Prophet Imaro Khazed-Ha of the Rot God Moander- NEVER A THRALL

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, March 01, 2009, 03:11:07 PM

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Imaro has died, a rather anti-climatic death, but I suppose it couldn't be helped. (And the maggots consuming everything within the arena!)

He was a fun character, but was hardly a villain, I was honestly surprised it took 14 days before someone tried to kill me, and succeed.

He hated you gnomes most, but alas, I cannot believe he never held one of the Seeds of Rot, never even went into the South Bogs, never saw the Heart of Moander.

Without Further a due, some screenies!

Thanks to Team Gnome, TEam Nature, TEam Evil, The Order, Especially Morva has my primary Lathander...


I can has fun?

Damn, Thomas. I told you not to die yet.

Sorry I never took the chance to beat the crap out of him when he was locked up. I'll bet it would have been fun stuff.

Luke Danger

Hey, look at the bright side: You had it coming :P

I actually liked Imaro, put some good RP out. The Trial and the final duel was a favorite, you don't know how hard it was for me not to interfere in the duel between Stefan and Krendrawl (or whatever the half-orc's name was, I can't beleive I can't remember!)

Can't wait for your next.


Aww my gnome loved you Thomas, hehe.


A very fine and good character Thomas. Excellent done.


Sweet character. Many fun times!

Oskar Maxon


House Sharboneth thanks you for your donations to their fine box. We'll get right on catching your murderer. We have top men working on it right now.

P.S. Lots of fun to interact with. A++++ will arrest again.

Winston Martin

Seemed like a cool character. Looking forward to your next one.


Contrary to popular belief, he was never fined, but once.

Seriously, I was never accused of any crimes but one or two.


Ouch... Disturbing that i predicted your demise would come soon eh? The rule of threes. Either way he was a cool character despite my characters hating him he was fun.


Awww... What a pity! Hoped for more RP between Imaro and the dwarves, oh well.... Great character man!



is there something i'm missing with the tells to people, because like the only person i usually send tells to is krunto with racial slurs and what not

also cool char, i only saw him like once or twice but he certainly seemed to enjoy rot


This is the third ever screenshot thread any of my characters have -ever- been in, and the third screenshot period I have ever had a character in. :D

Imaro was fun as hell.

Now, make something that won't get me killed by the Druids.