Bleeding and Stabilization

Started by Brave Heart, June 30, 2014, 09:52:43 PM

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Brave Heart

When you get hit to negative hit points and begin to bleed out you have to pass a fairly high dice check.  If you succeed the bleeding stops and you begin to recover, the dice check lowers a bit.  The problem here is that you wont die or begin bleeding if you fail the saves later on and this leads to some long downtimes of laying around.

Here is my suggestion.  After you recover so much like in sets of three, negative 9/6/3/0 etc., change the dice check to a lower figure.  Shouldn't one have a great and easier chance to recover as their body gains in strength.  Maybe add a chance to begin bleeding again with two failed dice checks in a row.  

I've spent some long times laying around.  I'm not even sure if something like this could be scripted though.