Lower Requirements for Quests

Started by Valo56, March 10, 2014, 09:36:08 AM

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Back on EfU:A and M, there were a lot of 2-man quests. If there weren't a lot of people on, or if you just had a concept that was more an exile or wildling, you weren't completely left out. Granted, larger groups were an advantage, but it wasn't an absolute must-have.

There's still a fair few of them, but I find a gaping hole once you reach level 6+, in that there are very few quests that can be 2-manned. I know of three that level 6+ characters can participate in, one of them being a 5-12 quest.

I don't really see any pattern with the 2 or 3 man requirement. Some quests are very easy and require three, others are hard and need three. Some are hard and need only two, some are easy and need only two, and some are VERY HARD and need only two. So I'd just like to suggest we keep it to 2-man minimum for most quests. It's not going to be easy but people can still try it when that's all they can get together.


Quest restrictions of this kind are usually done to discourage high-level friends swiftly leveling themselves up in favor of being forced to interact with other characters in order to tackle more ambitious quests.

Exploration areas are always an option for two PC groups.


I'm not really seeing as many exploration areas as I used to, either. Is it simply that there aren't as many in the module since the change back to the Underdark? If so, would player contributions be welcome to try and fix that (assuming the finished product is of sufficient quality), and if so, any guidelines to submitting such?

I just feel there isn't as much as there used to be in regards to random areas and stuff you could do alone or in a small group, by any measure.


Submitting exploration areas of excellent quality is a possibility. PM me a link to a module with the exploration areas (leave blank or make notes about what steps would need to be added in the mod, i.e. if you want to use an EFU-specific monster), o email it to howlando@gmail.com

There are less than in EFU:M at the moment, but there are still around ~75 at the moment and I've recently been adding many more. As more are added, we'll look into increasing the frequency at which they appear.

A problem with a lot of things in EFU is that things need to be balanced both for the players who log in with a non-optimized PC to pursue a harsh and purely IC life but also players who play optimized PCs and have access to OOC connections to roll in with a pre-set group.