Thessaly, the Lost Guard.

Started by The Old Hack, February 14, 2014, 08:06:39 PM

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The Old Hack

Yes, sadly this is it for the little local cop of Sanctuary. A lot of people laughed at her name (which is good, a good laugh is healthy), but it had both literal and figurative direct connections to what it signified.

She was sworn to a company of defenders raised by the Helmite Father Octavian to protect the lost survivors of the End. He named it the Lost Guard to signify that they protected the lost and those without home or hope elsewhere, which is to say the Guard of the Lost.

Eventually Thessaly and several other volunteers were committed to a rearguard action to buy the rest of the company time to bring their civilian charges to safety. They succeeded in buying the Guard time but were wiped out with Thessaly as sole survivor. She was lying unconscious beneath a dead umber hulk and the victorious Thralls did not notice her. Afterwards she tried but failed to rejoin the Guard, and now literally as well as figuratively lost, she finally stumbled onto a gate to Sanctuary.

And now the screenshots!

Testing a hapless tailor for Thralldom:

The trial of the notorious Budo! He was acquitted.

Another trial! This one of Chandera.

A practice session with Rodney Wayton the Pit Master. Thessaly adored the man and loved working out with him, which may have been a blind spot of hers but it did not stop her.

Another Watcher job, overseeing prisoners in the Stocks. This time the notorious... STEVE STEVENSON!

Participating in a sacrifice to Kossuth! To the right you can see Thessaly's pet peeve, the 'loud and clumsy cat druid' that continued to bug her on her travels in the wilderness. Thessaly was highly intolerant of attempts to sneak up on her, especially when they failed.

A sermon in the Temple of Ilmater. Several of the people Thessaly liked the most were present -- Dominic, of course, and Abala, Vinnath, Mali and Zsigmond (sadly off screen).

And another sermon, this time in the Mausoleum and with still more of Thessaly's friends! William, Melanie, Carys, Llewellyn and Gregory. Xothkug is missing, darn it -- he dropped just as I hit the screenshot button!

Lastly, a scene from the prison! A lot of people got rounded up during the search for the Gentleman Killer and this was one such occasion. Viluin is present here, the elven Watcher whom Thessaly could not bring herself to like but whom she did respect.

And that's it! I had a great time playing Thess and would like to thank all the people I interacted with for an enjoyable experience. Sadly I did not get screenies of all of her friends; Vesper, Zsigmond, Charlene, Drogor and many others cannot be honoured here as they deserve and I am very sorry about that.

But this was a good place to end the story. The irony was, I had never meant Thess to be more than a quickie character with which to learn the ropes of the new EfU; she became more than that and I loved playing her. Still, I had reached the end of her potential, I felt, so it was time.

Be back when I have a new idea! Rock on as always, EfU!



Thessaly really felt like part of Sanctuary ^^ She was a reliable and well known figure. Very nice to see around. Seems like a sort of role you do well.


Thessaly was the very first PC I encountered in my efu experience. The good IC and OOC reception I got as a new arrival is part of the reason I stuck around and grew to love this place.

I will miss her! Can't wait to see what you come up with next :)

Ashes of Athas

Thessaly! Nooooooooo.

Was always fun to roleplay with Thessaly. She was a fun character and will be missed. Look forward to roleplaying with your future charaters!


She was fun to have around. Good work, and best of luck with your future concepts.


god speed, little guard. god speed. o7


I'll miss lostguard, was fun interacting with her.

Bouquet of Roses

Thessaly will most certainly be missed.
In an age of darkness, people like Thessaly stand out all the more.
Best of luck on your next one, Hack, whatever you decide it to be!


Thessaly was an awesome character, good job.

Knight Of Pentacles


Awwww...I'm gonna miss Thessaly and how she never used the word 'I' in a sentence or started a sentence with a pronoun.

What killed her?

Good job on it though!


brief but fair and nice interactions. I didn't know it was you!


Sad to hear about Thessaly, I liked the character. Hope you come up with a new one soon. =)


Thessaly was one of my favorite characters. RIP in pease :(


A very cool Watcher that I enjoyed butting heads with over Sanctuary law and how to enforce it. She was a very enjoyable rival in the Watcher's for Vincent!
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]