Cooking 2 Electric Boogaloo

Started by Dredi, June 21, 2014, 02:12:39 PM

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While I understand that cooking does have some beneficial items available, what I suggest is to really give, well, cooks a way to make money out of the work as at the moment players kinda see very little mechanical advantage to spending more money on player made food which unfortunately seems to require alot of time and resources on the crafters part to make.

What I suggest is that like some other storebought foods, that some of the food that can be cooked provides a minor but long lasting morale based bonus.

This could be a +1 vs fear, a +5 Temp HP a +1 concentration - you get the idea, nothing game breaking or even big - but something thats applied to you when you rest and consume the food, or consume the food directly (but is NOT lost upon resting or it'd defeat the purpose)



Would be worthwhile, but the boons should definitely be lesser than herbalism and alchemy to keep the tier of danger vs reward appropriate.


Naturally. - we also dont want them to be like "Buffs" with the exception of the powerful stuff - we dont want someone eating down an entire buffet for a +5vs mind spells or something. so maybe max 1 active at a time?