Loreli O'yria - All My Plans...

Started by granny, July 20, 2014, 02:44:38 AM

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[tface="meddon"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Loreli O'yria[/COLOR][/SIZE][/tface]

[SIZE="1"]... summoning Dendar... maybe?[/SIZE]

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Yuan-ti Blooded, Sseth Cultist, Scion Sorcerer[/COLOR] that tried to be the disciple of a Naga

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Her aliases: [/COLOR]Fangs, Susan, Mary Moonflies, Susan Mcfangs, Slither, Scales, Shadow Death Kilasee

[INDENT]Gods above and bellow! I had plans. I had plans for everyone. I think I have never plotted as much as did I Loreli. I tried to tap in every single faction that was at my hand, double spying as many people as I could. Lying to everyone, telling the truth to everyone, lying to myself, at the point of not knowing the truth (using three forum accounts to try to make people losing track of my stuff was part of it... not that it worked that much, did it?).

Loreli tried to ally herself with the Directorate, the Spellguard, the Ordinants, the Sacred Cave, the Ascensionists, the Sacred Cave, the Hoarrans, the Scrappers, the Sojourners, the Flesh Forge, the Hounds, Magnatz, the Reavers, the Stewards, the Netherese and with several single individuals.

Because of that, she had only a handful of enemies. They were usually people that she helped and that ended not being grateful for her support. People that ended up not paying back their debts. These people she hated the most and plotted against them (actually she plotted against everyone, she was really democratic). Sometimes, she managed to make them pay.

She managed to put bounties upon people that wronged her, she claimed to be responsible for several people's misfortunes, from Ialadris losing her son to the Hounds' complete destruction.

Loreli was the best at little, cheap misdeeds. Like this:

[INDENT]:[ Message Relayed by Messenger Girl : I`m supposed to say... `Is there some Kasi around? Hamish got a message for you: "Darling, I loved you truly, but I loved Card more. I would rather die than live without her. I am sorry"...` ]::[/INDENT]

Her biggest plot was to learn about the Sarrukh and the Scaled Ones. As a former slave of an Yuan-ti temple she had gone through all the worse sorts of things one can imagine. Only rarely she had a chance to peek into the tomes and artifacts the priests kept away from the slaves. She had grown with great fascination towards these things while she possessing herself more powers than the eyes can meet, maybe because of some twisted experiment of her past before she was born or maybe because of shenanigans that the time has devoured. Anyway: she was obsessed into knowing more. And she did all that was under her powers to pursue the past of these creatures, trying herself to understand the changes that she had gone through since she came to the Underdark (special thanks to Canzah, without whom probably Loreli wouldn't had grown enough for me to stand interested into pushing her story).

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]A Last lie...[/COLOR]

Like a nest of her snakes, her story intertwined with several others, entangling herself in controversial and dichotomous plots. Her last lie was to try to free Kilasee, a Naga that devoured a priest from the temple of Ibrandul. As punishment the Naga was trapped into the form of a spear that happened to fall in Loreli's hands. She tried to free the Naga in a ritual that failed and, crazed by the event, she lied to herself, believing that the Naga had taken her body as vessel to pursue further her twisted plans. Her twisting of the reality gone such further that Loreli started to believe that actually she was given a second chance of redemption bellow Ibrandul's temple and that Ibrandul was a fragment of the World Serpent. Lost in such belief, she sought the worshipers of the Skulking God and met her end in the Sacred Cave.

The Loot 1

The Loot 2

The Loot 3[/INDENT]

[SIZE="1"]Best Friends Forever[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Lonely Rituals[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Getting yourself into everyone's parties[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]"I'm all natural, really"[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Fun rides[/SIZE]


[SIZE="1"]Sweet dreams are made of this[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Just because you got scales, it doesn't mean we are friends![/SIZE]


[SIZE="1"]Medusae paradise[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]What could go wrong?[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]Let's mess more with it[/SIZE]


[SIZE="1"]Ok! Time to run![/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]I hate these kobolds[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]You still own me 7k[/SIZE]


[SIZE="1"]More friends[/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]The End[/SIZE]


Shame the ritual failed but I love what you did after it!


I liked her attitude - obviously angry, but simmering enough to attempt pleasantries.


An amazing character well done granny xoxo


One of your best characters Granny.

Loreli was always interesting to interact with.


Never saw character like this! She was sick!! I loved all the games what i played with her! I really love Loreli. Thanks for this character. See you next. :p



  A fanboi of the Granny regardless..but really liked watching Lorelies journey from afar.


Really neat character, and she was able to network so well considering her interesting heritage! Trying not to say too much because of spoilers, but I enjoyed the few interactions we had up to and including the gruesome end.

I look forward to your next granny


Loreli was my favorite granny PC to this day!

I wonder if you even used your PC name even once, though.

Knight Of Pentacles


you brokededed my sword. =[

It's always good to get to interact with a granny PC, especially considering how reclusive yours sometimes are, and I was happy to get the chance to have one more go with Loreli before her end. Sad to see her go, but as always with granny PC's, I'm looking forward to the next!


I had no idea who I was talking with most of the time. Twisted my brain. Lots of good long talks in odd locales (for me). Talks that went everywhere and no-where. But certainly helped deepen my IC lore interests...

I never knew when she was going to turn on me. Being on edge for that long can be very..... nutso-making!

Very rarified PC, in my experience. I did think she worshipped Dendar. Maybe she did :p

Well played!


So that's why the hounds died :/. Well, can't say I'm not surprised! Loreli was interesting, to say the least, with card. From all her own issues, her ones with card were at the least hard to wrap my brain around :D


Ok... now with lasers! I mean, SCREENIES!