Lathanderite housekeeping

Started by Gwydion, March 15, 2009, 03:23:58 PM

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Any characters that have RPed with a member of the Lathanderite faction about joining but the process has been interrupted or stalled out - send me a PM and we'll set something up IG.

Any characters that have been wanded but haven't gotten into the forum - send a PM.  


I would ask that if you make a character that is a Lathanderite or you know your character is probably going to join the faction in some capacity, please follow through on that character.  If you retire or get tired of the character, send us an IC or OOC communication.  Characters that disappear due to OOC reasons should not have our characters searching the island frantically to find out what became of their friend.

It also doesn't make sense to RP a Lathanderite that RPs extensively with the members, joins the faction - then never shows up again.  

But if anyone is interested, we'd love to have you.  Amazingly, we only have one Lathanderite paladin right now, that even Dr. Phil would be astonished to have sit on his couch in therapy.  

Jump on board!  Kick ass for Lathander!


Please send me a PM to be removed from the Lathanderite forum if you no longer play that character.

Also, if you have been wanded into the faction and do not have access to the forum, let me know via PM.


Listen in Silence

What Gwydion is trying to say;

Join the Lathanderites! We've a faction HQ, many good plots, many good roleplayer veterans, and much good roleplay! Anyone who has had a character in this faction can testify to what an experience it is.


Excellent faction! I can't remember a night when I logged on during our playtimes and there wasn't something cool going on. Join up!


Almost any good aligned character concept can work with our group.  

Obviously warriors as we have a company of Knights.  Paladin's are perfect.

We only really have two priests so if you wanted to join as a new Dawnbringer, that would be good.

A scout?  good aligned factions need spies too...

Wizard?  we have one, can always use more.

Sorcerer might be a hair funky but could be RP'd rather interestingly if you think about it.

(If anyone wants to chat about a concept, feel free to PM any of us to discuss.)