Kasi Radma Choose Your Adventure

Started by PanamaLane, June 20, 2014, 03:38:36 AM

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Let me tell you about [Kasi Radma] [Mary Stone][Stalker][Widow][Queen of Shadow]. She was a [Auxiliary] [Hound] [Wayfinder] [Rogue] worshiper of [Waukeen] [Hoar] [Shar] who desired to bring [Society] [Anarchy] [Darkness] to the world. She had loads of [Friends] [Enemies] [Secrets]. She was a [Lawful Neutral] [Chaotic Evil] character of mine who lived a long time.

Here are some screen shots!

Unfortuntely I lost a lot of the early ones from the Aux, but this one survived.

Its quiet in the machine, lonely and dark.

But sometimes you need to shower with company

What the?

Pot jokes!

Snow White and 7 Kinny!

Only my client got off without charges! Lawyered.

Its fun to follow people...

Being too far away for Sneak Attacks to beat DR...

Being just the right distance...

What's in those bottles?

The Hundred Hounds...

The dreaded ghost returns...again!

Boat rides.

Shady shit!

Wayfinders..for a hot minute.

Lower4Life (or till I change my mind)

Hoar...not for reals though

For reals

RP with the enemy! (who later kills you)

The End


No...you're serious? Ahh heck no...
Well, Garick will really miss Kasi, then. You've been one of the first players I met with Garick and also with whom I ventured outside the most. A big thanks to you...we'll meet again later. ;)


:[ Message Relayed by Messenger Girl : I`m supposed to say... `Is there some Kasi around? Hamish got a message for you: "Darling, I loved you truly, but I loved Card more. I would rather die than live without her. I am sorry"...` ]::

... so many plans <3


We could have been cool Wayfinder Heroes together. :( And I wish I had time to talk with Kasi more than the short exchange we had at the end.  Many questions went unanswered, and will never be. Such is the way of things. :)

Knight Of Pentacles

probably interacted with her with every character I've played


A very cool character.

The Samophlange

The end was very rough. I would have liked to been able to make an excuse and let her go, to see what she might try next. There's something to be said for a rival who will actually trade words with you and attempt to sway your mind. I'd love to see far more of that in general on EFU!

Well done! Now roll a for realsies Wayfinder. <3 I'm sure whatever you do next, though, will be interesting!


A crazy wild ride Panama.  I enjoyed interacting with Kasi both from playing Tobit and from playing Trem.  I remember Paub ordering Kasi to touch Tobit's rat crown... that didn't go so well ;)

Kasi's theories regarding the machine were fun and inspired.  Your story about sleeping in the healing beds and speaking to the machine in your dreams... rad.  

I really thought Kasi was a spy for the SG until just after the Hounds died.  Looks like I was wrong for quite a while.

Looking forward to the next.



Sad to see Kasi go :( Now nobody will be mean to Slip in such a special way!


Several characters have I interacted with Radma, Robert had to be the most important of them all to me.
He thought of her a lot like the daughter he never had, wanting to protect her but duty called and he had to step back.
Shit's hard yo.

Looking forward to whatever you roll next, Panama.


Kasi was a fantastic character, always with some manner of intrigue going on that made her compelling to talk to from both an in-character and out-of-character standpoint.

Best of all was how her constant faction hopping really painted that subtle undertone of being lost and vulnerable underneath everything else.


:( I'm sad. I had plains with you. Really nice character!


Awesome thread. All of the screenies here are great!

It was fun seeing Kasi developing from a Spellguard's tool to what she became in the end. I enjoyed our interactions and had fun seeing you trying to change Lower to be something else.

Judging by the last screenshots though, I think I'm gonna regret we didn't have a last chance to talk (I even got the wine ;) )

Looking forward to your next!
Good job!

The Machinist

Liked Radma. Got close to finding her a couple of times. Good times.


I enjoyed my encounters with Kasi very much. In some ways, her path was very similar to my own PC's, and learning about her, trying to determine what was true and what was not was a lot of fun. Her journey from Auxiliary to disillusioned Lowersman, from what I could see, felt very natural as opposed to what I've seen in the past from people. Good work.