EfU Favicon?

Started by Arc, October 01, 2014, 04:16:44 AM

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Right now the EfU site and forums dont have a favicon, causing a lot of browsers to choose other ones from switched tabs- in my case, Youtube. This drives me sorta crazy- so I'd suggest an efu favicon be put in place?

I mocked up a quick one that should look fine at the tiny resolution if theres not one to use:



Otherwise- really any favicon would make my bookmark bar 100x better- I keep clicking on youtube to try to get to efu!




Spiffy Has

I have no idea what you are talking about?

Knight Of Pentacles

It's the little symbol that shows up in a tab, Thomas.  

And yes, that's very nice.


Its also worth noting that while that is the newer style 32 bit favicon, I can make the tiny old style one if that won't work and you guys need one.

Nuclear Catastrophe

Very cool and a good idea


Can you at least use the colours that are already present on the site?


Yes, a more grey/black one would be cool. Mine is using FACEBOOK for some reason.

Gear Head

How about something simpler, like a graphic illithid head. I could create that easily.