Feed the Mold, Feed the Rot!

Started by granny, April 28, 2014, 01:12:24 AM

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It would be nice if we had a corpse disposal/ offering/ whatever more adequate for the Moldmire. Something like feeding the Yellow Cave of the Moldmire with bodies/ meat/ fur/ whatever, kinda in the style of the Slime Cult and Mausoleum.

An interesting twist is that player bodies would not be instantly consumed, but instead enter into a period of feasting.

  • After some while, if the player decided to return, they would have some "changes" to their PCs because of the effects of being thrown into the cave.
  • Perma PCs thrown there could be offered as well, as means of allowing they to return. Of course, this resurrection wouldn't come without a price. Some sort of deep change would impact their return to life.
  • Now... if they were left in the yellow cave for a too long period, they would have no body to return to, as it was entirely consumed.


That sounds like a really cool idea, especially since it gives PC's the chance for cool changes without the need of a DM.


That yellow cave is scary... but it's a good idea. Because of how russet mold creates Vegepygmies you could feed it meat so that it can transform the fleshy remains and reproduce it into plant matter. Yes... feed the mold, bring it bodies and grow an army of mossy minions! One meat-body becomes two, and every slain is recycled again until the whole world is consumed in mushrooms and mold! Muahahaha.