Lockable, drop packs

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, March 09, 2009, 10:47:21 AM

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When we fugue, we drop a pack with all our stuff inside of it.

I am thinking that the pack in question should automatically lock when this happens, and should only open for the person in question.

However, a Low Open Lock Check will open the pack regardless if it was his or not. ((I am thinking DC 14, so this way even a -6 dex gold dwarf dwarf with ONE open lock rank can open it. <.<))

This is to prevent spurious looting of a character when in combat for supplies and stuff, when the character normally would be focused on combat. This also guarantees that rogues, once again, can be useful for something other than traps, because if the guy permas, you sorta need a Rogue to open it.

Just thinking aloud.


I think you would quickly realize how much you don't want this if we implemented it. The spurious looting is obviously undesireable, but I reckon most would rather lose a handful of potions than not be able to steal one from a fallen comrade in order to stay alive.