Custom Rogue Traps

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, July 04, 2014, 03:19:48 PM

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Knight Of Pentacles

Custom traps for rogues that use similar elements to EFU's throwables. For instance a paint-bomb trap, a flashpowder  trap, a laughing gas trap, et cetera. Maybe even make them craftable using these throwables and other components?


... some should be used only on doors.
Like... buckets of paint placed atop of a door, just waiting to fall on people's heads.


As far as I am aware this is pretty much impossible. - While custom traps can be made to work in game, the trap kits work on a prescripted purpose for that.

Its almost similar to trying to get mage armour to act as a fireball when cast by a player but not when drank as a potion.

effectively - the only way to do this as far as I know, would be to overwrite one of the existing traps in the system.