Jayesh Diplomat of the Causril Commune... and H'bala.

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, July 11, 2014, 10:37:15 PM

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Knight Of Pentacles

This character was created on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 at 01:42:57 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 162 times.
The character has spent 8 days, 20 hours, 16 minutes, and 13 seconds online.

Quote from: JayeshA Durpari castaway found in a bedraggled and delirious state on a rock off Dambrath. He is an introverted and contemplative man known to hold faith in the teachings of Satama. Often meditating and chanting mantras when not laboring as a miller and baker. Despite his benevolent nature he carries a sense of latent despair beneath his kindly eyes. Blood will often stain the back of his tunic and large crimson lashes creep out from its collar. This and the long periods the man fasts between meals leads others to believe him observing some form of penance.

Stirred in our sleep the laborers are urged to make their way to safety as battle raged overhead...

Our salvation?

Our unknown and enigmatic leader?

A wayfinder...

Will we die here?

Our saviour, His Eminence Berusythrax unveiled...

One year later. . .

These three laborers would become citizens and sent to Sanctuary to do diplomacy for the Commune's survival.

During his mission to Sanctuary he would experience a number of misadventures.

And was visited by The Chosen One although he was kind enough to submit himself to the Watchers once he realized he might be infected

Eventually they would let him go because they weren't prepared to execute a foreign diplomat.

Exiled into the bowels of Lower unable to contact the Commune he would cultivate a new friendship that would last, bittersweet, until his death...

The exiled of Sanctuary try to find refuge

He would abandon all diplomatic discourse after being treated poorly by Sanctuary officials due to his withering and the Commune's sudden and crippling silence.  Turning his attention to Lower things began to change quickly.  

Unlike the others he would scantly resist the whispers in his head and the strange new found urges. . .

Straining his relationships as he grew more and more paranoid and feral...

Until he took a plunge.  He would fully embrace the curse and seek to spread it to others under the guise of "enlightenment".  Means to do this were given to him by a rather peculiar individual who he had entertained a few darks before...

With these new gifts he would take a child hostage in Upper inexchange for a condemned criminal.  Things didn't go to plan and he was forced to retreat, but not before infecting the girl.

This act would not sit well even with the lowest of the low and his former friends and allies would end the monster he'd become. . .




Quite the journey. RIP.


An excellently played withered madman.

I liked him.


You had debts!! You can't die without paying them!
Come baaaaack!

Jokes aside... nice guy. I hated him so much >_>.


The Crimson Magician


A very turbulent journey and an excellent character.



Really interesting twists.


Fantastic character and a story well told!


I liked Jayesh a lot. It's too bad the whole Causril Commune thing sort of fell through the cracks after a couple weeks.

I also very badly wanted to kill you. =[


goodnight sweet jayesh

The Old Hack

Wow. Kim actually liked Jayesh. At least, until he pulled that stunt with the child. At that point she joined the pack that wanted to kill him. o.o

Great character! Even if he took a ghastly tumble at the end.


aye... :'( *a single cold tear drips down his face*


You swapped out those ranger levels pretty fast. lol. I always liked watching Jayesh's freaked out story tumble through manic highs and paranoid depression. :)

And it looks like you did finallly hit 8th before the end :D