Anniversary date with the Maiden

Started by scrappayeti, June 30, 2014, 01:43:24 AM

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[SIZE="4"]A few screenshots from the event from yesterdark. Post em if you got em.

Before the carnage and misery, buffing en masse

Fun with wild Magic

I didn't get many screenshots of the final fight, which usually means its a doozy. In this one you can just see the Mafwungo Elephant Man entering stage right.

Everyone emotes shock and terror at the nearby shrubbery, while Dess poses for the camera like a diva.

Fun date, and trust me, she is no maiden.[/SIZE]


The most hilarious thing in the whole event!


Gorbengolt lookin' badass there.


Anyone got a screenie of Gorbengolt in safety-suit mode?

Knight Of Pentacles

unfortunately i was too busy creaming my pants to get any Ymph selfies. Though Jayesh seems to be in a lot of these so I guess that's okay