Elemental Related Spells for Druids

Started by granny, August 03, 2014, 02:49:23 PM

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I know that this suggestion isn't considering balance, but flavor and theme, but I will throw it and let the DM team ponder about its applicability.

I guess that spells like gust of wind, ice shard and other minor ones could be available to druids. I have always wondered why they don't have anything acidic on their portfolio and the water/ air thematic spells are all of higher tier. They get flame lash as part of a fire theme, and that's it. Most of the druids' minor spells bring forth a more plant druid than anything else.

Also, it would be nice if the elemental summon themes to be available for choice since the creation area. They were incredibly nerfed and they are already available for other classes without restrictions, nonetheless.