Emelia Gravenhearth, Matron Of Slime, Mother Of Paradise, High Priestess Of Ghaunadaur

Started by NecronomiconV, April 26, 2014, 07:49:31 AM

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Welp! she was fun while i had her :) ive always loved ooze cultists and this is my third ooze cultist. two of mine were in old port before chapter 3 ended, and this one proved to be much more satisfying! I -will- play another in the future as im one of those bad-habited people who favors some concepts over others (necromancers and ooze cultists obviously) But for now.. time for something fresh.. keep an eye out for my future watcher eh? *evil laugh* She in total converted 7 people, and recruited another. She managed to reach 8th level with 2k from 9 but died fighting an epic boss and died at 7th level with 2k from 8.

I had a wild ride and i want to thank all my cultists and other pcs who interracted with her. Specifically to Haston Sannal, you crafty devil, my first convert who stuck through with me till the end, badass fighter and my favorite companion with this char. Next to Hamish O' Neill, her strongest ally and close friend, one of her few. Toughest bastard i ever knew who made the right choice for himself and his crew even if he didn't want to, your an awesome faction leader and im going to miss interacting with you. Lastly to Grousch, who though we had a short-lived teamwork was my second favorite cultist, you rollplay amazingly, and were a scary mofo!

Theres a lot of people i'd love to thank but those three stood out amongst the others. To our fabulous DM team, i'd love to thank Paha, Howland, Talir, Nuclear Catastrophe, Jaydemoon, and Mira, and last but not least Caster for your amazing DMing and interactions, you all helped me a lot and I want to apologize for bugging the crap out of you!

My favorite Event? Hands down, D_I Your ooze-lich event was intense and simply amazing, i hadn't had so much fun on a event since my necromancer conclavist ended up alongside a ton of others inside the soul archive for the most random adventure!

I had three pieces of DM loot that i won't go into detail about but will give you there names:
-Dissolved Plate
-Slimed Holy Symbol Of Ghaunadaur
-Boots of [Insert Drow Name Here too complicated to remember]

I want to say good luck to all you, and I heavily advise joining up with Team Ooze its amazing, and a hell lot of fun, and don't feel like everythings been done.. i STILL have ton of plot ideas for the ooze cult.. which you may see in the future on my next cultist hehehehehehehe. BUT FOR NOW, keep your eyes wide open for my watcher!



Kauvra and Emelia and Haston workin, being awesome, and Kauvra showing off her OPness of Necromancy

Awakening an ooze lich and going on a wild adventure involving many oozes and a shadow master.

She was insane yes, she tore out her eyeballs, and naturally.. SHE WANTED THEM BACK she prayed a LOT

we loved rituals yes, and i loved them very much. THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE RISE OF PARADISE HAHAHAHA, for another shall take her place to try to bring it about ;)

The one insight to her powers i will give: Her turn undead did acid damage, it was cool, her turn undead was the bomb and i loved RPing it. Thats her in front of the cell i got for our faction which i sadly only got to use once in my time in the ooze cult.. though its there for you future cults!!

sadly folks, thats all the screenies i got to take that are worth posting or don't give away spoilers! I loved this pc, and enjoyed her immensely. Team ooze always in your heart, whether original or not.. you can't hide from it >;)

Have fun EFU!



You will be missed! I cant wait to give your Hin some crap, however!
First Kauvra now you.. Well guys its been fun by logic I am next


Another fun character Necro, GG.


Stylish ooze cultist and classy antagonist. Definitely one of your best so far.

Our interactions were always a pleasure.


RIP in peace, crazy blind ooze lady who shared a first name with my paladin



RIP Emelia!  Lower just wont be the same without you!  I just wish I could have done more to prevent her death!  Its been a wild ride rping and questing with you and the rest of the ooze cult!  Our dungeon runs simply wont be near as good without you!  Hope your next character is as fun as Emelia was!

I hear them Hounds are recruiting.  Just saying...



She never saw it coming.

But a fun pc, was fun fighting evil cultists with my wannabe paladin. Hope your next one is as fun.


You had manhood of titanium when you met Hale's challenge right on. Fullest of respects for that. I was so certain you won't appear.


Quote from: Ziya;384620You had manhood of titanium when you met Hale's challenge right on. Fullest of respects for that. I was so certain you won't appear.


I didn't get to interact with you for very long, but it was a very fun, if brief, conflict. Amazing slime cultest- May she dissolve things in her afterlife.


I was surprised to SEE an ooze cult survives that long, and being made mostly IG. It's been fun WATCHING you. I'm LOOKING forward to your next concept.

Jokes aside, she was a neat character. Good luck on your next!


You almost had me, but I turned that PvP around and gave you all a good licking!

Jayde Moon


Awesome stuff. Never interacted with her, but I also never set foot in the sewers because of her. Her presence was felt all the way in Upper.


Beautiful character. She may have been insane, but hey, so was Kauvra, and they got along juuust fine.

Without a doubt, at LEAST half of everything Kauvra did wouldn't have worked if it weren't for Emelia.
She really had me believing that our little ooze cult would be changing the world.

I'm sad to see her go, she died WAY too soon.. but I can't say I'm not looking forward to what's coming next. ;)

Thank you for the crazy ride.