Xanian Urthadar

Started by SwiftyWillownall, June 29, 2014, 09:51:45 PM

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Well, Xanian is dead. Persecuted for a belief that wasn't his, exiled for a crime he didn't commit, and finally killed for an assault he wasn't even around to know about. He was an evil banite yes, but probably meant more good for Sanctuary as a whole than any other character actually living there. Unfortunately for me, I tried to make a villian who was more RP than just mechanical. However, I was drawn into several fights and attacked on sight in many occasions though I never started a PvP conflict myself. Rumours spread, and he ended up being killed on sight for an attack on Upper PCs that he wasn't even a part of. Yes, I am a bit salty, not because of how blatantly corrupt and paranoid "good" PCs were, but more because I tried to play a RP PC that was just met with nothing but PvP and kill on sight tactics which just really took everything out of my want to play him to begin with. I'm going to take a break for a while but rest assured I'll be back with...something.


Obituary ranting is not classy

Knight Of Pentacles

Neither is ostracizing new players for what is a typical, knee jerk reaction.


This could've been avoided if you didn't choose such an awful God :P


It's fine. Honestly, I understand the server and setting and such. I'm not ranting about all the unfair circumstances that happened to my PC. I mean heck, he's evil, it's /suppose/ to be unfair for him. I'm just saying It would be nice to have more RP and less PvP on my next character. :P

Edit: P.S. You monsters killed all of Xanian's friends! *Sniff sniff.*


Trial by fire is sometimes good for us. I hope you've learned a few things, and if you settle onto something else, I hope they help you enjoy yourself to the fullest.


As Ebok said, sometimes it's best to learn things the hard way. That said, though, if you need help with a new concept or need some advice, you're free to send me a PM here or message me (Fitzwilliam) on IRC whenever you have time.


In my opinion, if you dont feel bad when your character dies unexpectedly, you havent commited enough to them. If your knee isnt jerking, try harder on the next character!


I agree that the harder you try, the more satisfied you might feel. Please dissociate yourself from the character though, knee-jerking isn't necessary.


I feel that what our fellow player meant is he would have appreciated to give more space to his creativity, roleplay, than mere hunting. Now I'm perfectly aware of what kind of setting it is, don't go correcting me ;), but to summarize it, characters are much more prone to go medieval on anything they feel threatening : it's more Witcher-like than Baldur's Gate-like. While this is more limiting in terms of how you can develop your character's story, well that's how the game is played here. Real-world realism versus fantasy-world realism; sorry for that, but the last one gives more freedom fantasy is meant for. No offense meant by the way, EfU is not against creativity, but as I said, more Witcher-like than Baldur's Gate-like.

The way I feel it, the best is to find a way to roleplay that suits your tastes and pleases you, that is befitting for the sinister tone this gameworld has. Find your niche. Y'know, like a musician that finds his own style!


Kandebyn Olar

I feel you man. I know what it's like, I been there. But I also know there's no cure, it's the disease of this game. There will always be a party unhappy with the outcome of PvP. One of the reason is the double standard yes, but especially the unknown. Most of us will never know when we can PvP/FD, it's hinted that we should ''earn it through RP'' and that we should show ''OOC courtesy'' and that's god damn confusing. But what's the alternative?

Allow any PVP, any FD, then it ends up like some Counter-Strike game. Other option is to disable PVP all togueter, and then for most of us, its boring. System ain't perfect, system is frustrating but that's what it is, there's no other solution.

As for the double-standard, yes, it sucks. But that's like DMs and Players complaining that the majority of the server is not racist enough. Get over it, it's not going to change. People will have bias. But that, at least, we can play within those lines and we know what we're up to. Nobody makes a hardcore sexist or racist character and OOC thinks he's going to be the most popular guy around. You knew when you made your Banite that you'd get HUGE bias against you, justified or not. I knew it when I made one, I was surprised it was -that- bad, but I totally expected it.

Thrar didn't allow me in the Watch, now he's not part of the Watch. Things on EfU are changing by the day. Just got to adapt.

Your death really was wierd to me. Not blaming anyone, just saying it felt weird. Felt like Game of Thrones on steroids. But then I don't know 90% of your story.


Quote from: SwiftyWillownall;395392Rumours spread, and he ended up being killed on sight for an attack on Upper PCs that he wasn't even a part of.

So, you got people to talk about your PC IC, and you didn't do much? Sounds like you did a couple of things right then!

Yeah, haha, I feel for you on the part of the rumours thing. Half of the things being said IG about your PC aren't true, the other half are just hilarious to hear. But the rumours exist, and they're hear to stay. It's all IC and their part of the game, and imao, a great fun! Especially learning yourself IG and even OOC what people heard IC about your PC.


Don't worry it happens, 99% of my evil pcs have died from other PCs. Its the way it works ;)


On the plus side, I didn't live long enough to have my gut burst with alien babies. ;P


My honest advice is to try playing something "safer" with your next character(i.e. not a Banite.) You'll either find out that you prefer "playing it safe" and enjoy yourself, or you'll hate it and realize that hitting the hornet's nest with sticks was the most fun you've ever had. Either way, I hope I get a chance to interact with your next character!

Spiffy Has

omg, is that who I think it is?