Dear Alexandria Sayburgh, Legate of the Second Seat

Started by Zambition, March 27, 2025, 08:11:30 PM

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Dear Alexandria,

Where once we were rather close, it does pain me how distant we have become of late over the whispers of a ruffian, whose sole contribution to your works an eye in the dark.

The same ruffian that cut the cloth of enemies I did not have, concepting conspiracies that did not exist, through the plain manipulation of his words, and the truth.

Drunken stupors are regrettable, but such aside, I have bid no one to consider you a murderer so long as I serve the Living Brother, and I have never dallied from the fact that I have no proof of my suspicions, and so in the place of suspicion, there can only be trust.

You laid before me two paths. Correct my words in public, or not, and see how I might fair in the Primary. Whether that was a threat against my life or not, it matters little. I do not serve you any longer, and so your ultimatum holds no meaning. But on the matter of remaining cordial, and stepping out of your way that shall be a short lived tenure in the grand scheme of our League's future, I offer another path.

I have long since my arrival to the Citadel considered employment with La Banda Rossa, owing to some sense of brotherhood, and the friendship I have built with Luther Donisthrope. They ask for only one last thing, to expedite my recruitment. Your blessings, and referral of my good deed.

You shall not have a public apology for a thing that has not been spoken in public, let alone over the bellows, for to say such would only spread this lie further. But you shall have my assurances, as I have done already, to be silent on the matter and let it die in Gellema's banquet of secrecy and lies.

You remain the sole candidate for our League, and I take a different path, the Lily still close to my heart and my pen not far. To write of my works in peace, in the midst of campaigns, battle and negotiating tables.

With regards,

Your hopeful and regretful friend




The choice was no threat upon your life, but more of one against your dwindling integrity that crumbles beneath the weight of what I thought to be lesser men than yourself. You have outcast me and slandered me in countless private chambers over the murder of someone in which I had no involvement, and now you ask me to give you praise so that you might join the Banda Rossa? I should hope that you can see the irony in this. Will you act the same way when the contracts you are bound to lead down similar paths?

You will receive nothing until you clearly correct the statements that you have made against me, and furthermore elaborate upon whatever treachery and schemes the Lieutenant Colmes put you up to from within that garrison. Should you remain unwilling to fix your errors and openly admit for your mistakes that boiled over from these private meetings, then you are not deserving of anything at all.




You are informed of one meeting amongst trusted friends of my suspicions regarding your possible involvement in the assassination of Inanna.

Information I have no doubt that Oswick fed to you in droves, with added details as fits the little Viper. Information I again, am doubtless, that Denain le Jonquille either belayed to you in earnest, or further twisted himself. Knowing the man is honest, I shall say the latter.

Unless the Fourth Legion has come to you directly to speak of an interrogation and what transpired in that dark garrison, you know next to nothing of the truth. You are arrogant, and more often than naught these days, it has begun to bleed into your very being.

That you cannot possibly concept the very notion of your own guilt (even if you are innocent of what I suspect, murder has lived in your mind before) is tangible to this very fact. What I thought to be mistakes I say are now lessons, lessons I shall learn from, but not to your benefit. Not any longer.

We will see how far your ill sought notions of Paradise bring you, and the sole weapon you have relied on since I've known you; countless mountains of beautifully prosed slander. There is not a single idea worthy of our League in that head of yours.

Regardless, soon you shall no longer be Legate, and doubtless you will lose this election. If not defeated by myself in the Primary, then by Lujayn in the General, for it has unraveled quickly that you are little more than a radical that shall do whatever she must to achieve her goals.

The Absolution was a fine prospect, but I do not think they shall ever hear your confession.

A shame.

- Edmund