention. Sorry to waste your time.


For one reason or another, your response stuck with me Talir, as like an accusation that I had done something wrong. So I want to go ahead and just clear up what happened, even if it contains from IG info.

The first ring I came in possession of was from an exiled PC who I was escorting outside the shield. Oddly enough, this was a temporary ring. So instead of heading to evidence, I figured I would simply hold it till reset. After the escort, I figured to patrol some while I was out, so I dropped off my ring, and the agent took both. When I return I got back both. This probably has something to do with it being temporary? After reset the ring disappeared as I knew it would.

The second ring I came into possession of was from a PC who handed their ring to me. Because it was for safekeeping as opposed to requisitioned from a trial, I figured I would hold onto it in my pack. On a patrol I stopped by the Agent, who took both rings. Before I could return there was a crash. When I stopped by the Agent, he only gave me my own ring back, leading me to believe the crash had caused the loss. In the future, I will obviously put it in the chest instead.

The third ring I came into possession of was from a PC who was executed. Because of above, I decided to quickly test the Agent before tossing it into evidence. Agent took both rings, gave one back. Which answered my question that it was not the crash that caused the loss.

All this is well and good and the system works fine. I just felt the need to defend myself, because I consider myself a highly ethical player of this game. I don't bend the rules or conduct OOC shady activities. Merely wanted to point something out which I thought was broken, and turned out not to be.