
Started by 1019, March 11, 2009, 03:23:58 PM

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Hello, there! I've been playing NWN PW's off and on for the past 6 years or so, and last night I decided to take EfU:A for a spin. I wish I had done so sooner, as I must say I was very pleasantly surprised, both with the players and the worldcrafting. I will definitely be spending more time here exploring and getting to know the other PCs (and NPCs!). Especially since I see a few acquaintences from another PW here.


(Currently playing: Aetres Thalatel)


Welcome! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, as I'm sure anyone here would be more than willing to assist you.

Listen in Silence

Welcome. Feel free to pose any questions you may have towards me. That is, if you can figure out which character I play.


Howdy.  Welcome to EfU:A.


LiS knows all. Especially all builds. (Mad props, by the way, he's level five)

Greetings to you 1019! There are so many factions around right now that it's a dizzying effort to remember them all. You've got your LE/LN army, your LN guard, your various godly factions, probably some sort of rebellion against one of the above, or anything you want to start yourself! I'd suggest a Thieves' or Fighters' Guild. Make one of your own. It would be Epic.

Or... *shameless plug* Join the Lathanderites!


Welcome to Escaped from the Underdark: Archipelago, 1019!




Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral



An awesome server to play on! I hope you have an excellent time. One thing that are my reccomendations:

Getting involved in RP, Get involved with factions ( Stygians, Sharboneth, Order, Hanged Goblin, Kingsman, new criminal organization, Rubies, and Stewards!), and the most important:

Have fun!



"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Welcome! Feel free to send me a PM if you need anything.


Welcome to the Archipelago.
i walked one morning to the fair