Carcass' Broken Plans

Started by granny, November 15, 2014, 03:21:59 PM

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[tface=salt][COLOR="white"]Hail, GOOD TRAVELERS![/COLOR][/tface]

[INDENT][INDENT]MISERY is manifold. The wretchedness of earth is multiform. Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow, its hues are as various as the hues of that arch - as distinct too, yet as intimately blended. Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow! How is it that from beauty I have derived a type of unloveliness? - from the covenant of peace, a simile of sorrow? But as, in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. Either the memory of past bliss is the anguish of to-day, or the agonies which are, have their origin in the ecstasies which might have been.

-- Berenice, Edgar Allan Poe

A woman loved by a king, or, rather, lusted. A woman hated by another, one sworn to defend good and justice. A man that was a coward and a liar. A story that could unfold the fall of a kingdom. Cast to the desert, carrying with her a curse that would twist her appearance into the feelings of her heart, the woman was exiled with her frustration, slowly becoming a hideous beast of hatred and anger. The coward would soon lose his throne and his god, watching his kingdom crumble around his feet, together with the faith of his envious priestess.

Punishment? Coincidence?

Carcass thinks it was fate, for she met in the desert of Mulhorand a priestess of the King of Carrion, who promised her revenge upon those that wronged her. Knowing of the fall of the Eternal Empire, the now hideous hag cackled, accepting the venomous bile of Set into her heart.

... but it is not enough. No-no-no! She wants more. Yes, because now it is time to drink upon the beauty of the world and to destroy the heirlooms and lasting memories of Horus-Re and his sect.[/INDENT]

[SIZE="1"]Amenset in one of her first cool moves...[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Living out of carrion... out of the spoils of others.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]... she spent so much time with these rats... I am not going to miss them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Sometimes she got down some big bullies[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Beauty matters.[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Magic food[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]No... really![/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]That damn long tale[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Forever doomed.[/SIZE]


Thanks to the druid that killed her, now the wilds have another tormented soul to haunt and creep about. Poor Carcass had not the chance of redemption....

She was a Chaotic Evil Monster. Yet... Carcass would not be a deadline. Her story was one that was open both to Evil and Good. Her main curse, the spirits, could be easily lifted mechanically by an alignment shift.

She did not know that, but she walked towards it everytime she was kind to these that mistreated her and that were stronger than her. She stopped feeding her bloodlust in order to build alliances, taming her new nature, saving travelers from terrible ogres, protecting these that were good to her.

On the other side, she would nourish her dark communion with the spirits, enjoying her gain in power and growing in hatred at each misdeed committed against her.

She hoped to finally be able to bring revenge against these that kept wronging her or that were ungrateful to her mercy. A shame I never got an available DM to actually put these blood samples to use... I had awesome plans for these mean druids that don't know how to treat a dame. <3

... but what she hoped the most was to be again the beautiful, kind... and beloved woman that once she used to be.

Big thanks for Rose, d1n4l9q7 and Howland, this was an... interesting journey. And bigger thanks to these that stretched my chance to tell her tale, playing along and helping to write a small part of our story, I am really grateful to you all.

the gardener

Liked her. Odd and cursed. Well done.

The Samophlange

My character did not allow me much chance to see her story, but I very much enjoyed the concept from afar. One of the better interpretations I have seen of that particular perk!


Carcass was a really cool idea and I was kinda hoping to see her curse lifted!


Strom was always conflicted between fighting her for drawing undead into the world and helping her out of sympathy as another cursed individual.  RIP Carcass.




Was shocked to see her corpse. Wanted to pull the old hag out of the fire but the body was destroyed!

RIP Big thumper lady!

Knight Of Pentacles


I, too, mourn my plans.


Nolivember claims another..and still two weeks left..

Cool concept Grannie, wish I would of ran into her out there!