Quaregg, Warlord of Winter

Started by Blue41, March 19, 2014, 12:59:55 PM

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Quaregg was formerly of the Uthgardt- the Black Lion tribe, to be specific. Disillusioned with his tribe's willingness to adapt to the changing climate of their world, to put down axe and bow for the rake and hoe, he parted ways with his tribe and headed into the wilderness along the Spine of the World, eventually falling in with the tribe of Sialoortania, a group of nomadic barbarians and shamans united in their worship of a 'spirit of Winter.' Finding their ideals more in line with his own, Quaregg served as a hunter, warrior and protector of the tribe and their matriach until the Darkening.

Obstinacy was Quaregg's defining trait, as well an aversion to change. Even without a sun, even without winter, he believed that there was no need to change, as the Black Lion had- the old ways of his life were timeless and enduring. His favored beast totem was the cave bear- a creature of the surface, like himself, who held its own against the strangeness of the Underdark without compromise.

He loved to feast- pretty much everyone he ever spoke with came away with some bit of food that he cooked (and there is surprisingly a lot to cook, though some of the higher end DC's could use some looking at.) He loved to fight, and he battled more than 30 PC's in single combat with little concern for the terms.

Anywho, pics.

Many thanks to everyone who endured being screamed at by my barbarian, you know who you are.


Quote from: Blue41;377658Many thanks to everyone who endured being screamed at by my barbarian, you know who you are.

Wasn't that everyone? ;) Great guy, from what little I saw of him.


Amazing PC! Loved him even if I only got to see him in few occasions. He stood out in every run-in I had with him. You're a great roleplayer, hope the loss of your character didn't demotivate you, I recently learned that it can be tough.

Can't wait to see what you do next. =)


Really very sad to see Quaregg go. He was amazing.


Everything about QUARROCK deserves credit, it's a real shame many others did not see it due to his choice of isolation but for those willing to venture beyond it is certainly worth it.

Bravo, we had some fun times together

The Old Hack

Quaregg was 100% pure awesome. I loved that guy no matter which of my characters ran into him. He managed to so confuse poor Shannon with his shouting that she started to shout back at him in the conviction that this was simple good manners where he came from. o.o

The Samophlange

I loved him over the course of two characters, and I was still hoping for more. An absolute tragedy that he's gone.


I wanted to marry Quaregg


Quaregg was a character that brought so much life to the places outside Sanctuary, and I'm sad to see him go long before his time.


Easily one of my favourite people to interact with, each time leaving a grin on my face that would last for hours. I always looked forward to running into him in the wilds. His booming, boisterous presence and cooking prowess will be greatly missed.

Special Delivery

Really cool PC... Glad we got a fight in.....



Another PC dies before Mari can get her rematch. :(

I remember first meeting Quaregg on Irith and thoroughly enjoying THE STYLE IN WHICH HE SPOKE YELLED, and then further interactions on Elaine and Mari just really solidified him as a memorable character.

Good work, blue.


An amazing character, I enjoyed every interaction with him.


I was really upset when I first learned he's gone. He was a PC that got everyone to interact and come out of their shells a bit in a really fun way - even timid little Melanie.

Every time I go out into the wilds I look forward to those chance encounters with Sialoorta and her retinue. Thanks for all the good memories so far, Blue!

Mountains of Madness

Far and away one of the most enjoyable "nature" characters I've had the pleasure of interacting with.  Kudos, Blue