The Lady Kauvra.

Started by Charnelist, April 23, 2014, 05:27:18 PM

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So, it's been a long time coming.
Kauvra was my first real PC here on EfU, and she was pretty excellent. lol. Normally I don't play girls, but that maiden perk, bro.. *whistle*

I decided to create a PC who's goal was to reduce the entire world to either death or undeath. In the wake of the death of Gods, she felt the afterlife held nothing for mortals, and 'success' in life was for someone to manage to avoid it forever, while purging passions. Despite this, she was a very emotional person.

Kauvra's success was largely due to her relationship with Hamish - her confidant and the only one who never judged her, even though he understood her more than anyone else. They trusted eachother completely, and with that level of devotion they managed to accomplish some amazing things through their tireless efforts to accomplish shared goals.

Anyways, she was an experiment in a 'good necromancer'. Her approach to most problems was to find common ground and develop friendships with the intention of ultimately swaying others to her line of thinking or getting rid of them should the perfect moment present itself. She fully intended to prolong her life indefinitely and outlast all enemies she did not see the wisdom in attacking.

This character was created on Wednesday, March 5th, 2014 at 09:09:02 AM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 122 times.
The character has spent 10 days, 4 hours, 34 minutes, and 25 seconds online.

I know the screenshots don't do her justice. Feel free to post your own, I'm sure you all have a few with her in it.

As Kauvra was often seen doing, I'll do her one last favour by bringing the player of Hamish to the stand, to speak on her behalf.

*Motions to Hamish*

Knight Of Pentacles

Woah did she like merge with some dude's body or something?


I have to say, I am extremely sad to see Kauvra go.  She's been with Hamish pretty much since day one on Efu.  Hamish was my first character since The WyrmWatchers of Mistlocke and Kauvra really showed my newb character around.  Her and Twitch protected him and damn did they get him in soo much trouble.

We had a huge pack of people in the beginning but one by one they all died off until only me and Kauvra remained.  She was by far the biggest influence on Hamish as a character and one of my absolute favorite people to interact with.  She was a mute and could speak only through hand gesture.  Over time Hamish eventually learned to understand her very fluidly and acted as her voice.

Kauvra was with me when we stormed the Iron Dread Fort and found the earthwheel piece.  She was with me when we contracted with the drow to be their vanguard and she was there when we turned and betrayed them deciding it was far better to defend lower and send the drow packing.  She was there when we decided to build the Hundred Hound's Mercenary company.  Honestly, we were pretty much inseparable.

She survived far longer than I think either of us expected.  Honestly, I'm still amazed Hamish isn't dead *knock on wood*.  Efu wont be the same without Kauvra but the fight continues!  You will never be forgotten my friend!  I cant wait to see how bad ass your next character turns out!


I liked her. I think that the Maiden of Woe concept is not easy to be played. Your way was in my opinion very good one.


Thank you lol. Never got to get her voice back but OH WELL :P


*howls* Noooooooooooooooooo :( She did damn good I must say though, she got palemaster and had some sick equipment which are least of her accomplishments, she made many great allies and brought good rp with her wherever she went, she always had a good bit of advice and lower will truly be missing that one piece here kauvra fit into it. Good job Charnelist I simply -can't- wait to see what you play next :) Kudos on one of the more fantastic necromancers I've seen in a while.


Heh Hamish gave her most of her good loot!  Aside from some of them dm quest rewards I bet.  Still...  Lower will indeed be missing a huge piece without Kauvra!


so nice to chase and tease with


Fun PC Charnelist;  She'll be a missing fixture in Lower.  Looking forward to your next.  Trem won't miss her spirits though ;)



Enjoyed our exploits together, will leave an empty hole in lower.


Mother of fuck. Very sorry to see you go, IC and OOC.


Kauvra was one of the most enigmatic characters on EFU and I definitely enjoyed interacting with her.

Lupin was unnerved by her presence at first, but her quiet melancholy grew on him over time.

She exuded an eerie elegance, which made her all the more mysterious.. very impressive characterization for a mute PC who never spoke (except for the odd times she would blast red, nasty words on the floor). I loved how frail and vulnerable she became around her flock of spirits.. truly a "shepherd" as Hamish would always say, rather than a manipulator of the dead.

Well played, Charnelist.. looking forward to the next!


There's going to be a hole in my heart where Kauvra once was.

Sad to see her go, Charn.

Despite it all, she did scare Rorimac.


Sadness overload imminent.


I enjoyed interactions between Hamir and Kauvra. First impression was "well she doesn't look like much" then changed to "Oh shit, better not piss her off."

Always thought of her as Hamish's spooky goth girlfriend. Lol.

RIP ;-;7