More Sorcerer Gear...

Started by Vicar Of Holy Sacramant, June 18, 2014, 05:59:46 PM

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Vicar Of Holy Sacramant


I just want to put in a request for the Dms when they are looking over the quests and such, and what they could possibly add to them, I would recommend more sorcerer only gear, especially on the mid-range quests. I don't claim to know all the loot on the server and I certainly haven't done all the quests- I just know that there is only one quest that reliably drops sorcerer loot, and it gets weird when every sorcerer is wearing the same gear, even when they have vastly different concepts.

You can say, "well don't wear gear if it isn't appropriate for your concept." This is true, but Sorcerers are lacking immensely in loot variety, and when a few spell slots can make or break a successful mission, it gets tiresome having to rely on the same gear.

I mean, we have tons of armors for fighters, tons of stuff for barbarians- some equipment that only works if you get a set for it- I am advocating for more loot variety for Sorcerers. They can do the same thing, but I would like to see quests that permit sorcerers who aren't into reptiles to wear that gear- and sorcerers that are all about the infernal to have an opportunity to gain some spellslots from their sinister wares.

Perks are perks- they are there to mechanically assist an otherwise underutilized and underpowered class, but this is an entirely different, and much more important issue- aesthetics. I am not advocating an increase in power to the class, but more gear that can be utilized by them.